How to extract only the hour from a timestamp in sql? - sql

Hi I have data with column name 'trx_time'.
The data looks like this:
'2022-03-06 11:25:36'
I just want to extract the hour from the string. How can I do it?
I was thinking regex_extract. But don't know how to write the regex.

This will extract the Hour from a date field in Presto.
SELECT extract(HOUR FROM trx_time) as hour FROM table_name;
However, if your field is a String type representing a timestamp (ISO 8601), you would have to use the from_iso8601_date or from_iso8601_timestamp functions.
SELECT extract(HOUR FROM from_iso8601_date(trx_time)) as hour FROM table_name;


How do I convert iso to DATE without the trailing time string?

The following function returns dates in this format, "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" and all I need is just the date portion of "2021-01-01".
DATE_TRUNC(‘day’, timestamp)
The return value from your current call to DATE_TRUNC already functionally is the date 2021-01-01, which in timestamp form is at midnight. That being said, if you want to view as a date only, then maybe you want this:
SELECT FORMAT_DATETIME("%Y-%m-%d", DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp))
FROM yourTable;
Another trick which might work on BigQuery is to cast the timestamp to a VARCHAR of the right length:
SELECT CAST(DATE_TRUNC('day', timestamp) AS VARCHAR(10))
FROM yourTable;

Extract date, hour from the utc time

I would like to extract the date & hour from UTC time from the below table in bigquery. I have used timestamp for getting the date or time using the below code. I would like to apply the code for the entire column. How to apply timestamp for the entire column? Can you please assist with it?
SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP "2020-05-03 16:49:47.583494")
My data is like this
I want result like this:
You can do it this way:
SELECT my_column AS original_value,
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(my_column, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s.%f UTC"), "%e/%m/%Y") AS date,
DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(my_column, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s.%f UTC"), "%l%p") AS hour
FROM my_table;
I am assuming that the column is VARCHAR, that's why I am converting it to DATE.
You can check the demo here.
My initial thought was that OP wanted the query for MySQL (probably BigQuery is based on that). But it turns out that BigQuery is not based on MySQL. So you can use FORMAT_TIMESTAMP in BigQuery, this is how the query would look:
SELECT Occurrence AS original_value,
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%e/%m/%Y", Occurrence) AS date,
FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%l%p", Occurrence) AS hour
FROM mytable

SQL extracting hour and minute from date into a single column

I have a column in the format YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS and I wish to extract just the hour and minutes from this into a column. Currently on the code they are using
Extract(HOUR From table) AS HR
, Extract(MINUTE From table) AS MN
but this outputs them into 2 columns. I'm new to SQL so is there an easier way to extract hour and minutes into one column in the format HH:MI.
Using Teradata, simply concatenate the output from each of the functions to give the answer:
Extract(HOUR From table) || ':' || Extract(MINUTE From table) AS OUTPUT
Don't know about teradata but something like this.
SELECT CONCAT(Extract(HOUR From table),Extract(MINUTE From table)) as HRandMI
If you got a Timestamp the easiest way to get a HH:MI string is:
to_char(mycol, 'HH24:MI')

EXTRACT the date and time - (Teradata)

I am trying to extract the date and time from a field in Teradata.
The field in question is:
Here is what the data look like:
01/02/2012 12:18:59.306000
I'd like the date and time only.
I have tried using EXTRACT(Date, EXTRACT(DAY_HOUR and a few others with no success.
DATE_FORMAT() does not appear to work since I'm on Teradata.
How would I select the date and time from VwNIMEventFct.EVENT_GMT_TIMESTAMP?
If the datatype of EVENT_GMT_TIMESTAMP is a TIMESTAMP, it's simple Standard SQL:
If it's a CHAR you need to apply a FORMAT, too:
For simply changing the display format you need to add a FORMAT and a CAST to a string:
If you don't care about display, just want to truncate the seconds:
Working with timestamps is a bit tricky :-)
I know this is an old topic, but I've struggled with this too. Try:
The result will be
01/02/2012 12:18:59
The datatype will still be timestamp, but it will just be the date and time with no microseconds (looks just like a datetime object in Microsoft SQL).

Compare date + time with timestamp

I have a table with two temporal columns. First (name is DATE) is storing the date (not including the time part) and therefor the datatype is DATE. Second column (name is TIME) is for storing the time in seconds and therefor the datatype is NUMBER.
I need to compare this two dates with a timestamp from another table. How can I calculate the date of the two columns (DATE and TIME) and compare to the timestamp of the other table?
I have tried to calculate the hours out of the time column and add it to the date column, but the output seems not correct:
SELECT to_date(date + (time/3600), 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') FROM mytable;
The output is just the date, but not the time component.
You can use the INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND type:
SELECT your_date + NUMTODSINTERVAL(your_time_in_seconds, 'SECOND') FROM dual;
The calculated date with time is: 10-11-2013 11:01:27
This is a better idea than dividing your value by 3600 in my opinion, as you have an interval in seconds, so it feels natural to use an interval to represent your time, which can then be easily added to a column of DATE datatype.
Oracle Interval in Documentation
NUMTODSINTERVAL Function in documentation
date + (time/3600) is already a DATE, so you don't need to do to_date(). It does have the time part you added though, you just aren't displaying it. If you want to output that as a string in the format you've shown, use to_char() instead:
SELECT to_char(date + (time/3600), 'dd-mm-yy hh24:mi:ss') FROM mytable;
... except that if time is actually in seconds, you need to divide by 86400 (24x60x60), not 3600. At the moment you're relying on your client's default date format, probably NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which doesn't include the time portion from what you've said. That doesn't mean the time isn't there, it just isn't displayed.
But that is just for display. Leave it as a date, by just adding the two values, when comparing against you timestamp, e.g.
WHERE date + (time/86400) < systimestamp
Try like this,
SELECT TO_DATE('11/11/2013','dd/mm/yyyy') + 3600/60/60/24 FROM DUAL;
Your query,
SELECT date + time/60/60/24 FROM mytable;
try using to_timestamp instead of to_date