Gatsby source shopify - shopify

I'm developing a headless commerce app for a client with Gatsby and Shopify. The situation is we're having a couple of collections and inside each collection, there will be a list of products.
But at the time of querying, I'm only getting the option to query allShopifyProducts. Unable to query for collections.
Gatsby Source Shopify plugin receives 2 required parameters password and storeUrl. I put the Admin API access token as a value for a password which makes the building process works with no errors. But with all that I'm unable to get the queries for Collections. Is there any way around it? I've been searching for 7 hours, but am unable to get the appropriate result

The README at states:
Add the following under the Active Permissions for this App section:
Read access for Product listings if you enable collections in the plugin options
And then under the plugin options itself:
shopifyConnections: string[]
An optional array of additional data types to source. Accepted values: 'orders', 'collections', 'locations'
The documentation is not outdated.


How to Filter category data without change URL and querystring in bigcommerce

I am new in bigcommerce and I using the stencil and bigcommerce/stencil-utils.
When I filter data from provided option then add query string with existing URL as per below URL.[]=0.46&carat[]=3
After then data filter.
Any possible way to product data filter data without add query string in URL in bigcommerce
Please help.
This is not natively possible with Cornerstone and you would have to build this out yourself.
One option would be to create & inject custom scripts on custom catalog templates that can handle the filtering with JS, compared to how BigCommerce natively handles this, with query strings. The method BigCommerce is using with query strings could be useful from a merchandising/marketing perspective as you can link to your filtered results as its own page so that's something to consider when thinking of alternatives without present in the url.
Depending on the priority, size and flexibility needed for this requirement and where you are in your site building process, you could also consider building out a headless storefront. You could use the GraphQL API to query catalog results, or our S2S APIs. To handle the filtering, you could look at storing this in the state (if you were to build a storefront with a state management library) or something custom to your liking that can handle the filtering in a more discrete way.

TODOIST API: How to get list of users to assign a specific user to task?

It seems that API allows to assign users to a task (called an Item in the API) using the body field responsible_uid at the add an item endpoint. However I cannot find a way to list user uids or any other way to get user details anywhere in API documentation.
Official python library todoist-python doesn't provide any way to do this either. So for now it seems I can only create tasks without assigning them to anybody, which is a bummer.
Any advise grately appreciated!
Todoist Sync API
You should first share a project and then you can get all collaborators in the Sync request.

GitLab api: how am i able the get the list of projects using gitlab api?

i was trying to get the list of projects in my gitlab using Git api. for that i was following Git lab api instruction.
they said i can access the list of project by this link:
but unfortunately with the above link i got bunch of information, which is not mine at all. i got the information which is owned by other users.
In that case how am i able the get my own projects information?
Nevertheless, the respond JSON has so many attribute. is there anyway that i can achieve the attribute according to my desire?
You can use owned=true to get only project which you are owner and simple=true to have limited field, check this :

Issue with Rally rest API - .Net

I'm getting error when trying to import stories using Rally rest API.
I query for project, release and import stories with tags. The program will create tags if it does not exist, if it exists add the tag to user stories. Multiple tags are added to the story after it is created.
This program after it creates 20-30 stories, fails with the error
"You must provide a reference to retrieve data from CA Agile Central.
Parameter name: aRef"
Any thoughts as to how to get this issue resolved?

TYPO3 - Insert api medipim

I want to call products on a web page via the api of Medipim. I have never done this before and I have never worked with TYPO3.
Therefore two questions.
In which (config) file do I place the authentication (I have an ID and secret key) and what exactly does that code look like?
When I want to call up the products, how do I use this in the TYPO3 page environment? Do I have to choose a html page or can I just enter it in the TYPO3 editor on a page?
Documentation: watch
You probably need an extension which converts the data you get from medipim to HTML. I Expect you get information as JSON, XML, or CSV.
As you won't publish your access code you probably will not use a javascript call from the browser to access the API, then you need some PHP.
Using PHP in TYPO3 is done in extensions. You should learn about building extensions in TYPO3. As a healper you might use the TYPO3 extension "Extension Builder" (=EB). As you have no local records you only need the extension frame with just one plugin from the EB.
Depending on your usage (will an editor select products from Medipim (option A) or should the visitor be able to select products (option B)?) you need a plugin with an option to insert desired product identification for BackEnd editors or just an input mask.
you can configure your plugin with typoscript so an integrator can enter the authentification information just once.
For option A you need to enhance your plugin with a field for the product ids.
keyword: flexform
for Option B you need a form.
Then you need to display the product information you get from the API. provide the returned data in variables and use Fluid templates to get a nice display.
Without any knowledge of TYPO3 this will be hard work and a lot to learn. The other possibility: hire an experienced TYPO3 developer and let him build this extension for you.