Missing out endpoint for a relay - relay

Connecting to a usb-relay (https://www.amazon.de/ARCELI-SRD-05VDC-SL-C-Relaismodul-steuerschalter-intelligente/dp/B07J2PY13G/ref=sr_1_15?crid=1OQO4UWC6499D&keywords=usb+relais+5v&qid=1647548932&sprefix=usb+relais%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-15) from a windows 10 pc I only get information of existing IN-ENDPOINT.
But I am missing the OUT-ENDPOINT.
What did I wrong ?
I installed 3 drivers via libusbK-
WinUsb v6.1.7600.16385 (04/09/2017)
libusbK v3.0.7.0 (07/19/2021)
libusb0 v1.2.6.0 (06/17/2021)
Using a python-script
import usb.core
import usb.util
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x16C0, idProduct=0x05DF)
if dev is None:
raise ValueError('Device not found')
cfg = dev.get_active_configuration()
intf = cfg[(0,0)]
print ('cfg ',cfg)
ep = usb.util.find_descriptor(
custom_match = \
lambda e: \
usb.util.endpoint_direction(e.bEndpointAddress) == \
print ('ENDPOINT ',ep)
I got
cfg CONFIGURATION 1: 20 mA ===================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x2 Configuration
wTotalLength : 0x22 (34 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x1
bConfigurationValue : 0x1
iConfiguration : 0x0
bmAttributes : 0x80 Bus Powered
bMaxPower : 0xa (20 mA)
INTERFACE 0: Human Interface Device ====================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x0
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x1
bInterfaceClass : 0x3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x0
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x0
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x81: Interrupt IN ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 IN
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x8 (8 bytes)
bInterval : 0x14


BTLE ServiceData is always null

I am working on a react-native Android app using react-native-ble-plx for BTLE support, and Windows 10 using the .NET API Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile for the GATT server/peripheral.
When I add any "ServiceData" to the advertising payload in the Windows GATT service, the scanned device's 'serviceData' payload is always null in the react-native client.
In the Windows 10 server, if the GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters.ServiceData property is not null, then the service advertisement status is GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus.StartedWithoutAllAdvertisementData. (When leaving 'ServiceData' set to null, it is GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus.Started, as expected).
Using the Silicon Labs "EFR Connect" app in android, it also does not show any ServiceData for the device in the advertising packet.
Using WireShark with BTVS to inspect the packets on the Windows machine, it does show the Service Data bytes, and the controller shows a 'Success' response.
Here is the code where I set up the ServiceData in Windows:
GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters advParameters = new GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters
IsConnectable = _peripheralSupported,
IsDiscoverable = true,
ServiceData = GetServiceData().AsBuffer()
_serviceProvider.AdvertisementStatusChanged += ServiceProvider_AdvertisementStatusChanged;
private byte[] GetServiceData()
var flagsData = new List<byte> { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
flagsData.AddRange(new List<byte>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP")));
return flagsData.ToArray();
Here is the code in the react-native scanner:
public scanDevices(
timeoutSeconds: number,
listener: (error: string | null, scannedDevice: IPhoenixDevice | null) => void,
): void {
console.log('Entered PhoenixDeviceManager.scanDevices');
this.isScanning = true;
try {
this.scannedDevices.length = 0; // Clear array of devices
this.bleManager.startDeviceScan(this.serviceUUIDs, null, (error, scannedDevice) => {
console.log('In device scan callback');
if (error) {
listener(`Error message: ${error.message}, reason: ${error.reason}`, null);
if (!scannedDevice) {
console.log('scannedDevice is null');
} else if (!this.scannedDevices.some((d) => d.id === scannedDevice.id)) {
listener(null, new PhoenixDevice(scannedDevice.id, scannedDevice.name));
`Device discovered, id: ${scannedDevice.id}, name: ${scannedDevice.name}, localName: ${scannedDevice.localName}, serviceData: ${scannedDevice.serviceData}`,
const timeoutMs = timeoutSeconds * 1000;
// stop scanning devices after specified number of seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeoutMs);
} catch (error) {
Here is the WireShark trace running on Windows 10 showing the packet containing the ServiceData (and the Success response):
Frame 499: 84 bytes on wire (672 bits), 84 bytes captured (672 bits) on interface TCP#, id 0
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI Command - LE Set Extended Advertising Data
Command Opcode: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x2037)
Parameter Total Length: 80
Advertising Handle: 0x02
Data Operation: Complete scan response data (0x03)
Fragment Preference: The Controller should not fragment or should minimize fragmentation of Host data (0x01)
Data Length: 76
Advertising Data
Length: 2
Type: Flags (0x01)
000. .... = Reserved: 0x0
...1 .... = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Host): true (0x1)
.... 1... = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Controller): true (0x1)
.... .0.. = BR/EDR Not Supported: false (0x0)
.... ..1. = LE General Discoverable Mode: true (0x1)
.... ...0 = LE Limited Discoverable Mode: false (0x0)
16-bit Service Class UUIDs
Length: 3
Type: 16-bit Service Class UUIDs (0x03)
UUID 16: Device Information (0x180a)
128-bit Service Class UUIDs
Length: 17
Type: 128-bit Service Class UUIDs (0x07)
Custom UUID: caecface-e1d9-11e6-bf01-fe55135034f0 (Unknown)
Service Data - 128 bit UUID
Length: 50
Type: Service Data - 128 bit UUID (0x21)
Custom UUID: caecface-e1d9-11e6-bf01-fe55135034f0 (Unknown)
Service Data: ffff0000000000000000000000000000004142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f50
[Response in frame: 500]
[Command-Response Delta: 1.889ms]
Frame 500: 7 bytes on wire (56 bits), 7 bytes captured (56 bits) on interface TCP#, id 0
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI Event - Command Complete
Event Code: Command Complete (0x0e)
Parameter Total Length: 4
Number of Allowed Command Packets: 1
Command Opcode: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x2037)
0010 00.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: LE Controller Commands (0x08)
.... ..00 0011 0111 = Opcode Command Field: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x037)
Status: Success (0x00)
[Command in frame: 499]
[Command-Response Delta: 1.889ms]
I've also tried using the exact code verbatim in this example and it has the exact same problem:
Does anyone know what the problem might be?

No data received form USB device

I'm implementing USB web cam on top of Atmega32U4.
I think I managed to implement transactions on the control endpoint, more or less correctly, as all the descriptors are transited and device reports correctly in the system.
Issue is when I'm trying to send video data out of the device, as nothing seems to go through.
The way I implemented data transmission (according to section 22.14 of datasheet) is as follows:
while (len > 0) {
while (1) {
if (bit_is_set(UEINTX, TXINI) && bit_is_set(UEINTX, FIFOCON))
while (bit_is_set(UEINTX, RWAL) && len > 0) {
UEDATX = *buff++;
When debugging this I noticed that bank is filled with data during the first loop, but data is not transmitted to the host. It is looping forever in the TXINI,FIFOCON part. Nothing, except the control requests, is shown in the Wireshark. I'm not sure if I missconfigured something on the MCU registers, so it is not sending data to the host upon the request, or in the descriptors, status, etc, so host is not asking for data.
What might have I messed up?
lsusb -v
Bus 001 Device 077: ID 6431:deb2 majkrzak majkrzak
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 2.00
bDeviceClass 239 Miscellaneous Device
bDeviceSubClass 2
bDeviceProtocol 1 Interface Association
bMaxPacketSize0 32
idVendor 0x6431
idProduct 0xdeb2
bcdDevice 0.00
iManufacturer 1 majkrzak
iProduct 1 majkrzak
iSerial 1 majkrzak
bNumConfigurations 1
Configuration Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 2
wTotalLength 0x00a0
bNumInterfaces 2
bConfigurationValue 1
iConfiguration 1 majkrzak
bmAttributes 0x80
(Bus Powered)
MaxPower 500mA
Interface Association:
bLength 8
bDescriptorType 11
bFirstInterface 0
bInterfaceCount 2
bFunctionClass 14 Video
bFunctionSubClass 3 Video Interface Collection
bFunctionProtocol 0
iFunction 1 majkrzak
Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 4
bInterfaceNumber 0
bAlternateSetting 0
bNumEndpoints 0
bInterfaceClass 14 Video
bInterfaceSubClass 1 Video Control
bInterfaceProtocol 1
iInterface 1 majkrzak
VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
bLength 13
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 1 (HEADER)
bcdUVC 1.50
wTotalLength 0x0028
dwClockFrequency 16.000000MHz
bInCollection 1
baInterfaceNr( 0) 1
VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
bTerminalID 1
wTerminalType 0x0201 Camera Sensor
bAssocTerminal 2
iTerminal 1 majkrzak
wObjectiveFocalLengthMin 0
wObjectiveFocalLengthMax 0
wOcularFocalLength 0
bControlSize 3
bmControls 0x00000000
VideoControl Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
bTerminalID 2
wTerminalType 0x0101 USB Streaming
bAssocTerminal 1
bSourceID 1
iTerminal 1 majkrzak
Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 4
bInterfaceNumber 1
bAlternateSetting 0
bNumEndpoints 1
bInterfaceClass 14 Video
bInterfaceSubClass 2 Video Streaming
bInterfaceProtocol 1
iInterface 1 majkrzak
VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
bLength 13
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 1 (INPUT_HEADER)
bNumFormats 1
wTotalLength 0x0055
bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
bmInfo 0
bTerminalLink 2
bStillCaptureMethod 0
bTriggerSupport 0
bTriggerUsage 0
bControlSize 0
bmaControls( 0) 27
VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
bLength 27
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 4 (FORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED)
bFormatIndex 1
bNumFrameDescriptors 1
guidFormat {32595559-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71}
bBitsPerPixel 8
bDefaultFrameIndex 0
bAspectRatioX 1
bAspectRatioY 1
bmInterlaceFlags 0x00
Interlaced stream or variable: No
Fields per frame: 2 fields
Field 1 first: No
Field pattern: Field 1 only
bCopyProtect 0
VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor:
bLength 38
bDescriptorType 36
bDescriptorSubtype 5 (FRAME_UNCOMPRESSED)
bFrameIndex 1
bmCapabilities 0x02
Still image unsupported
Fixed frame-rate
wWidth 16
wHeight 16
dwMinBitRate 262144
dwMaxBitRate 262144
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize 768
dwDefaultFrameInterval 1000000
bFrameIntervalType 0
dwMinFrameInterval 1000000
dwMaxFrameInterval 1000000
dwFrameIntervalStep 0
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
bmAttributes 2
Transfer Type Bulk
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0020 1x 32 bytes
bInterval 1
Device Status: 0x0000
(Bus Powered)
I'd made a simple script with pyusb which is pulling data from the endpoint and it works. Wireshark is showing the transactions, so it means that in the uvcvideo case data is not pulled at all. Definitely I messed up the descriptors then.
The reason why uvc driver is not pulling any data for the device, is that you set dwMaxVideoFrameSize and dwMaxPayloadTransferSize to 0. Set it to value high enough for your case and it will work.

can I get 255 packets from VCP (virtual COM Port)?

I know the default setting value for 'VIRTUAL_COM_PORT_DATA_SIZE 64' at usb_desc.h for STM32 Library.
however, I want to get the 255 bytes at one time due to the long packets of our project.
So I have changed the following modify code point, I couldn't get the right value with problem for 'USB defect problem'.
/****** usb_prop.c **********/
DEVICE_PROP Device_Property = {
0xFF /*MAX PACKET SIZE*/ // default : 0x40
/****** usb_desc.c **********/
/* USB Standard Device Descriptor */
const uint8_t Virtual_Com_Port_DeviceDescriptor[] = {
0x12, /* bLength */
0x02, /* bcdUSB = 2.00 */
0x02, /* bDeviceClass: CDC */
0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass */
0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol */
0xFF, /* bMaxPacketSize0 */ // default : 0x40
0x04, /* idVendor = 0x0483 */
0x57, /* idProduct = 0x7540 */
0x02, /* bcdDevice = 2.00 */
1, /* Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer */
2, /* Index of string descriptor describing product */
3, /* Index of string descriptor describing the device's serial number */
0x01 /* bNumConfigurations */ };
/****** usb_desc.h **********/
#define VIRTUAL_COM_PORT_DATA_SIZE 255 // 0xFF, default : 64
please tell me how to modify in order to send as 255 bytes from USB packets.
You can't do it this way. The size of the packet is USB endpoint related and for the FS USB it is always 64 bytes. My advice is: do not modify any descriptors unless you really know what are you doing (which is not the case here).
How to receive larger chunks of data:
create a buffer
when data arrives copy it (append) to that buffer
check if you have received all data needed
if not go to point (2) else goto point(5)
Do something with the data (your large packet)
Reset the buffer and goto point 2

USB CDC work only once w/ interupt endp

I'm implementing a Virtual COM port on an STM32F4 MCU.
The MCU don't have endpoints left available so I have to revome interupt endpoint/notification element.
The problem is the MCU can send a message to the pc only once, after the pc will not get it.
The device USB descriptor:
Interface Association Descriptor:
0x08 bLength
0x0B bDescriptorType
0x02 bFirstInterface
0x02 bInterfaceCount
0x02 bFunctionClass (Communication Device Class)
0x02 bFunctionSubClass (Abstract Control Model)
0x01 bFunctionProtocol (ITU-T V.250)
0x06 iFunction
Interface Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x04 bDescriptorType
0x02 bInterfaceNumber
0x00 bAlternateSetting
0x00 bNumEndPoints
0x02 bInterfaceClass (Communication Device Class)
0x02 bInterfaceSubClass (Abstract Control Model)
0x01 bInterfaceProtocol (ITU-T V.250)
0x02 iInterface ""
CDC Header Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x00 bDescriptorSubtype
0x0110 bcdCDC
CDC Call Management Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x01 bDescriptorSubtype
0x00 bmCapabilities
0x01 bDataInterface
CDC Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor:
0x04 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x02 bDescriptorSubtype
0x02 bmCapabilities
CDC Union Functional Descriptor:
0x05 bFunctionalLength
0x24 bDescriptorType
0x06 bDescriptorSubtype
0x00 bControlInterface
0x01 bSubordinateInterface(0)
Interface Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x04 bDescriptorType
0x03 bInterfaceNumber
0x00 bAlternateSetting
0x02 bNumEndPoints
0x0A bInterfaceClass (CDC Data)
0x00 bInterfaceSubClass
0x00 bInterfaceProtocol
0x02 iInterface ""
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x03 bEndpointAddress (OUT Endpoint)
0x02 bmAttributes (Transfer: Bulk / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0010 wMaxPacketSize (16 Bytes)
0x00 bInterval
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x85 bEndpointAddress (IN Endpoint)
0x02 bmAttributes (Transfer: Bulk / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0010 wMaxPacketSize (16 Bytes)
0x00 bInterval
If i remove this useless endpoint the usbser windows driver go nuts.
So You have to have an interupt IN endpoint even if the application never ever use it.

Enable RTS pin on Beaglebone Black UART1

I want to use RTS pin of UART1 to communicate through RS 485 protocol.
I have enabled UART1 through
optargs=quiet drm.debug=7 capemgr.enable_partno=BB-UART1
Device tree overlay snippet:
0x180 0x20 /* uart1_rxd | MODE0 */
0x184 0x20 /* uart1_txd | MODE0 */
0x17c 0x00 /* uart1_rts | MODE0 */
0x178 0x00 /* uart1_cts | MODE0 */
cat /proc/tty/driver/OMAP-SERIAL
serinfo:1.0 driver revision:
0: uart:OMAP UART0 mmio:0x44E09000 irq:72 tx:2818 rx:100 RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR
1: uart:OMAP UART1 mmio:0x48022000 irq:73 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD|RI
How to enable RTS pin on P9.19 by selecting mode 0 ?
The muxing mode of the pins both set to same mode.
Change it to:
0x180 0x20 /* UART1_RXD, INPUT | MODE0 */
0x184 0x00 /* UART1_TXD, OUTPUT | MODE0 */
0x17c 0x00 /*UART1_RTS*/
0x178 0x20 /*UART1_CTS*/
To use the RTS pin send the pin number from the overlay.
rts-gpio = <&gpio0 13 0>