Is there a way to integrate my youtube community posts into my website? - api

I was already aware that using Twitter's API you could link any tweet you made on Twitter onto a feed on another website.
However, I want to possibly, in the future or right now, be able to use YouTube's API to link my posts on my community page to my website updates. Of course, I would rewrite the code and get rid of my Twitter updates and API and replace it with the YouTube community posts API, but first I need to know if it is even possible. I know, YouTube community posts are relatively new, so there might not be an easy answer for this. Maybe someone could point me in a direction to find answers, if there are any. I could make a post about this on the YouTube support forums, but I'm sure you're all aware that the most I'll get is an automated response, not a real person to help me out. Any help is appreciated. I look forward to your responses and advice.


Idea to telegram chat-bot. (but how to implement it....)

I would like to make a chat-bot for telegram, which, upon request, gives out a random post from the page of a certain community in social network.
Could somebody please tell me some thoughts about how to reach the solution?
May be the start question is "Is it possible to download all posts from the community feed in"
I really don't know how to approach this problem.

How to find the **alwasys** up to date Facebook Login API Worlflow URLs

This is additional question in regards to another relevant question:
Facebook Authorization url, scoped authorization url and token url
, I am new to OAuth2.0, so assume I didn't learn literature well back in high school!! (I have seen some people with very short learning curve recommended to read the Facebook login API documentation)
I have looked at it, but didn't find the
Authorization URL
Access Token URL
While I was searching for some demos, in one video it used
key being: v6.0
in another it used:
key being: v15.0
and in the original post, the kind person who answered seemed to suggest to use:
(which didn't mention the version ID at all, that worked for me, and I like it; easier to remember and use. HOWEVER, previous two also kinda make sense, I don't think Facebook gonna stop enhancing and upgrading its OAuth2 APIs.
and if I go back to the original question, how can I find the latest URL info for above mentioned endpoints?
Thank you a million in advance!!
if this question was too basic, please be tolerant, I am new to OAuth2.0!

YouTube API is it possible to return all of the comments ever made by a user?

I have VERY limited use of the YouTube API.
I am messing about in the sandbox.
But I would really like to know if it's possible to return all of the comments, made by a certain username?
I'd love to be able to track my own comments on YT videos that I have made?
To be able to see which comment was made against which video?
That would be amazing.
I have made a cursory look into the API and the browser options - but there isn't any way to do as far as I know?
I mess around with the API would I be able to find a call that returns what I am looking for?
Any help? I can't be the 1st person to want this?

Tumblr API change and the downfall of certain apps

I've searched endlessly for answers, and I just cannot seem to find anything!
I use an app (Mac) called Hyperimage for my Tumblr blog.
Since the developer has completely abandoned this app (not returning any customer service emails, fixing this problem, ignoring a refund request via PayPal until I had to complain, etc.) I cannot figure out how I could possibly fix the API, myself?
I'd be very grateful if I could be pointed in the right direction!
Thank you!

Know user's twitter applications installed

first of all, I'm spanish so sorry about my English.
It's my first question, so I hope do it correctly.
I have been looking for in the searcher and google but I didn't find solution about my problem.
I need to know who of my friends have installed one app via API (I have twitter4j lib.).
I have a friend's list id and I need to know if one per one have or not permission to one app.
I have seen all the methods in twitter4j but I don't know how do it.
It seems easy... so sorry if the answer is stupid, I have tried to search everywhere I have could.
This is possible via twitters settings page, however there's no API available for this.
If you mean source of the tweets? Like Web, Mobile Web, Twitter for Blackberry
Source of tweets (Application user tweeted with) is returned for each tweet gotten.