Intellij Idea prompt on hover - intellij-idea

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 and cannot find any tool for show popup window or prompt when hovering over a button. Which setting should be turned on/off for this?
For example i wish to see what does button with wrench mean on hover it

Disable the Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance | Support screen readers option.

I don't think I understand your problem, but under File, Settings, Editor, Code Editing you may find what you are looking for. There is a checkbox there to show quick documentation on hover.


Lightbulb Popup in Intellij

I like the Intellij Lightbulb popup, but it always seems to appear right when I'm about to click in the editor content, showing up at the worst possible time and the worst location.
Anyone know how to either set a longer delay before the Lightbulb shows up or how to reposition it so it is farther out of the way?
You can disable it completely at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show intention bulb and use Alt+Enter instead to show it when needed.

intellij/android studio idea shows a balloon of preview of a code statement

i am using android studio/intellij idea
my idea starts showing me a balloon with a preview of a method
and it disturbs me when i need the top bar like finding text
(it appears when i scroll far from that part of code).
i tried to search the web and to play with the settings
but i did not find any solution for it how do i fix it?
Disable Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show code lens on scrollbar hover.
Related documentation section.

Customize Intellij top menu to include debugger icons

I would like the debugger menu (with the step over and step into etc) buttons up in the top menu next to the run/debug/stop buttons. Is there any way to make this happen? I can move then entire debugging pane up top. But that is not what I want. I just want the icons up top like other IDE's have.
this is a different question than How do I move the toolbar in IntelliJ?
I am not asking how to move the existing toolbar, I'm asking how to add the debug buttons to the toolbar up top.
It's not possible at the moment. Feel free to create feature request on YouTrack:
It is possible now as JetBrains has added highly-customizable functionality for controlling commands in menus and toolbars.
For Windows/Linux: File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars
For Mac: IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars
Additional info on the IntelliJ website.

Change background color of highlighted HTML elements

When I hover the mouse on a HTML tag in the tiny bar under the file tab, the background of the highlighted element is very bright, and the text becomes unreadable.
I couldn't find a way to customize this in the settings, can somebody help?
Here's what I mean:
It uses your caret row color (it just automatically makes it lighter so it's more visible) and not some separate style which you can disable/modify.
ATM there is no option to disable such behaviour. I mean -- IDEA-139930 ticket is fixed, but not available in 141.xx branch that PhpStorm is currently built on.
If it annoys you a lot then right now I may only suggest to disable that breadcrumbs bar altogether until PhpStorm will move to 142.xx or newer branch. For that: Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show HTML breadcrumbs (you will have to close and reopen that file to see the changes).
You should post more info about specification: exact version of PhpStorm etc.
Try this:

How to disable auto show hints in JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm) on mouse over

How to disable auto show hints in IntelliJ IDEA on mouse over?
This hint could be very big if you call existing method with incorrect parameters. It's very uncomfortable.
There are the same behaviour in PyCharm:
and WebStorm:
Those popups (or tooltips) has been my worst annoyance in the editor for a while. There is how I fixed it:
On the editor, at the bottom-right of the window, there is a head icon. Click it and uncheck the box "Import popup".
You can have a look at this guide (with images) to help you finding the checkbox:
I hope that can help you
TOTALLY: Open Settings (or Pereferences, if you are OS X user) dialog, choose Editor | Inspections. On the Mange tab (right pane of the dialog) select Copy. Then click the language node. Here you can find the setion that is probably responsible for your tooltips and disable it. Or disable the whole language node, if you like. This way you have all the IDE features working and no tooltips at all. You can return back to Project Default inspections profile when you need it.
PARTIALLY: Try to disable the respected intention action. Press Alt+Enter when you see the tooltip, select the action from the list and press the right arrow key. In the context menu, select "Disable".
From JetBrains Forum.
You probably need to uncheck the Inlay Hints.
For Windows 10 & PyCharm Community 2020.3.3 :
File > Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints
Uncheck Show hints for: