I am studying this tutorial.
Can you please tell me why my cmd shows "isComplete": false instead of "isComplete": true?
Correct Output
My result
What exactly is affected when isMultiLine set to True for the Dialog widget? I've tried setting that and don't see any visual difference.
I'm new to Groovy and came to Groovy and grails from Java.
I cannot explain this:
boolean boolVar = false
if (boolVar) {
print "ok"
but code execution run inside "if" block, nut boolVar is false
debugger session screenshot
I think the screenshot is a bit wrong as you have nothing after the condition so intelliJ highlight this line but it does not execute it, it seems it goes to the block but it does not print the ok, can you show the result of the run window ?
for example add this to your code
boolean boolVar = false
def output = "I start here"
if (boolVar) {
output += "\noops in loop"
println "ok"
print output
only I start here is being printed
I'm not sure I get it by 100%, did you try this?
boolean boolVar = false
if (!boolVar) {
println "ok"
if(boolVar) and if(boolVar == true) is the same
1.) Remove all breakpoints from your project (Run->View Breakpoints and delete all breakpoints)
2.) Clean the target directory.
3.) Add a new breakpoint at the "print" statement and check if it works now.
I am using Velocity to check if a string ends with a particular value, but I cannot get it to behave. I am using $element.elementType.endsWith("startevent"), which will print true or false correctly, but when I put it into an #if(), it behaves as if it were always true. I have even tried adding .booleanValue() == 1, .booleanValue() == true, and even .booleanValue().toString() == "true". Nothing seems to work. What gives?!
I have a Word macro, orginally recorded by performing the actions with user interface:
Options.CheckGrammarAsYouType = False
Options.CheckSpellingAsYouType = False
ActiveDocument.ShowGrammaticalErrors = False
ActiveDocument.ShowSpellingErrors = False
However , after executing the commands, Word keeps showing spell check errors. When disabled from user interface, the dissappear. Am I missing some kind of Refresh command ?
Add these codes, Document will get refreshed.
ActiveDocument.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I'm deploying an application built with VS 2010 Express edition via ClickOnce.
I have associated some file extensions using the options provided in the Publish section of the project's properties.
When I install the application, the associated file extension icons appear normally in Explorer but, when the user tries to open a file in my application, the associated icons appear blank.
The relative code section is the following:
Dim dialog As New OpenFileDialog
With dialog
.AddExtension = True
.CheckFileExists = True
.CheckPathExists = True
.DefaultExt = "pss"
.FileName = String.Empty
.Filter = "Data files|*.pss|All files (*.*)|*.*"
.FilterIndex = 0
.InitialDirectory = MySettings.SavePath
.Multiselect = False
.ValidateNames = True
If .ShowDialog(Me) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End With
I was always under the impression that OpenFileDialog is a wrapper for Explorer, but for some reason the icons don't appear correct.
Does anyone have any idea how to correct the problem?
Edit: The behaviour is only relevant to Windows 7. Windows XP behaves normally.
I believe you need to set the default view to thumbnail, so that the graphics appear for the pss files. You can check this by manually changing the view to thumbnail while running your application.
If changing the view to thumbnail shows the graphics then check the link below to achieve this:
I forgot to change the included associated icons to:
Build action: Content
Copy to Output Directory: Always
I found this thanks to the manual updates, during which I was getting the error message "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" during the updateCompleted event.