docker executor vs docker dind image - gitlab-ci

I am a newbie in gitlabci. I want to understand why do we need docker dind image in order to build a docker image in GitLab CI jobs. Why can't we use the docker executor and run docker commands under scripts?
When we register docker executor gitlab runner, we choose one image..
Again inside gitlabci, we choose an image under image: or services: fields. So does that mean this GitLab CI job container runs inside the docker executor container?

why do we need docker dind image in order to build a docker image in GitLab CI jobs. Why can't we use the docker executor and run docker commands under scripts?
This partly depends on how you have configured your GitLab runner.
Why docker doesn't work inside containers
When you invoke docker commands, they are really talking to a docker daemon which is needed to perform builds and carry out other docker commands. Typically, jobs running under the docker executor do not have access to any docker daemon by default. It's the same kind of problem you would face if you tried to run docker inside of a docker container you started locally.
Even if I can run docker successfully on my host:
$ docker run --rm docker /bin/sh -c 'hello from container $HOSTNAME'
hello from container 2b51479b11b1
I cannot run docker inside the container
$ docker run --rm docker /bin/sh -c 'docker info'
errors pretty printing info
Context: default
Debug Mode: false
ERROR: error during connect: Get "http://docker:2375/v1.24/info": dial tcp: lookup docker on no such host
The same error would happen trying to run any other significant docker command like build, run, etc.
An exception to this would be if you configured your GitLab runner to run containers in privileged mode and mount /var/run/docker.sock to all your jobs (this would not be advisable) in which case all your jobs could talk directly to the docker daemon on the host. Another exception might be if you use the shell executor instead and you have docker installed on the host where the runner is running.
How the dind service fixes this
The docker:dind service is a daemon that is created just for your job. This is incredibly important because it can prevent concurrent jobs from stepping on one another or being able to escalate access where they might not otherwise have it.
When the build starts, the GitLab runner will create two containers: your job container and the docker:dind container; they are linked together. When your job invokes docker commands, your job connects to the docker:dind container, which then carries out the requested commands.
Any containers created by your job (say, by invoking docker run or docker build as part of your job) are managed by the daemon running on the docker:dind container, not the host daemon. If you run docker ps inside the job, you'll notice that none of the containers run on the host daemon are listed, despite the fact that if you ran docker ps on the host, you would see the job container, the dind container, and any other running containers.
To clarify your other questions:
When we register docker executor gitlab runner, we choose one image
The image specified in your runner configuration is simply the default docker image to be used if a job doesn't declare any image: key. It does not affect how the runner runs in any way.
inside gitlabci, we choose an image under image: or services: fields
When the docker executor runs your job, it uses docker run to do so. The image: key determines which image is used to run your job. Similarly, services: define the image used for service containers -- service containers are siblings to the job container and are connected with links.
So does that mean this GitLab CI job container runs inside the docker executor container?
No. I'd also like to clear up: the runner/executor doesn't run in a container, necessarily. Runners might be installed as a Windows service, or simply even a process running directly on a system. You can use runners that happen to be inside containers, but it doesn't materially affect how jobs are run.
In any case, the containers where your job run are generally always going to be run directly by the host docker daemon.


gitlab CI/CD: How to enter into a container for testing i.e getting an interactive shell

Like in docker we can enter a container by and have an interactive shell
docker-compose exec containername /bin/bash
Similary in the script in gitlab CI/CD can we enter into it. Like it provides an interactive shell
stage: build
- pwd; ls -al
I think we need to do an small detour here and explain how jobs are working in GitLab CI.
Each job is an encapsulated docker container. The container only executes things you like to be executed within the script directive. By default the jobs on shared runners are using a ruby container image.
If you want to check, what you have available within your image, or you want try things out locally. You can do so running a container with this image locally and mounting your project folder into it.
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/build/project" -w "/build/project" -it <the job image> /bin/bash # or /bin/sh or whatever shell is available in the image.
# -v mounts the current directory int /build/project in your container
# -w changes the working directory to the mounting point
# /bin/bash starts the shell, it might be that there are others within the image
If you want to use a different docker image, lets say because you are running some other build tool, you can specify this with the image directive like:
image: maven:latest
- echo "some output"
You do have the functionality available within your job, which is provided by the image. As the job will run within a container of that image.
You can even use some tools like to verify this locally. But in the end those are just docker images, and you can easily recreate the flow on your own.

Gitlab Auto Deploy failing to connect to Docker

I've got Gitlab installed on Kubernetes using Helm and try to get Auto DevOps working but I'm getting the following issue from the Auto DevOps pipeline:
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:01
$ if [[ -z "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]]; then # collapsed multi-line command
$ /build/
Logging in to GitLab Container Registry with CI credentials...
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
Login Succeeded
Building Dockerfile-based application...
Attempting to pull a previously built image for use with --cache-from...
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
No previously cached image found. The docker build will proceed without using a cached image
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://localhost:2375. Is the docker daemon running?
Cleaning up file based variables 00:00
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
I've read abt the issues with Docker-in-Docker, but I couldn't get it to work.
I also tried setting the DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/ variable, but I still get the same error.
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://docker:2375/. Is the docker daemon running?
My Gitlab Runner Helm values looks like this:
privileged: true
create: true
runnerRegistrationToken: mytoken
config: |
executor = "docker"
privileged = true
environment = ["DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR="]
tls_verify = false
privileged = true
I tried using the Auto-DevOps .gitlab-ci.yml template.
My cluster is integrated into Gitlab using the cluster certificate method and running simple CI/CD like
stage: test
- npm run test
Works fine
I tried docker:18.09.7, docker:19.03.1 and docker:latest (and the corresponding -dind services, with or without setting DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375/)
I don't know what I'm missing.
// Update
I got this issue resolved with help from the Gitlab Support.
My issue was that I had to use [runners.kubernetes] config and set privileged to true there. I was only setting it in [runners.docker] as I thought that Kubernetes Gitlab Runners would that config.

How can I get a docker client with docker-py inside a gitlab-ci docker container?

On my local dev machine I use docker.from_env(version=auto) (docker-py) to get a docker client without any issues. If I run the same statement inside a gitlab-ci job which run inside a docker container (or with gitlab-runner exec docker ... during local debugging) to get a docker client I get a DockerException: Error while fetching server API version: ('Connection aborted.', error(2, 'No such file or directory')). How can I get a docker client with docker-py inside a gitlab-ci job which runs inside a docker container?
I think you'll need to build and deploy your own runner with the following binding '/var/sock/docker.sock:/var/sock/docker.sock.

Redis server fails to start in docker

I have a docker image 'redis_image' that installed redis in it. After I run a container as:
docker run --name test_redis -it redis_image bash
the redis server can start normally in the container using '/etc/init.d/redis start'.
But if I run the container with --net=host option, the redis server will fail to start in the container, it says "Starting redis-server: could not open session [Failed]". Is the problem related to the --net=host configuration when I run the container? Thanks.

How to run a Redis server AND another application inside Docker?

I created a Django application which runs inside a Docker container. I needed to create a thread inside the Django application so I used Celery and Redis as the Celery Database.
If I install redis in the docker image (Ubuntu 14.04):
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install redis-server
RUN pip install redis
The Redis server is not launched: the Django application throws an exception because the connection is refused on the port 6379. If I manually start Redis, it works.
If I start the Redis server with the following command, it hangs :
RUN redis-server
If I try to tweak the previous line, it does not work either :
RUN nohup redis-server &
So my question is: is there a way to start Redis in background and to make it restart when the Docker container is restarted ?
The Docker "last command" is already used with:
CMD uwsgi --http --module mymodule.wsgi
RUN commands are adding new image layers only. They are not executed during runtime. Only during build time of the image.
Use CMD instead. You can combine multiple commands by externalizing them into a shell script which is invoked by CMD:
In the script you write the following:
nohup redis-server &
uwsgi --http --module mymodule.wsgi
When you run a Docker container, there is always a single top level process. When you fire up your laptop, that top level process is an "init" script, systemd or the like. A docker image has an ENTRYPOINT directive. This is the top level process that runs in your docker container, with anything else you want to run being a child of that. In order to run Django, a Celery Worker, and Redis all inside a single Docker container, you would have to run a process that starts all three of them as child processes. As explained by Milan, you could set up a Supervisor configuration to do it, and launch supervisor as your parent process.
Another option is to actually boot the init system. This will get you very close to what you want since it will basically run things as though you had a full scale virtual machine. However, you lose many of the benefits of containerization by doing that :)
The simplest way altogether is to run several containers using Docker-compose. A container for Django, one for your Celery worker, and another for Redis (and one for your data store as well?) is pretty easy to set up that way. For example...
# docker-compose.yml
image: myapp
command: uwsgi --http --module mymodule.wsgi
- redis
- mysql
image: myapp
command: celery worker -A myapp.celery
- redis
- mysql
image: redis
image: mysql
This would give you four containers for your four top level processes. redis and mysql would be exposed with the dns name "redis" and "mysql" inside your app containers, so instead of pointing at "localhost" you'd point at "redis".
There is a lot of good info on the Docker-compose docs
use supervisord which would control both processes. The conf file might look like this:
command= /usr/bin/redis-server /srv/redis/redis.conf