How to display Userform Scrollable Listbox value? - vba

In a userform that I create, I add a scrollable listbox (2 columns, 7 rows) and a button.
When I click the button, the value in the third column should change, and the listbox should display the new value accordingly.
Currently particular rows fail to display the new value even I change it already. I also notice that the rows that fail to display the new value are those not showing in the scrollable list box when I click the button.
When I click the button once, the second column of each row is - as expected - increased by 1:
However, when I click the button a second time, the rows that are not displayed in the scrollable listbox at the moment, fail to increase by 1 again:
This is the code I have so far:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For i = 0 To lstProducts.ListCount - 1
lstProducts.List(i, 1) = lstProducts.List(i, 1) + 1
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim iCell As Long
With lstProducts
.ColumnCount = 2
.ColumnWidths = "120;60;50"
.List = Worksheets("Product").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value
End With
End Sub

Replace your loop with this code
x = lstProducts.TopIndex
For i = 0 To lstProducts.ListCount - 1
lstProducts.ListIndex = i
lstProducts.List(i, 1) = lstProducts.List(i, 1) + 1
Next i
lstProducts.ListIndex = x


Button to run code only on this row in access report

I have a report which is a list of players in a football team. I want to add a button to the details so that when the button is clicked the fields in that row toggle between yellow and the normal background.
With my current code if I click on any of the buttons then all of the fields on all rows toggle. I think what is happening is that the button itself isn't being distinct to the row
Private Sub cmdToggle_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Const BackgroundColour = 16777215
If PlayerName.BackColor = BackgroundColour Then
PlayerName.BackColor = vbYellow
Paid.BackColor = vbYellow
PaymentNotes.BackColor = vbYellow
PlayerName.BackColor = BackgroundColour
Paid.BackColor = BackgroundColour
PaymentNotes.BackColor = BackgroundColour
End If
End Sub
Just looking at this single function. I believe you have your code constructed correctly. My guess is that all of your text boxes are named "PlayerName", "Paid", or "PaymentNotes" rather than unique names like "PlayerName1, PlayerName2, and so on. If that is true then your code will change the backcolor for every box with the name "PlayerName"

CheckBox in DataGridView Won't Evaluate if Cell Has Focus

The first column in a DataGridView (dgv1) has checkboxes. Interestingly, when you click on the last checkbox desired, as soon a you loop through the rows for that column to evaluate checked items, the last cell checked (with a cursor on it) does not evaluate to true. The syntax for looping through the checkboxes in column 0 is below:
Dim NumCBChecked As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
If CBool(dgv1(0, i).Value) = True Then
NumCBChecked += 1
End If
Is there a way to set the focus to false if the cell containing the last checkbox checked is in edit mode?
BTW, refreshing the edit status (below) did not help before looping:
Per #JohnG's comment, the suggestion worked as follows:
Dim NumCBChecked As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To dgv1.Rows.Count - 1
If CBool(dgv1(0, i).Value) = True Then
NumCBChecked += 1
End If

ArgumentOutOfRangeException on Datagridview with 1 row

I have a strange problem. I have a form with on it 2 unbounded datagridviews and 2 buttons. With the buttons I switch the rows from 1 datagrid to the other.
In the beginning the left datagrid is filled with a number of rows and the right datagrid is empty. So when I click on the button "Add" the selected row from the left datagrid is removed and added to the right datagrid. With the button "Delete" the selected row of the right datagrid is added back to the left datagrid.
When there is only one row in the right datagrid, and I select it to "delete" it, the row is removed from the right datagrid and added to the left without an exception. Now I have a situation where there is only one row in the left datagrid and when I click "Add" to move it to the right datagrid I get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException (index is out of bounds...)
Below is the code which throws the exception
For i As Integer = DgvLeft.SelectedRows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
ind = DgvLeft.SelectedRows(i).Index
If ind > 0 Then
End If
So I store the row index in a variable. The first time I used the RemoveAt function and the exception is thrown. To resolve this I added the If-structure and tried the Remove function. But again the exception is thrown.
I don't understand why the exception is thrown. I use the same code for the "delete" button and there it doesn't happen. Also when I store the RowIndex in a variable the index is known, but not when I try to Remove the row.
Can someone help me with this strange problem?
Since the posted for loop is “broken”, I feel it is unnecessary to question what you are trying to accomplish here. However, given what you described where there are two grids and two buttons (Add/Delete) on a form. When the “Add” button is clicked, it moves the “selected rows” from the “left” grid to the “right” grid, and then deletes the “selected rows” rows from the “left” grid. If the “Delete” button is clicked, then the opposite process happens moving the “selected rows” from the right grid to the left grid, then delete the selected rows from the right grid.
If this is correct, then it appears you are making this more complicated than it has to be. This would be much easier if you used a data source of some form. However, to break the above problem down, it appears that two methods may come in handy for what you want to do. The first one could simply add the selected rows from one given grid to another given grid. The next method would simply delete the selected rows from a given grid. With these two methods implemented, the “add” button would be…
AddSelectedRows(dgvLeft, dgvRight)
The delete button would be…
AddSelectedRows(dgvRight, dgvLeft)
Before I explain the code below, it should be noted that your current posted code is making a huge programming “no-no” and without question is a problem for you. As Mary and others have pointed out, “changing the value of the counter variable in a loop or (as the code does) changing the collection it is looping through is rarely if ever done.”
Try the code below it may make things easier,
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub FillGrid(dgv As DataGridView)
For i = 0 To 15
dgv.Rows.Add("C0R" + i.ToString(), "C1R" + i.ToString(), "C2R" + i.ToString())
End Sub
Private Sub AddColumns(dgv As DataGridView)
Dim txtCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
txtCol.Name = "Col0"
txtCol.HeaderText = "Col 0"
txtCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
txtCol.Name = "Col1"
txtCol.HeaderText = "Col 1"
txtCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
txtCol.Name = "Col2"
txtCol.HeaderText = "Col 2"
End Sub
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
AddSelectedRows(dgvLeft, dgvRight)
End Sub
Private Sub btnDelete_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
AddSelectedRows(dgvRight, dgvLeft)
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveSelectedRows(dgv As DataGridView)
Dim totalRowsToDelete = dgv.SelectedRows.Count
Dim selectedRow As DataGridViewRow
For i = totalRowsToDelete - 1 To 0 Step -1
selectedRow = dgv.SelectedRows(i)
If (Not selectedRow.IsNewRow) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AddSelectedRows(sourceDGV As DataGridView, destinationDGV As DataGridView)
Dim selectedRowCount = sourceDGV.Rows.GetRowCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Selected)
If (selectedRowCount > 0) Then
Dim selectedRow As DataGridViewRow
For i = 0 To selectedRowCount - 1
selectedRow = sourceDGV.SelectedRows(i)
If (Not selectedRow.IsNewRow) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
You are changing the value of DgvLeft.SelectedRows.Count in your For loop.
Dim RowCount As Integer = DgvLeft.SelectedRows.Count
For i As Integer = RowCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
I want to thank Mary for her answer, because that made me think about my code. I looked at the code of the "delete" button, where I use the same for loop, and that code doesn't throw an exception. So there must be a difference between the code of my two buttons.
This is an expanded piece of my code in the "add" button:
For i As Integer = DgvLeft.SelectedRows.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
'fill the array with the row values
For j As Integer = 0 To DgvLeft.Columns.Count - 1
fields(j) = DgvLeft.SelectedRows(i).Cells(DgvLeft.Columns(j).Name).Value
'delete the row in datagrid Left
ind = DgvLeft.SelectedRows(i).Index
If ind > 0 Then
End If
'add the row in datagrid Right
In the code snippet above I attempt to remove a row BEFORE I add the array of values from this row to the other datagrid. When I looked at the code of the "delete" button I attempt to remove the row AFTER I add the array of values to the other datagrid.
So I moved this piece of code below the code of adding the array of values and it worked. Probably the index exception is thrown by the array rather than the datagridview.

vba excel If condition error on final iteration

I'm having the code takes the input from my checkboxes and grab data from the related worksheet. I ran it line by line and found out that it always gets a runtime error at the If statement on the final loop. Is there something wrong in my code?
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim counter As Long
Dim chkBox As MSForms.CheckBox
''''Add checkboxes based on total sheet count
For counter = 1 To Sheets.count - 2
Set chkBox = Me.Frame1.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox" & counter)
chkBox.Caption = Sheets(counter + 2).Name
chkBox.Left = 10
chkBox.Top = 5 + ((counter - 1) * 20)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()
Dim Series As Object
Dim counter As Long
'''Clear old series
For Each Series In Sheets(2).SeriesCollection
''Cycle through checkboxes
For counter = 1 To Sheets.count - 2
''If the box is checked then
If Me.Frame1.Controls(counter).Value = True Then ''Error here on 4th iteration
''Add new series
With Sheets(2).SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.Name = Sheets(counter + 2).Range("$A$1")
.XValues = Sheets(counter + 2).Range("$A$12:$A$25")
.Values = Sheets(counter + 2).Range("$B$12:$B$25")
End With
End If
Next counter
End Sub
Also, a second problem is it always run on the wrong loop. If i check box 2 it'll run data for the box 1 sheet, 3 run for 2, 4 run for 3, and 1 run for 4. Can anyone explain the reason behind this?
EDIT: So as VincentG point out below, adding an explicit name "checkbox" in there did the trick (i didn't know you could do that). Index 1 was probably taken by one of the buttons or the frame in the user form, causing it to get off set.
I guess your main problem comes from the fact that the controls have to be accessed starting from index 0. So to loop over all controls, you would do something like
For counter = 0 To Me.Frame1.Controls.Count - 1
Debug.Print counter; Me.Frame1.Controls(counter).Name
Next counter
So, when you stick to you code, I assume you have to change the if-statement to
If Me.Frame1.Controls(counter-1).Value = True Then

How to add multiple checkboxes in multiple columns (VBA)

I have a ListView with multiple columns. More precisely, the ListView contains 8 columns. 2 of them should be filled with checkboxes.
Currently only the first column contains checkboxes. It is defined as follows:
While Not rs.EOF
//first column with checkboxes
ListViewCustomer.ListItems.Add , , rs("Id")
ListViewCustomer.ListItems(ListViewCustomer.ListItems.Count).tag = rs("Status")
//second column etc.
ListViewCustomer.ListItems(ListViewCustomer.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , rs("name")
//Here is the second column, which doesn't display the checkboxes
ListViewCustomer.ListItems(ListViewCustomer.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , IIf(IsNull(rs("date_from")), "", rs("date_from"))
ListViewCustomer.ListItems(ListViewCustomer.ListItems.Count).tag = rs("Status2")
Do anyone have an idea how to add the checkboxes in the last column?
Is it possible to realize this column with adding via .Controls?
A ListView is a more expanded version of the ListBox control.
See ListBox control on msdn as well.
They both display records of rows (the ListView has more advanced formatting options). This however means that a record is a row. Therefore you select a row when you select one of the items.
The function of the checkbox is to allow the user to mark the row(s) that is the records(s) he selects.
Thus there is only one checkbox per row, at the front of the row.
Consider this code (this is Excel 2003 VBA, but gives you the idea):
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim MyArray(6, 8)
'Array containing column values for ListBox.
ListBox1.ColumnCount = 8
ListBox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectExtended
'Load integer values MyArray
For i = 0 To 5
MyArray(i, 0) = i
For j = 1 To 7
MyArray(i, j) = Rnd
Next j
Next i
'Load ListBox1
ListBox1.List() = MyArray
End Sub
You could do a custom ListBox or ListView if you really want. You could create a frame and put Labels and CheckBoxes on it. This is the only way to do this in Excel2003 where I tested. The ListBox object has no Controls child.
But this is more like a datagrid and not really a ListBox or ListView which by definition are a listing of records (rows).
I saw your update and that you really want to place the CheckBox at the end of the row.
If you only want one checkbox at the last row, you could do this custom checkbox. Again this is written for the ListBox, so need to convert it to your ListView if you want to.
Still requires a custom handling, but I had some time, so I did this code. See if you like it:
Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
ListBox1.List(i, 3) = ChrW(&H2610)
Next i
ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 3) = ChrW(&H2611)
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim MyArray(5, 3)
'Array containing column values for ListBox.
ListBox1.ColumnCount = 4
ListBox1.MultiSelect = 0
ListBox1.ListStyle = 0
'Load integer values MyArray
For i = 0 To 5
MyArray(i, 0) = i
For j = 1 To 2
MyArray(i, j) = Rnd
Next j
MyArray(i, 3) = ChrW(&H2610)
Next i
'Load ListBox1
ListBox1.List() = MyArray
End Sub