Code check option to make VB.NET Readonly more useful -

Trying to program 'with immutability in mind' in VB.NET can be a challenge.
In many cases, creating classes with a parametrized constructor and properties with no setters is a pretty good way to create objects that are immutable (from outside the object).
Sometimes it would be more practical to just use the VB.NET ReadOnly keyword, but:
If the data type of the variable is a reference type, such as an array
or a class instance, its members can be changed even if the variable
itself is ReadOnly.
See here.
Is there a code analysis tool or simple solution that can give me a compilation warning if for instance a string array that is declared ReadOnly has one of its members changed?
That would make the ReadOnly keyword so much more useful. Or is it possible to define such a rule myself in Visual Studio 2022?
Not striving for (functional programming-esque) purity but such an extra check to make the ReadOnly keyword more useful would be pretty handy, so hopefully there is a straightforward way to get such a code check!


Is there a C# equivalent of VB.NET's "Static"?

The VB.NET Static declaration:
The only reference I can find to this question is from 2008:
Is there an equivalent in recent versions of C#, or still not present? Is there anything particularly wrong about using Static in VB.NET?
C# does not support it and probably won't be because it somehow violates object programming idea of state being part of object, not a method.
Of course one can say that it is only syntactic sugar, and he/she will be event quite right. But still, looking through class code, we expected description of its state variables as a fields of class. Otherwise we should find for it in each and every method.
So this can be simply seen about some high-level decision and your millage may vary here.
Personally, I like the VB procedure-level Static, even if it's not "pure" enough for some folk.
You can set it in declaration and forget it:
Static oClient As HttpClient = New HttpClient()
There's no checking whether a module-level variable needs to be instantiated or not:
If moClient Is Nothing Then moClient = New HttpClient()
And, silly me, I always expect that there is equivalency between C#.NET and VB.NET but I've learned that clinging to that concept is folly, unfortunately.

Information on OOP, creating Objects

I have a problem in understanding OOP...
This is it :
Sometime's you create an object with this syntax:
Object ObjectName = new Object();
But sometimes, we don't need to do that like in Android:
Textview TextviewName;
Or in J2ME:
form formName;
I already searched it and I got some information (but not sure) that this is because of static method... is it true? I think it has a relation with Polymorphism.. is it true?
Thanks all.
PS : Sory if I made some mistakes, English is not my native languange :D
Forget static methods - they're not relevant here. I'd advocate only looking at static methods / elements when you've truly grasped what objects are.
In Java, you can do this:
Object object;
Just as well as you can do this:
Object object = new Object();
In the first example, you're creating a reference but you're not populating that reference with anything, in the second example you're creating a reference and populating it with a new object, on which you can call methods, modify values and so on.
If you try and call methods on the first declaration you won't be able to - there's nothing there. Depending on the language and how you've declared it this might produce an error at runtime or a compile time error (Java does both depending on whether it's a field or a local variable.) The principle though is the same for all OO languages, you can't dereference (call methods, fields, etc.) on a reference that hasn't been populated, because in effect you're trying to call a method on something that isn't there.
you are mixing different languages and it's not the case of static methods nor polymorphism..
i suggest to read a good book of OOP beginning with the basis.. you can find "Thinking in c++" for free on the net..
Your Textview would not be initialized. Any try at using it would result in a NullReference error. In order for an object to actually be created, you have to use the new syntax or a function that returns a valid object.
However, this is a syntax-dependent issue, so first decide what language you want to study. If your Textview had been declared in C++, it would actually create an object, on the stack.

What are the advantages of the Property keyword in VB.NET over using a Private field with getters and setters?

In VB.NET, what are the advantages of using the Property keyword rather than:
Private MyProperty as String
Public Sub setP(ByVal s as String)
MyProperty = s
End Function
Public Function getP() as String
return MyProperty
End Function
Coming from Java I tend to use this style rather than Property...End Property - is there any reason not to?
You are doing the work that the compiler does. Advantages of the Property keyword:
You can't accidentally mix up the getter and setter property type, a real issue in VB
No need for the awkward get and set prefixes, the compiler figures out which one you want
Data binding requires a property
You can take advantage of the auto property syntax, no need to declare the private field and only a single line of code.
The same declaration in VS2010 using the auto property syntax:
Public Property P As String
The compiler auto-generates the getter and setter methods and the private backing field. You refactor the accessors when necessary.
You will get some added benefits from properties that you will not get from using getters and setters.
Like reflection will find all your properties easily because there are methods for that.
ORM's for instance will easily be able to find your properties but it will be harder for them to find the getters setters because the convention is to use the properties.
So functionally they might be the same but the convention is to use properties.
Functionally there is no difference but for me the usage of Properties is a cleaner implementation. Look here
.Net 4 also gives AutoImplement proeprties to here wher ethe private backing variable is automatically created by the compiler resulting in much cleaner code and less boiler plate code to write.
Using Properties makes the visual studio editor able to show/edit it in the property grid. If you are creating a control or dll that other will use they are used to be able to change design-time properties in the property-grid.
Also the property-grid-control will be able to pick that up if you add the control to the form and then set the SelectedObject-property of the grid to an instance of your class/control.

Why don't oop languages have a 'read only' access modifier?

Every time I write trivial getters (get functions that just return the value of the member) I wonder why don't oop languages simply have a 'read only' access modifier that would allow reading the value of the members of the object but does not allow you to set them just like const things in c++.
The private,protected,public access modifiers gives you either full (read/write) access or no access.
Writing a getter and calling it every time is slow, because function calling is slower than just accessing a member. A good optimizer can optimize these getter calls out but this is 'magic'. And I don't think it is good idea learning how an optimizer of a certain compiler works and write code to exploit it.
So why do we need to write accessors, read only interfaces everywhere in practice when just a new access modifier would do the trick?
ps1: please don't tell things like 'It would break the encapsulation'. A public foo.getX() and a public but read only foo.x would do the same thing.
EDIT: I didn't composed my post clear. Sorry. I mean you can read the member's value outside but you can't set it. You can only set its value inside the class scope.
You're incorrectly generalizing from one or some OOP language(s) you know to OOP languages in general. Some examples of languages that implement read-only attributes:
C# (thanks, Darin and tonio)
Delphi (= Object Pascal)
Objective-C (thanks, Rano)
... more?
Personally, I'm annoyed that Java doesn't have this (yet?). Having seen the feature in other languages makes boilerplate writing in Java seem tiresome.
Well some OOP languages do have such modifier.
In C#, you can define an automatic property with different access qualifiers on the set and get:
public int Foo { get; private set; }
This way, the class implementation can tinker with the property to its heart's content, while client code can only read it.
C# has readonly, Java and some others have final. You can use these to make your member variables read-only.
In C#, you can just specify a getter for your property so it can only be read, not changed.
private int _foo;
public int Foo
get { return _foo; }
Actually, no they aren't the same. Public foo.getX() would still allow the internal class code to write to the variable. A read-only foo.x would be read-only for the internal class code as well.
And there are some languages that do have such modifier.
C# properties allow to define read only properties easily. See this article.
Not to mention Objective-C 2.0 property read-only accessors
In Delphi:
strict private
FAnswer: integer;
property Answer: integer read FAnswer;
Declares a read-only property Answer that accesses private field FAnswer.
The question largely boils down to: why does not every language have a const property like C++?
This is why it's not in C#:
Anders Hejlsberg: Yes. With respect to
const, it's interesting, because we
hear that complaint all the time too:
"Why don't you have const?" Implicit
in the question is, "Why don't you
have const that is enforced by the
runtime?" That's really what people
are asking, although they don't come
out and say it that way.
The reason that const works in C++ is
because you can cast it away. If you
couldn't cast it away, then your world
would suck. If you declare a method
that takes a const Bla, you could pass
it a non-const Bla. But if it's the
other way around you can't. If you
declare a method that takes a
non-const Bla, you can't pass it a
const Bla. So now you're stuck. So you
gradually need a const version of
everything that isn't const, and you
end up with a shadow world. In C++ you
get away with it, because as with
anything in C++ it is purely optional
whether you want this check or not.
You can just whack the constness away
if you don't like it.
So, the reason wy const works in C++ is because you can work around it. Which is sensible for C++, which has its roots in C.
For managed languages like Java and C#, users would expect that const would be just as secure as, say, the garbage collector. That also implies you can't work around it, and it won't be useful if you can't work around it.

Why are public fields and properties interchangeably binary compatible?

In the day job, I work on a VB6 (I know, but don't mock the afflicted...) application that uses a number of libraries we have written (also in the ever illustrious VB6). One of these supporting libraries had a load of private members exposed via public properties, and I was asked to remove the properties, and promote the private member variables into public fields with the same name as the original properties.
Now, I'm no COM expert, but I was under the impression that each and every exposed item on a class gets it's own GUID. Since we would be going from a situation where each value went from 2 Guids (Property Get and Property Let) to one where they only used the one (the public field), I was expecting this to break binary compatibility - but it seems it hasn't done that.
Can anyone explain why?
No, it hasn't broken compatibility because it hasn't removed the property get and property let methods. It's just that the compiler is now writing them for you.
Isn't this one of the few areas where VB6 is arguably better than .Net?
In .Net public fields behave differently to public properties, and this makes some refactorings difficult and causes confusion.
In VB6 public fields behave exactly like public properties, which is why it's possible to switch without affecting binary compatibility. Behind the scenes, the compiler generates property get and set routines for public fields. In a sense VB6 has automatically implemented properties (now advertised as a "new feature" in VB10)...
I think it's a bit more subtle than that. You get a GUID for the COM interface (not each individual field/method). As I understand it the binary compatibility attempts to work out if the interface your currently compiling is backwards compatible with a reference version of your DLL (assuming you have one) and only changes the GUID if they are not compatible.
I'm therefore also surprised that it has decided removing all the get/set methods is compatible :/