Is there a function to extrude a shape along a path in cgal? - cgal

I have not found the way to do it with cgal.
Please can you point me to some functions I have to use ?

This does not exist yet in CGAL but there is a draft implementation here.


How can I use 'tensorboard' with tflite_model_maker? Is it possible to use custom_callbacks with tflite_model_maker?

I have used "tf.keras.callbacks.tensorboard" with my custom keras-models. But I couldn't use it with tflite_model_maker for object detection. If it is possible please let me know... Thanks!
I could not find any information on the documentation...

hybridshapefill function of CATIA

I am currently working on an CATIA V5 macro, that uses the generative shape design function named "hybridshapefill". Sometimes it says the set of normals is too scattered to construct the hybridshapefill.
Does someone know how the hybridshapefill can be constructed anyways, or why this error occurs?
What does the hybrid shape fill exactly construct? Is it something like a minimal surface? Does CATIA provide any insight in its functions?

Tensorflow Documentation

I am increasingly irritated and frustrated by the Tensorflow documentation. I searched on google for documentation regarding
I'm getting directed to a generic page like here. I want to see the details of tf.reshape and not the entirety of the documentation.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Do not Google about Tensorflow documentation, use the TensorFlow Python reference documentation and ctrl + f
The probably fastest way is to use the Tf documentation is:
Just type tf.reshape and you are done.
which can be also used offline and automatically updates the docs.
edit: even typing only res shows you the documentation.
Update for posterity:
With the new TensorFlow, the website is now indexed with Google, and it should also soon be indexed by other search engines.
I would suggest you use the GitHub repo as your documentation instead.
For example tf.reshape is in a single Markdown file
To search for the document you want, you could use the GitHub search under that functions_and_classes folder.
An example is
tf.reshape() path:tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python/functions_and_classes language:Markdown✓&q=tf.reshape%28%29+path%3Atensorflow%2Fg3doc%2Fapi_docs%2Fpython%2Ffunctions_and_classes+language%3AMarkdown&type=Code
which search for tf.reshape() under the documentation folder.
I use the non-official Dash/Zeal docset for TensorFlow:
It is a very convenient way of browsing the TensorFlow documentation offline and it solves the problem you are describing.
Is this what you are looking for? Using the search functionality of the browser helped me find it.
I suppose that you have installed tensorflow in your computer and that you know the name of function that you may want to use.
So if you use some Python IDE, I think you can directly jump to the declaration or definition of this function and see the usage and explanation. That is the same documentation as online (although for some functions it is not very clear).
You can use the url for tensorflow documentation and add what you want to search..
The base url is:
You can add what_ever_you_want_to_search after the /
Since Tensorflow r1.1 a search on google for items like 'tf.shape' now lists the appropriate page at the top of the search results.
This didn't work back in r0.10 and r0.11, maybe because there were many markdown formatting issues in the Tensorflow docs themselves.
Since you tf is developing best way is to go through the tf API. And it's good if you can follow these slides in

Starting solution in CPLEX Optimization Studio

I am solving a MIP in IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio. I would like to first generate a solution where the main decision variables need not be integers, which will then be used as a starting solution to solve the model where the decision variables should be integers.
What should I type in my .mod file to obtain this?
Thank you!
You will probably need to use a main() function to control the sequence of solves. This can be done either all in one .mod file or with the main() in a separate .mod file that controls the process of using/solving the others. This is described in the documentation. There are examples in the OPL samples folder; see mulprod or LangrangianRelaxation. Give it a go, and when you have something concrete that doesn't work, come back and ask again.

OpenCV for iOS sudoku grabber

I'm following this tutorial
But it's not fot the iOS.
some methods described there can be used, but the floodfill (used as cvFloodFill) is no longer an int. it's a void
I'm trying to get the size of the biggest blob, It's pretty much the part i'm missing. this for loops and the floodfill.
is there a good way of doing it?
I thought about the cvBlob library, but I just can't get it to compile for mac.. tried many ways....
EDIT: After arkiaz's answer, moved to a new question:
openCV cvContourArea
Instead of floodfill you can use findcontour to find biggest blob.
Do as follows:
1) Apply adaptive threshold, some erosion and dilation etc ( as mentioned in aishack)
2) Find contours using findcontours
3) Use contourarea to find area of each contour
5) Select the one with max. area. That will be the sudoku box. Then continue as given in
For me, this method worked faster than floodfill method