i'm trying to upload a video via Youtube Data API, but I always get a youtubeSignupRequired error.
I found on https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/errors?hl=en that youtubeSignupRequired, may mean that the user has a Google Account but does not have a YouTube channel.
That's my case, I've no YouTube channel for this Google Account, but I'm am admin of another Youtube channel (orange icon) which i can even see (under switch account) when logged in on youtube.com
I've created an empty channel now ("Testkanal"), but still don't see correct channel as an option on Oauth2 consent screen
Any ideas how it fix that, so I can uload to this channel?
Thx a lot!
Finally worked using the owner's account.
Does anyone actually check the OAuth requests or is it an automated bot trying to scan a video? My video shows everything they ask for as recorded from another device because the emulator doesn't work yet they keep sending me back the video needs to show the screen and name which it does.
What I want to do:
display videos from a client in a RN app. They keep them as private YT videos and only want to give access to paid users via a mobile app.
Apparently, after a few tests, an API key is not enough for that, as I get only the public videos.
I could get the private videos and playlists back using Oauth2 authentication, in Google OAuth2 playground.
Where I am lost is, how to programmatically get the authorization code, then the access and refresh token, on app startup, to attach them to the requests.
Every tutorial I find is about implementing it via the consent screen to authenticate a user.
I don't want to use a consent screen, I got the clients username/password already and just would like to authenticate in the background as the app starts.
Any good resources/tips out there to help me figure this out? Thank you.
I managed to get the code runing to a point where i can upload and download files in my android app from google drive using the api. However i uploaded my app to Google Play and when a user installs it the first time the oauth 2 screen pops up and requires to select account(which is great) but when the user selects Google account the oauth screen just keep appearing and looping.
Did anyone encounter this before?
As stated in this thread, maybe you did not create credentials for your app. As described in this documentation, you must retrieve your SHA-1 keys for both the debug and production environments and add them in your credentials in the Google Developers Console.
I have a bunch of Google accounts each with Youtube videos. What I want to achieve is a Google App Script which can read user credentials info from a google spreadsheet, get him login using his credentials, access the youtube video url which we have and delete it.
Is this possible? i.e. Getting login into Gmail using Google App Script. If so then please provide a reference.
Did you look at the reference material?
You can get the email of the active user with:
but you shouldn't need that if the person calls the function themselves via a menu/trigger/etc
I'm developing a contest platform using Youtube.
So each contestant will upload a video thru our website. The video will be uploaded to our specific channel.
But, I kept receive warn email, google block login attempt from our contestant. The email says something that an unsecure app tryin to login.
And our tester (contestant) always failed to upload their video.
Please help.
There are a few ways you can approach this:
You can share a Youtube Channel. To do this, you need to have all the users as a manager of the G+ page the channel is connected to.
You can give all the users your account credentials for them to upload to your channel
your channel.
You can have the users upload the video to your servers and then you upload each video on the Channel's account yourself.
You can have them upload it to their own Youtube Channel and they can just pass you the URL to the video.
Personally, I think the last option is best.
For your login issue, if you are having users use the account credentials to login and upload themselves, you may be getting that warning because too many users from too many different locations are trying to access the same one account.