I've been looking for hours in their documentation here on how to pass the nextPage in the fetchOption prop, it seems that the documentation is incomplete. anyone tried using this feature?
Appriciate the answers. TIA!
After browsing the repo, i found out that the fetchOptions should return hasMorePages attribute to trigger the pagination in the component.
So, I'm trying to understand code written by someone else and there's one thing I haven't figured out. Why would you use colon in an emit-name?
Here's an example:
this.$emit('update:compare', { key, values })
The problem is that I can't find the component listening to this emit. I've been looking for v-on:update:compare="" and #update:compare="" but I can't find it. What does the colon even do?
I've found this other thing in the same component as the emit that I don't recognise either:
model: {
prop: 'compare',
event: 'update:compare',
And I guess it has something to do with it but I can't figure it out.
Would anyone be so kind to shed some light on this for me, please?
Just to be specific re. documentation in link in comments above (which is worth reading), you can add .sync to a v-bind in order to allow props to be passed back "up" to the parent automatically (2 way binding). I wasn't aware of this either until I started delving into the vue query builder library and had exactly the same problem as OP. https://github.com/dabernathy89/vue-query-builder
<some-component :someData.sync="someData" />
// Inside component method:
this.$emit('update:someData', "New value");
I'm trying to get the information from the previous page to the current one.
I find this solution, but it doesn't work. Use the property prevScene of Actions but it return the same string of currentScente. Why?
Furthermore, I see this relative question, but no one has answered.
I had the same question but I couldn't find the right prop for it.
So I've passed a from props while navigating to the currentScene and used it for further processing, like this:
Actions.currentSceneKey({ from: 'prevSceneKey' });
console.log(this.props.from); // prevSceneKey
How can I pass props defined in the contexts file to components in my stories? Docs does not make this clear: https://www.npmjs.com/package/#storybook/addon-contexts
I am using vue.
Is there a working example of someone using addon-contexts?
I m looking too for something similar and i have founded this link: https://monorepo-git-add-addon-contextsvue-i.storybook.now.sh/examples/vue-kitchen-sink/?path=/story/addon-contexts--languages
Maybe it can help ;)
I am using Aurelia for my project,Now I have problem in navigating to previous page.I want to know are there any ways to get that previous router information from Aurelia router object.
this.router.navigateToRoute('test', {});
I read some github issue related to this, but I couldn't find solution.
furthermore are there any way to got that previous router state from below mention code.This code I got from github
adding my comment as an answer so you can vote it and close.
you can use the navigateBack function from the router instance..
This question triggered in my mind while reading through Vue's official guide here.
I don't know if I find the answer to this question on proceeding further to read more from the official guide, but curious to know if it's possible or not.
Well, I'll update here as soon as I got to know the answer.
Screenshot from official guide
A component must use a single template or component option object, and that template must provide a single root element to mount. The template is converted into a render function internally, and Vue can only have 1 render function.
Your component can in turn contain a component that is dynamic, however.