How to change the defaut path in JetBrains IDE? - intellij-idea

How to change it to a custom directory?
And this: paste to markdown
I want to change the default path to ".img" to save this picture.


How do you create file template without extension in IntelliJ editors

In IntelliJ editors you can add your own file templates in File>Settings>Editor>File and Code Templates>Create new template. After I made my own template, I wanted to add child template, which should be a folder with .gitkeep file. The problem is that even when I leave the extension field empty the dot is added to the end of that file resulting in: .gitkeep..
How do I make it so that this end dot is not appended?

Always show the file extension inside the folder using

Currently, I am working on an application that will need to always show the file extensions of the files inside the folder.
I have a folder named Awards and the Contents are Images.
As you can see, the file extension is hidden.
But when you click the options red boxed on the image. the file extension will be shown.
My question is, Is there a way to check the checkbox on the Image using If it is possible? How??
Thank you and Regards,

Edit source code of Impress odp file

I want to edit the source code of an Impress file (.odp) but when I open it is just machine coded.
I want to do it because when I converted files from PowerPoint to an Impress File some parts got mixed up. Like for example footer and numbering can't be changed globally. So by editing the source code, I hope to be able to use find/replace in a Text Editor.
LibreOffice formats are zipped archives primarily containing XML files. So unzip the .odp and then edit content.xml.
When finished, zip it back up, making sure to zip it from the correct directory (the one that contains content.xml).
If you are using a Mac do the following:
Change the .odp extension to .zip by manually clicking the icon and renaming the file
Unzip the file using something other than the standard Archiver (I used Keka)
You will see the folder of contents including the content.xml which you can easily edit now
Crucial: Go into the directory with your separate files, select all the files then hit 'compress' from the options menu when you right click
Next, rename the .zip to .odp and the file will open successfully
I found that if you don't do option 4 above exactly then the file is slightly different and won't open due to a corruption message.

How to set a filename for file templates in IntelliJ

I am trying to create a new file template in IntelliJ for a specific type of file needed by the framework I am using. The name of this file is always going to be base.kt, and I have added the file template as per this:
This works fine for me other than the fact that everytime I right-click on a module and say 'New base.kt', it still asks me to enter a filename. For the package-info file template that comes pre-shipped with IntelliJ, it just creates the file without prompting this dialog:
Is there a way for me to make IntelliJ always use a particular name and skip this dialog?
You just need to write #set($NAME="base")

How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox

How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox (find text field)? Fonts are windows default simsun! No change options in settings.
Update: this feature is available starting from IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.1. To make the search/replace fields use the editor font you can add -Dide.find.use.editor.font=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
Original answer:
At the moment the font used in the text field is hardcoded and you can't change it, please vote for this request and follow it for updates:
IDEA-106651 Editor Search/Replace: use editor font for text input fields
Other related requests:
IDEA-68258 Font in Find/Replace dialog and Find panel same as in editor
IDEA-125920 Make the editor text search bar text-size & font an option.