SuiteScript Workflow Action-how to add error handling - error-handling

I have a workflow action script that is supposed to search for a string in an email message body (the string being for the document number--this is stored in a field with the id 'custevent_case_creation') and return the transaction record id.
The script:
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType WorkflowActionScript
* #param {Object} context
define(["N/search", "N/record"], function (search, record) {
function onAction(context) {
var recordObj = context.newRecord;
var oc_number = recordObj.getValue({ fieldId: "custevent_case_creation" });
var s = search
type: "salesorder",
filters: [
name: "tranid",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: [oc_number],
columns: ["internalid"],
start: 0,
end: 1,
log.debug("result set", s[0].id);
return s[0].id;
return {
onAction: onAction,
This works as expected when there is a valid document number used in the email message.
However, there are two scenarios where that won't be the case:
there is no document number referenced in the original email (and therefore, the field "custevent_case_creation" will be blank)
the document number referenced is incorrect and there is no transaction with that document number in the system
I am trying to add some form of error handling to deal with these two scenarios though I can't find anything that works. Where should the error handling be in this script?
Should it be an if/else statement?
So far I have tried:
adding if{s.length>0);
adding a condition in the workflow itself so that the custom action from the workflow action script doesn't occur if the field for custevent_case_creation is blank
The error message I am getting is:
org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot read property "id" from undefined (/SuiteScripts/sdf_ignore/Workflow Action Lookup SO.js#41)
The working code
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType WorkflowActionScript
* #param {Object} context
define(["N/search", "N/record"], function (search, record) {
function onAction(context) {
try {
var recordObj = context.newRecord;
var oc_number = recordObj.getValue({
fieldId: "custevent_case_creation",
var s = search
type: "salesorder",
filters: [
name: "tranid",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: [oc_number],
columns: ["internalid"],
start: 0,
end: 1,
log.debug("result set", s[0].id);
return s[0].id;
} catch (error) {
"recordObjId: " + +
", oc_number:" +
oc_number +
", message: " +
return {
onAction: onAction,

Try wrapping the contents of you onAction function with try/catch. More info on try/catch can be found here on W3Schools.
try {
//your working code for onAction function
var recordObj = context.newRecord;
var oc_number = recordObj.getValue({ fieldId: "custevent_case_creation" });
var s = search.create({
type: "salesorder",
filters: [
name: "tranid",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: [oc_number]
columns: ["internalid"]
start: 0,
end: 1,
log.debug("result set", s[0].id);
return s[0].id;
} catch(e){
log.debug(,'recordObjId: '+ +', oc_number:'+ oc_number +', message: ' + e.message); //if is empty try e.title
//you can add additional steps here if desired, i.e. send an email, display an alert, etc.


Facing some issue to print the API response values in one sentence

I am trying to assert and print the response, for that need help.
Below is response body:
"personName":"API API",
"personName":"Ballarat HelpDesk",
"personName":"test api",
I am trying to print incidentRef and personType together in a string.
For that, I am using this code:
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
data.createdIncidents.forEach(function(incident, personT) {
var personType = "personType" + personT.personType;
var incidents = "incidentRef" + incident.incidentRef;
var pt = tests["incidents created for " + personType ] = 'personType';
var inc = tests["incidents number is " + incidents] = 'incidents';
tests["incidents created for" +inc && + pt ];
Here it is not reading the second items inside the function.
In a separate function declaration it works fine.
I want to print it as:
"incidentRef": "I0000000 is created for "personType": "Hazard""
This would log each item from the createdIncidents array to the console - Unsure what you're actually trying to assert against though:
_.each(pm.response.json().createdIncidents, (arrItem) => {
console.log(`Incident Ref: ${arrItem.incidentRef} is created for Person Type: ${arrItem.personType}`)
Given your response data, this would be the output:
Incident Ref: I0000000 is created for Person Type: Patient
Incident Ref: I0000000 is created for Person Type: Staff
Incident Ref: I0000000 is created for Person Type: Visitor
Incident Ref: I0000000 is created for Person Type: Hazard
This could be wrapped in a pm.test() and the different items can be asserted against using the pm.expect() syntax.
This is very basic and is very hardcoded but it would check the data in your example:
pm.test('Check the response', () => {
_.each(pm.response.json().createdIncidents, (arrItem) => {
console.log(`Incident Ref: ${arrItem.incidentRef} is created for Person Type: ${arrItem.personType}`)

How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?

A contrived example of bi-directional data binding
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
m.render("body", [
m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value",, value:})
I tried the above code does not work nothing.
It was the first to try to append the following.
m.mount(document.body, user);
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
Then I tried to append the following.
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
m.request({method: "GET", url: "/users/index.php"})
.then(users, error);
echo '[{name: "John"}, {name: "Mary"}]';
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?
Try returning m('body', [...]) from your controller.
view: function (ctrl) {
return m("body", [
render should not be used inside of Mithril components (render is only used to mount Mithril components on existing DOM nodes).
The example is difficult to operate because it's contrived, it's not meant to be working out-of-the-box. Here's a slightly modified, working version:
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
return [
m("input", {
oninput: m.withAttr("value",,
m.mount(document.body, user);
Changes made:
m.mount injects html inside the element specified as first parameter, so rendering a body element in view will make a body inside a body.
Changed the input field event to oninput for instant feedback, and added a h1 to display the model, so you can see it changing when the input field changes.
Using m.request
Another example how to make an ajax request that displays the retrieved data, as per your modifications:
var userList = {
controller: function() {
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
method: "GET",
url: "",
}).then(users, error);
return { users: users, error: error };
view: function(controller) {
return [
controller.users().map(function(u) {
return m("div",
controller.error() ? m(".error", {style: "color:red"}, "Error: " + controller.error()) : null
m.mount(document.body, userList);
The Unexpected token n error can happen if the requested url doesn't return valid JSON, so you need to fix the JSON data in /users/index.php to make it work with your own code. There are no quotes around the name field.

How to use jsonschema for Loopback remoteMethod?

In my app I want define JSON schemas for custom API.
For example from:
module.exports = function(Person){
Person.greet = function(msg, cb) {
cb(null, 'Greetings... ' + msg);
accepts: <generate definitions from jsonschema>,
returns: <generate definitions from jsonschema>
How to do that?
This is right way?
MY SOLUTION - validation decorator + remote method params with object type
var validate = require('jsonschema').validate;
bySchema = function (schema) {
return function (func) {
return function () {
var data = arguments[0],
callback = arguments[1];
var result = validate(data, schema);
if (result.errors.length > 0) {
// some errors in request body
callback(null, {
success: false,
error: 'schema validation error',
return func.apply(this, arguments);
defaultRemoteArguments = {
accepts: {
arg: 'data',
type: 'object',
http: function(ctx) {
return ctx.req.body;
returns: {
arg: 'data',
type: 'object',
root: true
Auth.login = bySchema(require('<path to shcemajson json for this request>'))
(function(data, cb) {
// process request
Auth.remoteMethod('login', defaultRemoteArguments);
In this solution contrib loopback explorer will not be useful, because request/response are objects, not fields...
The correct way to do it is to set the type in the returns attribute to the model name.
In your case you would write:
returns: {type:'Person', ...}
You need to modify your output to match the format accepted by the returns property.
returns: [{arg: "key1", type: "string"}, {arg: "key2", type: "object"}, ...];

Mongoose's populate method breaks promise chain?

So I have a mongoose Schema that looks like this:
var Functionary = new Schema({
person: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Person'
dateOfAssignment: Date,
dateOfDischarge: Date,
isActive: Boolean
var PositionSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: String,
maxHeadCount: Number,
minHeadCount: Number,
currentHeadCount: Number,
currentlyHolding: [Functionary],
historical: [Functionary],
responsibleTo: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Position'
*note that the Position document can reference itself in the ResponsibleTo field.
Now, I'm trying to build a method that will search the Positions collection, populate the currentlyHolding[] field and the responsibleTo.currentlyHolding[] field, and also return the total number of records found (for paging purposes on the front-end).
Here's what my code looks like: = function(req, res) {
var result = {
records: null,
count: 0,
totalPages: 0,
pageSize: 10,
execTime: 0
var startTime = new Date();
var populateQuery = [
path: 'currentlyHolding.person',
select: 'name'
}, {
select:'name currentlyHolding.person'
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
skip: (result.currentPage - 1) * result.pageSize,
limit: result.pageSize,
sort: 'name'
.then(function(doc) {
result.records = doc;
$or: [
{ name: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } },
{ description: { $regex: '.*' + req.params.keyword + '.*', $options: 'i' } }
.then(function(doc) {
result.count = doc;
result.totalPages = Math.ceil(result.count / result.pageSize);
.then(function() {
var endTime = new Date();
result.execTime = endTime - startTime;
return res.json(200, result);
My problem is when I run the first query with the populate method (as is shown), it doesn't work. I take away the populate and it works. Is it true that the populate method will break the promise? If so, are there better ways to achieve what I want?
It's been a while since you asked, but this might still help others so here we go:
According to the docs, .populate() doesn't return a promise. For that to happen you should chain .execPopulate().
Alternatively, you can put .populate() before .exec(). The latter will terminate the query builder interface and return a promise for you.

In Rally SDK 2, how do I update a hash field?

In Rally SDK 2, how do I update a hash field, like the Author field for a changeset? I read how to update the Message field, but I can't figure out how to update Author["DisplayName"] hash.
var new_message = settings.message;{
type: 'Changeset',
success: function(model) {
model.load( '1234', {
fetch: [ 'Artifacts' ],
callback: function(result, operation) {
if ( operation.wasSuccessful() ){
var message = new_message;
record.set( 'Message', message); {
callback: function( resultset, operation ) {
console.log( "After saving:", resultset );
if ( operation.wasSuccessful() ) {
var that = tree.ownerCt.ownerCt.ownerCt.ownerCt;
} );
The Author property on Changeset is of type User. Like any other object associations on Rally's WSAPI you just set this property to the ref of the object you'd like to link. You set this the same way as you're currently setting Message in your above code snippet. (Assuming author is writable after the changeset has already been created).
record.set('Author', '/user/123456');
You can probably also avoid the deeply nested structure of your code a little bit by specifying scope on your callbacks and using member functions in your app definition:
_loadChangesetModel: function() {
//If you already have a changeset record you can get the model
//via record.self. Otherwise, load it fresh.{
type: 'Changeset',
success: this._onChangesetModelLoaded,
scope: this
_onChangesetModelLoaded: function(model) {
model.load( '1234', {
fetch: [ 'Artifacts' ],
callback: this._onChangesetLoaded,
scope: this
_onChangesetLoaded: function(record, operation) {
if ( operation.wasSuccessful() ){
var message = settings.message;
record.set( 'Message', message); {
callback: this._onChangesetSaved,
scope: this
} );
_onChangesetSaved: function( resultset, operation ) {
console.log( "After saving:", resultset );
if ( operation.wasSuccessful() ) {
//You shouldn't need to do this now that the scope is correct.
//I'm guessing 'that' was referring to the app itself?
//var that = tree.ownerCt.ownerCt.ownerCt.ownerCt;
_getChangesets: function() {