Nested Insert query - sql

I'm trying to write a nested insert into query and I want to insert the values, which are inserted in "Table1", in a new table "Table3".
"Table3" has exactly the same columns as "Table1", but without the second insert into value into "Table2".
"Table1" already contains old data, but only the new data inserted in "Table1" should be inserted in "Table3".
-- insert new rows in History
INSERT INTO "table1"
([icao24], [callsign])
-- INSERT new rows FROM temptable IN currenttable
INSERT INTO "table2"
([icao24], [callsign])
FROM #TempTable T
LEFT JOIN "table2" Cur
ON T.[icao24] = Cur.[icao24]
WHERE Cur.[icao24] IS NULL
) CurInserts;

You could first insert the inserted into another table variable or a temporary table.
Then insert into the 2 other tables from the table variable.
declare #tmp table (icao24 int, callsign int);
declare #ins table (icao24 int, callsign int);
insert into #tmp (icao24, callsign) values (1,10),(2,20),(3,30);
insert into #ins (icao24, callsign)
select icao24, callsign
insert into table1 (icao24, callsign)
output inserted.icao24, inserted.callsign
select tmp.icao24, tmp.callsign
from #tmp tmp
left join table1 t on t.icao24 = tmp.icao24
where t.icao24 is null
) q;
insert into table2 (icao24, callsign)
select icao24, callsign
from #ins;
insert into table3 (icao24, callsign)
select icao24, callsign
from #ins;
select * from table1;
select * from table2;
select * from table3;
icao24 | callsign
-----: | -------:
1 | 10
2 | 20
3 | 30
icao24 | callsign
-----: | -------:
1 | 10
2 | 20
3 | 30
icao24 | callsign
-----: | -------:
2 | 20
3 | 30
Demo on db<>fiddle here


Insert value of one column from one table to another table based on where condition

I have one question . Suppose there is one table rules in which column department, action ,left_source and right_source,left_source_id,right_source_id is there .Another table is source table where column is name,I'd .
Now i have to insert rules to rule table but in left_source_id and right_source_id i have to insert value from source table based on I'd column . I need some immediate help .
(Source table column I'd contains all the name of left_source and right_source )
Insert Select...union for example
drop table if exists t,t1;
create table t(id int,leftsource varchar(1),rightsource varchar(1));
create table t1(id int,val varchar(1));
insert into t1 values
insert into t
select id,val,null from t1 where id = 1
union all
select id,null,val from t1 where id = 2
select * from t;
| id | leftsource | rightsource |
| 1 | l | NULL |
| 2 | NULL | r |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

How records can be retrieved based on three conditions?

I'm new to HQL. I need to fetch all the records from table A based on the following 2 condition using HQL/SQL query:
Person ID which satisfies both these conditions "(Music < 100) and (Dance != Normal)" (in Table B) and whose Place and Country is A and AAA (in Table C).
Tables below:
How can I fetch these records based on this three conditions. Could someone help me.
The output should be
Record having ID as 100 in Table A since it has place and value as 'A' and 'AA'. And it also has both Music and Dance skills with Music value greater than 100 and Dance value is not like 'Normal'
from a
inner join b as music on = music.person_id and music.skills = 'Music'
inner join b as dance on = dance.person_id and dance.skills = 'Dance'
inner join c on =
where = 'A' and = 'AAA'
and music.score < '100'
and dance.score <> 'Normal'
You will have a problem attempting to use less than on the column "score" which is text and not numeric, see test cases below
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('100');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('a');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('aa');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('bbb');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('cccc');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('99');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('9');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('1');
INSERT INTO mytable(Value) VALUES ('19');
from mytable where value < '100'
| value |
| :---- |
| 1 |
from mytable where value > '100'
| value |
| :---- |
| a |
| aa |
| bbb |
| cccc |
| 99 |
| 9 |
| 19 |
from mytable where cast(value as integer) > 100
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "a"
db<>fiddle here

Create an SQL query from two tables in postgresql

I have two tables as shown in the image. I want to create a SQL query in postgresql to get the pkey and minimum count for each unique 'pkey' in table 1 where 'name1' is not present in the array of column 'name' in table 2.
'name' is a array
You can use ANY to check if one element exists in your name's array.
create table t1 (pkey int, cnt int);
create table t2 (pkey int, name text[]);
insert into t1 values (1, 11),(1, 9),(2, 14),(2, 15),(3, 21),(3,16);
insert into t2 values
(1, array['name1','name2']),
(1, array['name3','name2']),
(2, array['name4','name1']),
(2, array['name5','name2']),
(3, array['name2','name3']),
(3, array['name4','name5']);
select pkey
from t2
where 'name1' = any(name);
| pkey |
| ---: |
| 1 |
| 2 |
select t1.pkey, min(cnt) count
from t1
where not exists (select 1
from t2
where t2.pkey = t1.pkey
and 'name1' = any(name))
group by t1.pkey;
pkey | count
---: | ----:
3 | 16
dbfiddle here

SQL Bulk insert/update into a table with data from different tables

I have a requirement to insert/update bulk records as follows.
Source Table 1 :
User ID | Rights |
A | Y |
B | N |
Source Table 2:
Report ID |
111 |
222 |
Now I have to insert(Or, update if record exists) Cartesian product of above 'User ID' column and 'Report ID' column into another table as follows:
Target Table:
User ID | Report ID| Rights |
A | 111 | Y |
A | 222 | Y |
B | 111 | N |
B | 222 | N |
I am hitting a performance problem as the source table can have thousands of records.
Suggest me the best way to bulk insert/update.
The simplest way to create the table is:
select UserId, ReportId, Rights
into table3
from table1 cross join table2;
If the table already exists, I would suggest truncating it and inserting everything into it:
truncate table table3;
insert into table3(UserId, ReportId, Rights)
select UserId, ReportId, Rights
into table3
from table1 cross join table2;
Trying to selectively add new rows seems inefficient.
INSERT INTO <Target_Table>
(UserID, ReportID, Rights)
(SELECT UserID, ReportID, Rights
FROM Table1
declare #t table (ID varchar(10),Name varchar(10))
insert into #t (ID,Name)values ('A','Y')
insert into #t (ID,Name)values ('B','N')
declare #tt table (RepID varchar(10))
insert into #tt (RepID)values (11)
insert into #tt (RepID)values (22)
declare #target table (ID varchar(10),Name varchar(10),Repid INT )
INSERT INTO #target (ID,Name,Repid)
select t.ID,t.Name,tt.RepID from #t t,#tt tt
select * from #target

conditional joining in oracle

Conditional joining statement : -
High level Description :-
Join table based on two columns if combination is not present then join on one table -
Detailed Table -
create table tab1
(tab1_col1 number not null,
tab1_col2 number null,
tab1_col3 varchar(10));
Lookup Table
create table lkp1
(lkp_col1 number not null,
lkp_col2 number not null,
lkp_col3 number not null,
lkp_col4 varchar(10));
Insert Statement -
insert into tab1 values (10,101,'A');
insert into tab1 values (12,101,'B');
insert into tab1 values (11,102,'C');
insert into tab1 values (13,103,'B');
insert into tab1 values (14,104,'C');
insert into tab1 values (15,108,'A');
insert into tab1 values (16,102,'D');
Lookup Table
insert into lkp1 values (10,101,50,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (10,101,50,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (11,102,100,'SKIP');
insert into lkp1 values (11,110,50,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (13,103,40,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (13,103,60,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (14,199,100,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (15,115,80,'PICK');
insert into lkp1 values (15,115,20,'PICK');
Requirement was -
Join table based on tab1_col1=lkp_col1
Filter out lookup table data lkp_col4=SKIP
If record not present in lookup table for then give default value(99.99).
(All records from tab1 table should be selected).
I built this query and it was working fine.
SELECT tab1_col1, tab1_col2, NVL (lkp_col3, '99.99') "LKP_COL3"
FROM tab1,
FROM lkp1
WHERE lkp_col4 = 'PICK') lkp
WHERE tab1_col1 = lkp_col1(+) AND tab1_col2 = lkp_col2(+)
Now requirement changed
First check if
If lookup table is not having data for this combination
then check again with
If this is not also available then give dafault value.
Database - Oracle 10g
What I have tried so far
After lot of trail and error I m able to get the output. However, is there a better or simple way to use this ?
SELECT tab1_col1, tab1_col2, LKP_COL3
FROM tab1,
FROM lkp1
WHERE lkp_col4 = 'PICK') lkp
WHERE tab1_col1 = lkp_col1 AND tab1_col2 = lkp_col2
union all
SELECT tab1_col1, tab1_col2, LKP_COL3
FROM tab1,
FROM lkp1
WHERE lkp_col4 = 'PICK') lkp
WHERE tab1_col1 = lkp_col1(+)
LKP_COL1|| '-' || LKP_COL2 not in( SELECT tab1_col1|| '-' || tab1_col2
FROM tab1, lkp1 lkp
WHERE tab1_col1 = lkp_col1 AND tab1_col2 = lkp_col2)
order by 1
The following result:
| TAB1_COL1 | TAB1_COL2 | LKP_COL3 |
| 10 | 101 | 50 |
| 11 | 102 | 50 |
| 12 | 101 | 99.99 |
| 13 | 103 | 40 |
| 13 | 103 | 60 |
| 14 | 104 | 100 |
| 15 | 108 | 20 |
| 15 | 108 | 80 |
| 16 | 102 | 99.99 |
was produced by this query:
, tab1.tab1_col2
, COALESCE(lkp1.lkp_col3, lkp2.lkp_col3, 99.99) "LKP_COL3"
FROM tab1
ON tab1.tab1_col1 = lkp1.lkp_col1
AND tab1.tab1_col2 = lkp1.lkp_col2
AND lkp1.lkp_col4 = 'PICK'
LEFT JOIN lkp1 lkp2
ON tab1.tab1_col1 = lkp2.lkp_col1
AND lkp2.lkp_col4 = 'PICK'
, tab1.tab1_col2
DISTINCT was added because the second left (outer) join produces unwanted repetition in the output.
refer to this sqlfiddle