Return table value index via metatable - indexing

I'm looking for a way to retrive index value via metatable. This is my attempt:
local mt = { __index =
index = function(t, value)
local value = 0
for k, entry in ipairs(t) do
if (entry == value) then
value = k
return value
t = {
"foo", "bar"
Result is 0 instead of 1. Where I'm wrong?

My attempt:
local mt = {
__index = function(t,value)
for index, val in pairs(t) do
if value == val then
return index
t = {
print(t["aaa"]) -- 3
print(t["asd"]) -- nil
print(t["bbb"]) -- 4
print(t["aaa"]) -- 3
print(t["bar"]) -- 2
print(t["foo"]) -- 1

Result is 0 instead of 1. Where [am I] wrong?
The code for the index function is wrong; the problem is not related to the (correct) metatable usage. You're shadowing the parameter value when you declare local value = 0. Subsequent entry == value comparisons yield false as the strings don't equal 0. Rename either the parameter or the local variable:
index = function(t, value)
local res = 0
for k, entry in ipairs(t) do
if entry == value then
res = k
return res
An early return instead of using a local variable in the first place works as well and helps improve performance.
To prevent such errors from happening again, consider getting a linter like Luacheck, which will warn you if you shadow variables. Some editors support Luacheck out of the box; otherwise there are usually decent plugins available.


Lua implementation of BestSum function using memoization

I am trying to translate the below javascript "bestSum" memoization function into lua:
const bestSum = (targetSum,numbers,memo ={}) => {
if(targetSum in memo) return memo[targetSum];
if(targetSum === 0 ) return [];
if(targetSum <0)return null;
let shortestCombination = null;
for (let num of numbers) {
const remainder = targetSum - num;
const remainderCombination = bestSum(remainder,numbers,memo);
if (remainderCombination !==null) {
const combination = [...remainderCombination, num];
if (shortestCombination === null || combination.length < shortestCombination.length)
shortestCombination = combination;
memo [targetSum] = shortestCombination;
return shortestCombination;
sample test cases with correct results:
console.log(bestSum(7,[5,3,4,7])); //[7]
console.log(bestSum(8,[2,3,5])); //[3,5]
console.log(bestSum(8,[1,4,5])); //[4,4]
console.log(bestSum(100,[1,2,5,25])); //[25,25,25,25]
I translated the above javascript into lua as the following:
local function BestSum(target_sum,numbers,memo)
if memo[target_sum] ~= nil then return memo[target_sum] end
if target_sum == 0 then return {} end
if target_sum < 0 then return nil end
local shortest_combination = nil
for i, num in ipairs (numbers) do
local remainder = target_sum - num
local remainder_combination = BestSum(remainder,numbers, memo)
if remainder_combination ~= nil then
local combination = remainder_combination
table.insert(combination,num )
if (shortest_combination == nil) or (#combination < #shortest_combination )then
shortest_combination = combination
memo[target_sum] = shortest_combination;
return shortest_combination;
but don't get the desired results for the two last cases...... instead get incorrect results:
The results are not even correct let alone being "best" case??
Can anyone spot where I'm going wrong?
Much appreciated
The problem is with this part of the translation:
local combination = remainder_combination
table.insert(combination, num)
Tables are pass by reference, so this isn't creating a new table, it's just assigning the variable combination to the same table. Modifying combination is just adding more data to remainder_combination.
The JavaScript version is taking care to create a new array, and fills it with the contents of the remainderCombination array (using '...', the spread operator):
const combination = [...remainderCombination, num];
This is the most accurate Lua translation:
local combination = {unpack(remainder_combination)}
table.insert(combination, num)
(Edit: For Lua 5.2+ it's table.unpack)

Check if a list contains at least one variable non null

I'm making my first app in Kotlin and there is a lot of syntax I don't know, and I was wondering if there is a better way to check if a list contains at least one non null entry.
For now my solution is:
var atLeastOneValue: Boolean
var i = 0
for (x in list) {
if (x != null) atLeastOneValue = true
else i++
if (list.size == i) atLeastOneValue = false
return atLeastOneValue
I'm working with MutableList<String>.
You can use contains function for that:
val hasNull = list.contains(null)
contains can also be called in the operator form, it corresponds to the operator in:
val hasNull = null in list
val hasNoNull = null !in list

Lua reference table inside metatable

I have a pretty mind-bending setup right now. I have a regular function that returns a table with functions in it under keys "string" and "number":
function defGeneric()
local function funcNumber(a)
return 2*a^2
local function funcString(a)
return a.." - test"
local returnTable={}
return returnTable
And that works fine. But what I want to do now is make the table that this function returns callable. To illustrate, let's say we have v=defGeneric(). Specifically:
If v is called with a string str, return the result of v["string"](str)
If v is called with a number n, return the result of v["number"](n)
This is obviously a job for metatables, so I can (in my function) add the code to set a metatable:
local metaTable = {
__call = function (...) -- "call" event handler
But I don't know what I would put after that return statement. I don't think I can reference returnTable, because this table will be called like so:
And I need to reference v's "string" function (there certainly could be multiple defGeneric() tables in one program).
I think the answer here might be some self trick but I can't wrap my head around how. How do I reference a metatable's table from the metatable?
The first argument passed to the __call function is the table it is being called on, the table returned from the function in this case. You can use type(a) to get the type of the argument as a string, so you could do something like this:
function defGeneric()
local result = {
['number'] = function(a) return 2*a^2 end,
['string'] = function(a) return a.." - test" end
setmetatable(result, {
__call = function(t,a)
local f = t[type(a)]
if f == nil then return "No handler for type "..type(a) end
-- alternate:
-- if f == nil and t['string'] ~= nil then return t['string'](tostring(a)) end
return f(a)
return result
local def = defGeneric()
print("string: "..tostring(def('sample string')))
print("number: "..tostring(def(5)))
print("table: "..tostring(def({})))
print("boolean: "..tostring(def(1 > 5)))
string: sample string - test
number: 50.0
table: No handler for type table
boolean: No handler for type boolean
alternate output
string: sample string - test
number: 50.0
table: table: 0x18537e0 - test
boolean: false - test

Easiest way of defining and using of Global Variable

"first part" &&&& fun _ ->
let ident
"second part" &&&& fun _ ->
ident ....
I need to use variable "ident".
I just need to pass value of variable from first part of test to second one...
I want to ask you if there is any easy way how to define and use global variable or even if you have better (and easy) idea of doing that
Keep in mind, please, that I am a beginner, so I would prefer easier ones.
Global variables will often make your code difficult to work with - particularly if they are mutable.
Instead, consider returning the values you need to keep track of as composite values. An easy data type to start with would be a tuple:
let ``first part`` id =
let someOtherValue = "Foo"
someOtherValue, id + 1
This function takes an int (the current ID) as input, and returns string * int (a tuple where the first element is a string, and the second element and int) as output.
You can call it like this:
> let other, newId = ``first part`` 42;;
val other : string = "Foo"
val newId : int = 43
Notice that you can use pattern matching to immediately destructure the values into two named symbols: other and newId.
Your second function could also take an ID as input:
let ``second part`` id otherArgument =
// use id here, if you need it
You can call it like this, with the newId value from above:
> let result = ``second part`` newId "Baz";;
val result : string = "Bar"
If you find yourself doing this a lot, you can define a record for the purpose:
type Identifiable<'a> = { Id : int; Value : 'a }
Now you can begin to define higher-order functions to deal with such a type, such as e.g. a map function:
module Identifiable =
let map f x = { Id = x.Id; Value = f x.Value }
// Other functions go here...
This is a function that maps the Value of an Identifiable from one value to another, but preserves the identity.
Here's a simple example of using it:
> let original = { Id = 42; Value = "1337" };;
val original : Identifiable<string> = {Id = 42;
Value = "1337";}
> let result' = original |> System.Int32.Parse;;
val result' : Identifiable<int> = {Id = 42;
Value = 1337;}
As you can see, it preserves the value 42, but changes the Value from a string to an int.
You can still change the ID explicitly, if you want to do that:
> let result'' = { result' with Id = 7 };;
val result'' : Identifiable<int> = {Id = 7;
Value = 1337;}
Since this was getting out of hand for comments this is how I would do it for an example
let mutable t = 0
let first =
t <- 1 + 1
//other stuff
let second =
//can use t here and it will have a value of 2
In some cases you have to use a ref:
let t = ref 0
let first =
t := 1 + 1
//other stuff
let second =
//can use t here and it will have a value of 2 -
// you use "!t" to get the value
If you define ident at the top of your file like this :
let ident = "foo"
// rest of your code using ident
ident are global and you can use in the next part of your file.
If ident wil change in the next part of your code, use this :
let ident = ref "foo"

Check if index in table exist

I have problem; I must check in my program one field in table.
if(launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification.custom.test_field ~= nil)then...
and when this index exist everything is ok, but when it isn't exist, I get an error :
Attempt to index field 'notification' (a nil value).
And it is understandable. How check if that index exist?
Try this
if (launchArgs and launchArgs.androidIntent and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras
and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification.custom
and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification.custom.test_field) then
-- do you stuff
This code will check if each table is set.
If you're sure launch args.androidIntent.extras is always set you can just do this
if(launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification.custom and launchArgs.androidIntent.extras.notification.custom.test_field)then
-- do your stuff
OR Just use this function, that I posted in some other answer (helps here too )
function IndexScan(input,value,case,_type)
if (input and type(input) == 'table') then
if (_type) then
if (type(value) == _type and value == input) then
return true;
if (type(value) == 'table' and value == input) then
return true;
for key,object in pairs(input) do
if (case and type(input)=='string' and type(key)=='string') then
if (_type) then
if (value:lower() == key:lower() and type(object)==_type) then
return true;
elseif(type(object)=='table') then
return IndexScan(object,value,case,_type)
if (value:lower() == key:lower()) then
return true;
elseif(type(object)=='table') then
return IndexScan(object,value,case,_type)
if (_type) then
if (key == value and type(object)==_type) then
return true
elseif(type(object)=='table') then
return IndexScan(object,value,case,_type)
if (key == value) then
return true
elseif(type(object)=='table') then
return IndexScan(object,value,case,_type)
return false;
-- IndexScan(#param table(table), #param index(string), #param case-sensitive(true/false), #param type (index type, string/boolean/number/table ...))
-- checks if these two indexes were set any where in the launchArgs table and checks their type
if (IndexScan(launchArgs,"notification",false,"table") and IndexScan(launchArgs,"test_field",false,"string")) then
-- do your stuff
Fixed some mistake in the function.
Updated the script after the author fixed the Notification typo.
Try also this:
function setglobal(name,value)
local t=_ENV
local f="_G"
for x in name:gmatch("[^.]+") do
if t[f]==nil then t[f]={} end
function getglobal(name)
local t=_ENV
for x in name:gmatch("[^.]+") do
if t==nil then return nil,x end
return t
This assumes that the top-level variable is a global variable. Adapt as needed.
You can use this:
local function try(root, query)
local ids, len = {}, 0
for id in query:gmatch("%w+") do
len = len + 1
ids[len]= id
local node = root
for i=1,len do
if type(node) ~= 'table' then return nil end
node = node[ids[i]]
return node
local tbl = { a = { b = { c = { d = 1 } } } }
print(try(tbl, 'a.b.c.d')) -- prints 1
print(try(tbl, 'a.b.c.x')) -- prints nil
print(try(tbl, 'a.x.c.d')) -- prints nil