Pentaho Data Integration inverting colors - pentaho

I can't see any field to fill, it's just blank.
I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and PDI 9.2.
image here

It was the theme of my computer. It was on dark theme and then the error happend.
I just changed the theme to standart and it worked!


VSCode 'default dark' theme doesn't automatically defaults the matplotlib style to 'dark_background'

When figure is drawn with matplotlib using VSCode Jupyter Notebook, the figure is rendered in light theme even when the VSCode theme is dark. By my understanding, this issue was resolved and the VSCode is supposed to default the matplotlib figures to dark_background when the VSCode theme is default dark.
What am I doing wrong?
I am fairly new to this whole data science and machine learning scene, and up till now I have been using Jupyter Notebook (and sometimes Jupyter Lab) for all my coding needs. However, the code completion in Jupyter Notebook leaves something to be desired, and so began my search for alternatives to Jupyter Notebook.
I recently discovered that VSCode supports the use of Jupyter Notebook natively and after installing python extension, I was able to create new and open previously saved .ipynb files and every thing works great (especially the IntelliSense).
There is, however, one issue which is somewhat a nuisance. My theme for VSCode is default dark, and the figures produced by matplotlib are in light theme.
I know I can use following code to render the figures in dark mode:
from matplotlib import style
But on GitHub, this issue has already been addressed so that when the VSCode is in dark mode, then the VSCode will automatically default the matplotlib style to dark_background. However I am not experiencing this automation.
Is there some setting that I have failed to configure?
On macOS with VS version 1.63.2 I found that enabling the following setting did the trick:
After some searching I found this solution:
In settings (via ctrl+,) search for
jupyter run startup commands
edit the json to:
"jupyter.runStartupCommands": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt",
Then, restart your kernel.
Note, that somehow only using'dark_background') does not yet fully work out, since some part gets overwritten on loading pyplot in the notebook it seems.

How to display RGB and depth image from Kinect on odroid-XU4?

I installed Lubuntu 14.04 on my odroid-XU4. I installed ROS Indigo along with the openni_camera and openni_launch. They seemed to work properly because I was able to subscribe to some of its published topics. Now, I want to display the RGB and Depth images from kinect using ROS packages. How should I proceed further?
Type: "roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch" from command line. You can use Rviz to visualize RGB and Depth images. Open rviz from command line, typing: "rviz" then click the add button and go to the tab "By Topic". You should find the topic in which the images are published.

OneUI app layout, error with pulldown menus

I am using the applayout and OneUI 3.0.2 theme. I have pulldown menus in the banner (application and utility links) but the menu won't show up. Instead I get this JS error:
Uncaught lang.hitch: scope["_onKeyPress"] is null (scope="[Widget extlib.dijit.OneUIv302Menu, extlib_dijit_OneUIv302Menu_2]")
I have a Windows 9.0.1FP1 where these do work. On a 9.0.1FP1 Linux / 9.0.1FP2 Windows it doesn't work. The Linux machine had FP2 installed before I just downgraded it to FP1 (it was a test to see if this is the cause). But I noticed before that even after downgrading some files are still available - so a next test should be installing the machine completely from the scratch.
Double checked it this morning: another 9.0.1FP1 Win machine - everything working fine.
I also checked out that this only a OneUIv3.0.2 problem.
Do you know this issue?
A fix for this issue has been included in the latest XPages Extension Library (901v00_10.20141105-0922) on OpenNTF.
However, another issue was found in the dropdown mneu once it does appear successfully. Unfortunately a fix was not found for this secondary issue in time for the above ExtLib release. It has been logged as SPR# BGLN9PXG53.

coastlines don't display using cartopy

I am new to cartopy and tried the examples in the documentation (e.g. ). The colour plot displays fine, however, the coastlines are missing when I run the example.
I'm using anaconda on windows and tried installing cartopy via Christoph Gohlke's binaries as well as Rich Signell's conda package on binstar (both of which seem to be the same, resulting in version '0.11.x'). My matplotlib version is '1.3.1'.
How can I get the coastlines to display? Is there anything missing in my installation?
This has been fixed and the package uploaded to the scitools binstar channel. This issue reflects the change in the url of files on the natural earth website (i.e. changing under our feet).

MonoDevelop -- GTK Designer just shows a blank square?

I am having problems getting the GTK designer to work with MonoDevelop. I tried 2.4 on Arch Linux and it gave this problem. Then I tried 2.2 on OpenBSD and it gives the exact same problem. Both machines are 64bit.
Instead of having a window to drag things on I just have a blank square:
alt text
The tutorials I've seen look similar to this though:
alt text
So what gives? With my blank square I can't drag anything onto it, not a VBox or other container even. It will not react to anything.
Am I missing some sort of GTK# configuration or what? I find it highly improbable that both OSs' packages I tried are broken. Also, I've attached a (huge) bounty to this because this is a pretty big issue for me.
The console output from the starting of Mono and including me trying to drag an element onto the gray box is here
Ok, so I've finally gotten a bit closer to solving the mystery. I use Fluxbox as my window manager usually. Well I tried using both KDE and Gnome-Session and both of them cause MonoDevelop to work properly(though still missing the window border, you could at least drag components onto it). Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it?
I have the same problem in openSUSE 11.3 x64 KDE using Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (tarball Wed Jul 14 18:00:23 UTC 2010) downloaded from here
type -a monodevelop returns:
monodevelop is /usr/bin/monodevelop
monodevelop is /usr/bin/X11/monodevelop
Running monodevelop from terminal gives the following output
WARNING: Cannot find Mozilla directory
containing Some
Addins may not be able to function.
Please set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your
Mozilla directory.
This can be solved by adding an environment variable in your .bashrc file from your home directory.
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/path/to/'
To find if that library exists on your systems use:
sudo find / -name
(from this bug report this library is contain in the Mozilla's XUL Runner package, but in newer versions I don't know if it's still there, I had to use provided by Slickedit which was installed in /opt/slickedit/bin/mozilla/)
WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Inotify watch limit is too low (8192).
To resolve this problem read Inotify Watches Limit
WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Error creating composed icon gtk-execute___asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar at size SmallToolbar. Icon __asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar is 22x22, expected 16x16.
I get the exact same error using Monodevelop 2.4, and I think this could be either from a broken GTK# installation or from a bug in Monodevelop,
Your result is the same as mine, see here. I suggest compiling MonoDevelop from Github and/or using a newer version of gtk-sharp/gdk-sharp
This part
ERROR [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: GdkPixbuf-Critical: gdk_pixbuf_composite: assertion `dest_x >= 0 && dest_x + dest_width <= dest->width' failed
appears in GTK and GDK crashes,
If this does not resolve the problem submitting a bug report is the next option. Although this is somehow strange, since I managed to complete the same tutorial using Kubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit a few weeks ago.
Uh, that is the designer. If the toolbox didn't show up, go to View->Pads->Toolbox to bring it up.
Note that this Gtk, you can't just drop a button or textbox on the design surface. You have to drop a container control first, and then can place buttons and such inside the container.
set global gtk theme to default
check all bindings depends
try start monodevelop from console and post output on pastebin
"Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it? " remember the GTK protect was made for GNOME project, all the libraries are made to work on that Desktop. so need to see all the dependencies to run it property