How to fill progress at one or more specified positions on a circle in React Native - react-native

How can i assign one or more progress on circle progress as shown below
I'm using the library react-native-circular-progress
Thanks all !

You can install react-native-circular-gradient-progress to implement this.
If you are using npm then please write
npm install react-native-circular-gradient-progress
If you are using yarn then please write
yarn add react-native-circular-gradient-progress
You can use it like below:
import React from "react";
import { CircularProgress } from "react-native-circular-gradient-progress";
const HomePage: React.FunctionComponent = () => (
export default HomePage;
And u will get result like this:
For further explanation of props you can read documentation.


React-native-web Multi-Platform Setup using Expo 44 + Typescript

What is the simplest way to implement Multi-Platform Setup for a component in Expo. I have tried mamy diferent ways.. it was working on web but it is failing on Native and failing with Jest & #testing-library/react-native. Ideally I would like the least amount of custom config etc (do not want to eject). I expect the file structure to look like this:
|- index.tsx
|- Component.native.tsx
|- Component.web.tsx
I am not sure how to do the index.tsx. I saw someone say something like this would work:
// index.tsx
// #ts-ignore
export { default } from "Component"
this didn't work so I did
// index.tsx
// #ts-ignore
export { default } from "./Component"
This worked for web, but the jest test said
Cannot find './Component'
However, Jest was able to find:
I tried:
// index.tsx
// #ts-ignore
import Component from "./Component";
export default Component
and the tests was the same
and the native emulator said:
Unable to resolve module ./Component
I tried using lazy loading but this does not work on web.
import { lazy, Suspense } from "react";
import { Platform } from "react-native";
import Loading from "../../components/Loading";
import { ComponentType } from "./types";
const Web = lazy(() => import("./Component.web"));
const Mobile = lazy(() => import("./"));
const Component: ComponentType = (props) => {
const isWeb = Platform.OS === "web";
return (
<Suspense fallback={<Loading message="Loading Component" />}>
{isWeb ? <Web {...props} /> : <Mobile {...props} />}
export default Component
how to use diferent files for components depending on platform (exlude other files from build)
how to make it ok with ts in vscode
Using Expo 44. Thanks
I would use named exports. So begin by having the same component name in both files. Next I would have one file called Component.tsx and the other Component.native.tsx. That will be enough to allow the bundler to pull the native for native and the other for non-native (in other words web). That should be all you need.

How to fix the SSRProvider Warning in React Native

I am using NativeBase with my ReactNative App.
It is running ok.
However there is a warning that is bugging me a little bit.
How do I fix the warning below?
When server rendering, you must wrap your application in an
to ensure consistent ids are generated between the
client and server.
RCTView View
First install this package
npm i #react-aria/ssr or yarn add #react-aria/ssr
Then import it into your App.js
import {SSRProvider} from '#react-aria/ssr';
Then do this
const App = () => {
return (
<App />

How can I use "react-native-android-pip"?

How can I use this:
I want to make a webview app can use PIP(Picture in Picture). But Idk how can I use this module in my code.
import * as React from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';
import AndroidPip from 'react-native-android-pip';
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <WebView source={{ uri: '(My url)' }} style={{ marginTop: 50 }} />;
As said here (On the documentation itself), You can use as follow:
import AndroidPip from 'react-native-android-pip';
// Enter Pip mode
//Configure aspect ratio, works only on SDK version 26 and above
AndroidPip.configureAspectRatio(width, height)
// When enabled, PIP mode will be automatically entered when app is unfocused( User presses home
//, menu button etc)
You can call these functions on the click of a button, response of an API, start of a screen, and so on...
Also, try using the github version of this module, as the npm version is 2 years old, and the github version is at 29 days without an update. Install it as follow:
npm install --save
If you like there is an easier pilgrimage react-native-pip-android

How to configure App.js in react-native to use React-native-ui-kitten?

I am a newbie in react-native and I'm trying to use the react-native-ui-kitten library. The problem is that the documentation is not really helpful.
I have I have installed ui-kitten and the theme as indicated with the command: npm i react-native-ui-kitten #eva-design/eva
The documentation asks to configure the application root which I consider to be the App.js file unless I'm wrong.
So i changed the App.js generated code to this:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from '#eva-design/eva';
import { ApplicationProvider } from 'react-native-ui-kitten';
import { Application } from './path-to/root.component';
export default class App extends React.Component {
public render(): React.ReactNode {
return (
Unfortunetely it's not working.
Has anyone recently used ui-kitten library ?
What does the documentation mean by Application Root and how to set up a simple react-native project to use react-native-ui-kitten?
And yes I actually checked the documentation but maybe there is something I am not doing right.
I ran into the same problem.
I discovered that the creators of this UI kit use in fact in their code examples Typescript.
So you need to recreate your Reactnative project using a Typescript template, then rename accordingly the App.js into App.tsx
Any other components need to be renamed with the extension .tsx.
Make sure you read about Typescript:
Here it is how you can recreate your project with Typescript:
All the best,
I am also a beginner in react-native and it seems we kinda differ in implementing the code. I am not sure if this would help but this is the way I implement your code:
import * as React from 'react';
import { mapping, light as lightTheme } from '#eva-design/eva';
import { ApplicationProvider } from 'react-native-ui-kitten';
import { Application } from './path-to/root.component';
const App = () => (
export default App;
You could try it and let me know if this suits you. Good luck!

ReactNative TabBarIOS Undefined

Hell, I'm trying to create a tab bar in my react native app, but after importing it, it appears it's always undefined. Has this component been deprecated? I still see it listed in the docs.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
I'm using react-native 0.59.3
Looks like this has been removed as part of a core cleanup effort. There doesn't appear to be any native alternative that also behaves correctly on tvos.
I've gone ahead and extracted TabBarIOS out into a native module for anyone looking for this.
install instructions:
npm install git+
react-native link native-ios