Postgres calculate average using distinct IDs‚ values also distinct - sql

I have a postgres query that is supposed to calculate an average value based on a set of values. This set of values should be based on DISTINCT ID's.
The query is the following:
SELECT as store_name,
answers_base.question_name as question_name,
answers_base.question_id as question_id,
(sum(answers_base.answer_value) / NULLIF(count(answers_base.answer_id),0)) as score, # <--- this line is calculating wrong
sum(answers_base.answer_value) as score_sum,
count(answers_base.answer_id) as question_answer_count,
count(DISTINCT answers_base.answer_id) as answer_count
FROM answers_base
INNER JOIN stores ON = answers_base.store_id
WHERE answers_base.answer_value IS NOT NULL AND answers_base.question_type_id = :question_type_id
AND answers_base.scale = TRUE
GROUP BY, answers_base.question_name, answers_base.question_id, answers_base.sort_order
ORDER BY, answers_base.sort_order
The thing is, that on the indicated line (sum(answers_base.answer_value) / NULLIF(count(answers_base.answer_id),0)) some values are counted more than once.
Part of the solution is making it DISTINCT based on ID, like so:
(sum(answers_base.answer_value) / NULLIF(count(DISTINCT answers_base.answer_id),0))
This will result in an average that divided by the right number, but here the sum it's dividing is still wrong.
Doing the following (make sum() DISTINCT) does not work, for the reason that values are not unique. The values are either 0 / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100, so different IDs might contain 'same' values.
(sum(DISTINCT answers_base.answer_value) / NULLIF(count(DISTINCT answers_base.answer_id),0))
How would I go about making this work?
Here are simplified versions of the table structures.
Table Answer
Feb 01, 2022
Mar 02, 2022
Mar 13, 2022
Mar 21, 2022
Table AnswerRow
Answer 1' answer_rows:
25 + 50 + 50 -> average = 125 / 3
Answer 2' answer_rows:
75 + 100 + 0 -> average = 175 / 3
Answer 3' answer_rows:
25 -> average = 25 / 1
Answer 4' answer_rows:
25 + 100 + 50 -> average = 175 / 3
For some reason, we get duplicate answer_rows in the calculation.
Example of the problem; for answer_id=1 we have the following answer_rows in the calculation, giving us a different average:
Result: 25 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 -> 275 / 6
Desired result: 25 + 50 + 50 -> 125 / 3
Making answer_row_id distinct (see beginning of post) makes it possible for me to get:
25 + 50 + 50 + **50 + 50 + 50** -> 275 / **3**
But not
25 + 50 + 50 -> 275 / 3
What I would like to achieve is having a calculation that selects answer_row distinctly based on its ID, and those answer_rows will be used both for calculation x and y in calculation average -> x / y.
answers_base is the following (simplified):
WITH answers_base as (
SELECT as answer_id,
answers.store_id as store_id, as answer_row_id,
question_options.answer_value as answer_value
FROM answers
INNER JOIN answer_rows ON = answer_rows.answer_id
INNER JOIN stores ON = answers.store_id
WHERE answers.status = 0

I think this would be best solved with a window function. Something along the lines of
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY answer_rows.created_at DESC) AS duplicate_answers
answer_rows.duplicate_answers = 1
This would filter out multiple rows with the same id, and only keep one entry. (I chose the "first by created_at", but you could change this to whatever logic suits you best.)
A benefit to this approach is that it makes the rationale behind the logic clear, contained and re-usable.


SQL - Select rows after reaching minimum value/threshold

Using Sql Server Mgmt Studio. My data set is as below.
ID Days Value Threshold
A 1 10 30
A 2 20 30
A 3 34 30
A 4 25 30
A 5 20 30
B 1 5 15
B 2 10 15
B 3 12 15
B 4 17 15
B 5 20 15
I want to run a query so only rows after the threshold has been reached are selected for each ID. Also, I want to create a new days column starting at 1 from where the rows are selected. The expected output for the above dataset will look like
ID Days Value Threshold NewDayColumn
A 3 34 30 1
A 4 25 30 2
A 5 20 30 3
B 4 17 15 1
B 5 20 15 2
It doesn't matter if the data goes below the threshold for the latter rows, I want to take the first row when threshold is crossed as 1 and continue counting rows for the ID.
Thank you!
You can use window functions for this. Here is one method:
select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by days) as newDayColumn
from (select t.*,
min(case when value > threshold then days end) over (partition by id) as threshold_days
from t
) t
where days >= threshold_days;

Calculating Run Cost for lengths of Pipe & Pile

I work for a small company and we're trying to get away from Excel workbooks for Inventory control. I thought I had it figured out with help from (Nasser) but its beyond me. This is what I can get into a table, from there I need too get it to look like the table below.
My data
ID|GrpID|InOut| LoadFt | LoadCostft| LoadCost | RunFt | RunCost| AvgRunCostFt
1 1 1 4549.00 0.99 4503.51 4549.00 0 0
2 1 1 1523.22 1.29 1964.9538 6072.22 0 0
3 1 2 -2491.73 0 0 3580.49 0 0
4 1 2 -96.00 0 0 3484.49 0 0
5 1 1 8471.68 1.41 11945.0688 11956.17 0 0
6 1 2 -369.00 0 0 11468.0568 0 0
7 2 1 1030.89 5.07 5223.56 1030.89 0 0
8 2 1 314.17 5.75 1806.4775 1345.06 0 0
9 2 1 239.56 6.3 1508.24 1509.228 0 0
10 2 2 -554.46 0 0 954.768 0 0
11 2 1 826.24 5.884 4861.5961 1781.008 0 0
Expected output
ID|GrpID|InOut| LoadFt | LoadCostft| LoadCost | RunFt | RunCost| AvgRunCostFt
1 1 1 4549.00 0.99 4503.51 4549.00 4503.51 0.99
2 1 1 1523.22 1.29 1964.9538 6072.22 6468.4638 1.0653
3 1 2 -2491.73 1.0653 -2490.6647 3580.49 3977.7991 1.111
4 1 2 -96.00 1.111 -106.656 3484.49 3871.1431 1.111
5 1 1 8471.68 1.41 11945.0688 11956.17 15816.2119 1.3228
6 1 2 -369.00 1.3228 -488.1132 11468.0568 15328.0987 1.3366
7 2 1 1030.89 5.07 5223.56 1030.89 5223.56 5.067
8 2 1 314.17 5.75 1806.4775 1345.06 7030.0375 5.2266
9 2 1 239.56 6.3 1508.24 1509.228 8539.2655 5.658
10 2 2 -554.46 5.658 -3137.1346 954.768 5402.1309 5.658
11 2 1 826.24 5.884 4861.5961 1781.008 10263.727 5.7629
The first record of a group would be considered the opening balance. Inventory going into the yard have the ID of 1 and out of the yard are 2's. Load footage going into the yard always has a load cost per foot and I can calculate the the running total of footage. The first record of a group is easy to calculate the run cost and run cost per foot. The next record becomes a little more difficult to calculate. I need to move the average of run cost per foot forward to the load cost per foot when something is going out of the yard and then calculate the run cost and average run cost per foot again. Hopefully this makes sense to somebody and we can automate some of these calculations. Thanks for any help.
Here's an Oracle example I found;
SQL> select order_id
2 , volume
3 , price
4 , total_vol
5 , total_costs
6 , unit_costs
7 from ( select order_id
8 , volume
9 , price
10 , volume total_vol
11 , 0.0 total_costs
12 , 0.0 unit_costs
13 , row_number() over (order by order_id) rn
14 from costs
15 order by order_id
16 )
17 model
18 dimension by (order_id)
19 measures (volume, price, total_vol, total_costs, unit_costs)
20 rules iterate (4)
21 ( total_vol[any] = volume[cv()] + nvl(total_vol[cv()-1],0.0)
22 , total_costs[any]
23 = case SIGN(volume[cv()])
24 when -1 then total_vol[cv()] * nvl(unit_costs[cv()-1],0.0)
25 else volume[cv()] * price[cv()] + nvl(total_costs[cv()-1],0.0)
26 end
27 , unit_costs[any] = total_costs[cv()] / total_vol[cv()]
28 )
29 order by order_id
30 /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
1 1000 100 1000 100000 100
2 -500 110 500 50000 100
3 1500 80 2000 170000 85
4 -100 150 1900 161500 85
5 -600 110 1300 110500 85
6 700 105 2000 184000 92
6 rows selected.
Let me say first off three things:
This is certainly not the best way to do it. There is a rule saying that if you need a while-loop, then you are most probably doing something wrong.
I suspect there is some calculation errors in your original "Expected output", please check the calculations since my calculated values are different according to your formulas.
This question could also be seen as a gimme teh codez type of question, but since you asked a decently formed question with some follow-up research, my answer is below. (So no upvoting since this is help for a specific case)
Now onto the solution:
I attempted to use my initial hint of the LAG statement in a nicely formed single update statement, but since you can only use a windowed function (aka LAG) inside a select or order by clause, that will not work.
What the code below does in short:
It calculates the various calculated fields for each record when they can be calculated and with the appropriate functions, updates the table and then moves onto the next record.
Please see comments in the code for additional information.
TempTable is a demo table (visible in the linked SQLFiddle).
Please read this answer for information about decimal(19, 4)
-- Our state and running variables
DECLARE #curId INT = 0,
#curGrpId INT,
#prevId INT = 0,
#prevGrpId INT = 0,
#LoadCostFt DECIMAL(19, 4),
#RunFt DECIMAL(19, 4),
#RunCost DECIMAL(19, 4)
FROM TempTable
WHERE DoneFlag = 0) -- DoneFlag is a bit column I added to the table for calculation purposes, could also be called "IsCalced"
SELECT top 1 -- top 1 here to get the next row based on the ID column
#prevId = #curId,
#curId = tmp.ID,
#curGrpId = Grpid
FROM TempTable tmp
WHERE tmp.DoneFlag = 0
ORDER BY tmp.GrpID, tmp.ID -- order by to ensure that we get everything from one GrpID first
-- Calculate the LoadCostFt.
-- It is either predetermined (if InOut = 1) or derived from the previous record's AvgRunCostFt (if InOut = 2)
WHEN tmp.INOUT = 2
THEN (lag(tmp.AvgRunCostFt, 1, 0.0) OVER (partition BY GrpId ORDER BY ID))
ELSE tmp.LoadCostFt
FROM TempTable tmp
WHERE tmp.ID IN (#curId, #prevId)
AND tmp.GrpID = #curGrpId
-- Calculate the LoadCost
UPDATE TempTable
SET LoadCost = LoadFt * #LoadCostFt
WHERE Id = #curId
-- Calculate the current RunFt and RunCost based on the current LoadFt and LoadCost plus the previous row's RunFt and RunCost
SELECT #RunFt = (LoadFt + (lag(RunFt, 1, 0) OVER (partition BY GrpId ORDER BY ID))),
#RunCost = (LoadCost + (lag(RunCost, 1, 0) OVER (partition BY GrpId ORDER BY ID)))
FROM TempTable tmp
WHERE tmp.ID IN (#curId, #prevId)
AND tmp.GrpID = #curGrpId
-- Set all our values, including the AvgRunCostFt calc
UPDATE TempTable
SET RunFt = #RunFt,
RunCost = #RunCost,
LoadCostFt = #LoadCostFt,
AvgRunCostFt = #RunCost / #RunFt,
doneflag = 1
WHERE ID = #curId
SELECT ID, GrpID, InOut, LoadFt, RunFt, LoadCost,
RunCost, LoadCostFt, AvgRunCostFt
FROM TempTable
The output with your sample data and a SQLFiddle demonstrating how it all works:
ID GrpID InOut LoadFt RunFt LoadCost RunCost LoadCostFt AvgRunCostFt
1 1 1 4549 4549 4503.51 4503.51 0.99 0.99
2 1 1 1523.22 6072.22 1964.9538 6468.4638 1.29 1.0653
3 1 2 -2491.73 3580.49 -2654.44 3814.0238 1.0653 1.0652
4 1 2 -96 3484.49 -102.2592 3711.7646 1.0652 1.0652
5 1 1 8471.68 11956.17 11945.0688 15656.8334 1.41 1.3095
6 1 2 -369 11587.17 -483.2055 15173.6279 1.3095 1.3095
7 2 1 1030.89 1030.89 5226.6123 5226.6123 5.07 5.07
8 2 1 314.17 1345.06 1806.4775 7033.0898 5.75 5.2288
9 2 1 239.56 1584.62 1509.228 8542.3178 6.3 5.3908
10 2 2 -554.46 1030.16 -2988.983 5553.3348 5.3908 5.3907
11 2 1 826.24 1856.4 4861.5962 10414.931 5.884 5.6103
If you are unclear about parts of the code, I can update with additional explanations.

SQL - Retrieve Closest Lower Value

When a column value does not equal, I would like to retrieve the closest lower pay value.
For instance: 10 yearsOfService should equal the value 650.00; 14 yearsOfService would equal the value 840.00 in the below incentive table,
ID Pay yearsOfService
1 125.00 0
2 156.00 2
3 188.00 3
4 206.00 4
5 650.00 6
6 840.00 14
7 585.00 22
8 495.00 23
9 385.00 24
10 250.00 25
I have tried several different approaches; including:
SELECT TOP 1 (pay) as incentivePay
FROM incentive
WHERE yearsOfService = '10'
This works but only for yearsOfService that match.
With 10 yearsOfService:
RESULTSET = [1 650.00]
Any ideas?
Please try:
SELECT TOP 1 (pay) as incentivePay
FROM incentive
WHERE yearsOfService <= '10'
ORDER BY yearsOfService desc

Sum operation performed on rows till specified value: a new row for each group for which the sum exceeds the specified value

I want an query which can extract the range from which to which I want to have breakup of the sum records to XYZ value. I will say 50,000 is the break up need. Then it has to display all the ranges from which RESOURCE_VALUE to which RESOURCE_VALUE I can get sum <=50,000. One RESOURCE_VALUE value can be included in only one range.
Example: sample data
The Below Is The input
resource_value | tot_count
1 100
2 50
3 20
4 30
5 300
6 250
7 200
8 30
9 60
10 200
11 110
12 120
Then the output has to be something like this :
sample output 1: when sum(tot_count)<=300
start resource_value endresource_value sum
1 4 300
5 5 300
6 6 250
7 9 290
10 10 200
11 12 230
sample output 2: when sum(tot_count)<=500
start resource_value end resource_value sum
1 4 300
5 5 300
6 8 480
9 12 490
I just guess that you use ORACLE, because of your table structure, and in oracle you can use this query to get your aim:
with vw1(val,flg,sumval) as
(select 1 val,0 flg,TOT_COUNT sumval
from TEMP where RESOURCE_VALUE = '1'
union all
select vw1.val + 1 val,
case when vw1.sumval + t1.TOT_COUNT > 300 then vw1.flg + 1 else vw1.flg end flg,
case when vw1.sumval + t1.TOT_COUNT > 300 then t1.TOT_COUNT else vw1.sumval + t1.TOT_COUNT end sumval
From TEMP t1,vw1 WHERE t1.RESOURCE_VALUE = TO_CHAR(vw1.val + 1))
max(sumval) "SUM" from vw1 group by flg order by min(val);
SQL Fiddle

SQL Query- Partition into groups & calculate max- min value

Need your help with a SQL query in Oracle db. I have data that I want to partition into groups when event = "Start". E.g. Row 1-6 is a group, row 7-9 is a group. I want to ignore rows with event = "Ignore". Finally I want to calculate max(Value)-min(Value) for these groups. I dont have any way to group the data.
Can this be achieved? Is it possible to use partition by Event = start. Same data is below:
Row Event Value Required Result is max-min of value
1 Start 10
2 A 11
3 B 12
4 C 13
5 D 14
6 E 15 5
7 Start 16
8 A 18
9 B 20 4
10 Start 27
11 A 30
12 B 33
13 C 34 7
14 Ignore 35
15 Ignore 36
16 Start 33
17 A 34
18 B 35
19 C 36
20 D 37
21 E 38 5
Yes, you can do this in SQL.
The following query first finds the group that a row is in, by finding the largest start before the row id. This version uses a correlated subquery for this calculation.
It then does the grouping on the id and does the calculation.
select groupid, max(value) - min(value)
from (select t.*,
(select max(row) from t t2 where t2.row < t.row and t2.event = start
) as groupid
from t
) t
where event <> 'IGNORE'