outlook-addin Determine whether the user responded to the email - outlook-addin

By monitoring to Inbox, I can monitor the MailItem information and record the information.
I have a question, how can I tell whether the user replied to the email or not, if I do not monitor the Sent Box?
Have big god to have thought, can provide.

You need to read PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME (DASL name "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x10820040") and PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED (DASL name "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x10810003") MAPI properties using MailItem.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty.
You can see these properties and their values in OutlookSpy (I am its author, click IMessage button).


Finding Where Previous Email In Conversation Is Stored in a Shared Inbox

When receiving a reply to an email that has already been in a shared inbox, I want to store it to the same folder as the previous email.
Came as far as understanding Conversation ID buildup, but couldn't find how to read the properties of the previous conversation.
The Outlook object model provides the GetConversation method which obtains a Conversation object that represents the conversation to which this item belongs. GetConversation returns Null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no conversation exists for the item. No conversation exists for an item in the following scenarios:
The item has not been saved. An item can be saved programmatically, by user action, or by auto-save.
For an item that can be sent (for example, a mail item, appointment item, or contact item), the item has not been sent.
Conversations have been disabled through the Windows registry.
The store does not support Conversation view (for example, Outlook is running in classic online mode against a version of Microsoft Exchange earlier than Microsoft Exchange Server 2010). Use the IsConversationEnabled property of the Store object to determine whether the store supports Conversation view.
I guess the GetConversation doesn't work for shared accounts , see a similar thread for more information.

How can I know if the mail received is a parent mail using vba

I need to delete all replies and forwards to a mailbox.
I already have disabled the Reply, Reply To All and Forward from my master email template, but some people is using old mails to avoid creating a new one.
I am also checking the email subject for the strings "RE:" and "FWD:" to treat them as I want, but some people change the subject and I don't know how check if it's a original mail (parent mail).
Any suggestions?
Elio Fernandes

Adobe PDF Distributed Form- changing the collection email mailbox

When using Adobe PDF distributed forms, how does one update the email mailbox to which the responses are sent? It seems to be using my personal email address as the default but this form's data needs to go to a different mailbox.
In other words, I can't figure out how to change the return address.
I do not see this question anywhere on the web. Thank you for your help.
You would change the Identity preferences before Distributing the form.
The eMail address for returning is taken from that preference setting.

Can Outlook Interop API not recognise a DeliveryNotification

Story goes: My user sends an email to their client. My user ticks of "delivery notification" / "read notification". The client responds on the notification. Now my user has a "notification" sitting in their inbox. My application may attach that "email" to a project database, happens with any other regular email.
Now a bug report ticks in (feature request) on my table. My user like to attach those "notifications" to the project in question, but my application does not recognise the notification as an email.
Having recieved this feature/bug request, I start investigating. When I right click the mail in question I'd expect to have the option of attaching the mail to a project. I do with regular emails, but not with the notification email.
First off: Isn't a delivery/ read notification just like any other email. Apparently not as it is not being recognised in the first run.
Second: If it isn't an email, what is it then. Apparently it does not exist. WT'bip'...
I found an enum DeliveryNotificationOptions under System.Net.Mail, but I'm using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook and the MailItem in there. I found the MailItem.OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested which is what the client's mail application has replied to and sent my user the notification.
I have the Outlook addin both as an Office2007(.Net3.5) and Office2010(.Net4) version, the 2003 has been retired. The way I see this it goes beyond office and .net version concerns.
Any light or pointers people like to share on this matter would be appreciated.
It's called a ReportItem (DeliveryNotification).

Track bounced back newsletter emails

I've built a newsletter system which tracks:
Link clicks
However, I need to find a way of tracking which newsletter emails 'bounced back'.
Has anyone done this before and whats the best way of doing it?
When sending the mail via SMTP you supply the FROM command which is sometimes referred to as the 'Sender' or 'Envelope Sender'. This is separate from the From: header in the email itself. What you want to do is to create a 'bounced' mailbox and set that as the 'Sender' for the email. If there is a bounce, then most mail servers will send a (NDR) notification back to this sender.
Then you need to periodically check this mailbox for NDR's and parse them for the original recipient and if it was a hard or soft bounce. There are various libraries that can do this for you such as ListNanny