How can i get genres and descriptions of movies in IMBd API? - api

so Im using the Top 250 Movies database in IMDb's API and i need the genres and descriptions of all the movies but i looked in IMDb's API list and they don't have anything about genres or descriptions.
I just want the genres and the short description on the IMDb website when you are on a movie.
And if anyones want to know i exporting the data into a spreadsheet. google sheets to be specific.

Use the following IMPORTXML:
For Plot use :
=IMPORTXML("imdb movie url","//*[#data-testid='plot-xl']")
For Genres use :
=IMPORTXML("imdb movie url","//*[#data-testid='genres']")


How to get the weatherbox from a wikipedia page using the API?

Most of the larger cities have a table with climate data. I think Wikipedia calls them weatherbox.
Is there a way to retrieve these tables via the API?
For instance, to get the climate section for NYC I do:
I get the text but not the actual table which is referred to as {{New York City weatherbox}}.
There seems to be another way to retrieve some weatherboxes but this isn't working for many cities.
This one works:
but this one doesn't:

Spotify API: Get an Artist based on the name not the artist's ID

The endpoint states that you have to use its Spotify ID to get its info. Is there a way to achieve this using the name of the artist instead of the ID?
As you can imagine, there are many artists with the same or similar names! You should use the Search endpoint to search for the artist. This will return an artist object with the ID, which you can use in future calls.

Link LSOA codes with ordnance survey postcodes and endpoint

I am new to linked data and trying to link ordnance survey postcodes to LSOA data.
I am using the OS linked Data Sparql API and the end point is:
I have a query which returns the postcodes, although I am trying to link LSOA codes with the postcodes to learn from. The code I have so far is:
SELECT ?postcode WHERE {
?postcodeUnit a <>
BIND (STRAFTER((STR(?postcodeUnit)),'postcodeunit/') as ?postcode)
}limit 10
This code brings back the postcodes, but I am trying to link to LSOA codes.
Thanks in Advance
You may be a bit stuck with this data source.
Shows that there is no LSOA data associated with a postcode unit. And a quick look at the RDF for the site shows that they don't have a field called LSOA.

Retrieve ISBN from eBay listing via Shopping API

I'm trying to use the eBay shopping API to try and retrieve the ISBNs from listings for books. I already have the eBay IDs for the listings which I'm interested in. Likely that most will have the ISBNs included in the Item Specifics for the listing (some won't, these can be disregarded).
One would therefore assume that retrieving the Item Specifics from the API would give the ISBN as a value, but it appears that the output gives pretty much everything apart from the ISBN. For example, the following API request gives lots of interesting detail about the listing, apart from the ISBN itself:
I haven't had much joy searching the API docs for a solution to getting this particular element from the listing - does anybody have a solution for this? Or if it simply isn't possible to get the ISBN via the API cleanly, is there an alternative method? (This is for very small scale personal use.)
ISBN, UPC, EAN and suchlike come under the productID field.
This field is returned by using the Details value of IncludeSelector. So the url you would want is:
To get the ISBN form a catalogue product you need to use the productID value to make a request to the Product API.
You need to call getProductDetails with the input:
You can use ISBN10 or ISBN13 as the value of datasetPropertyName depending on which one you want.

Capturing/scraping book genre information from google

When I search for a book on google (search query: book title + genre e.g. of 'mice and men genre') I get the book genre(s) in a box which is above the search results. Sometimes there are multiple genres and sometimes just the one.
How can I capture this data?
I have a large list of books which I need the Genre information for. Are there any automated methods to gather this data? or alternative sources?