Play a sound frequently in React Native App - react-native

I'm working on a React Native App. I need to play a beep every 500ms. I already have a mp3 file to play and can it play on click. But after clicking the button a few times, it breaks. I used the example code from expo av. I used the snack from playing audio sounds.
I also could use another mp3 file which is longer, but has to start replaying immediately after ending.
What's the best way to play the beep every 500ms? Using a longer file and replay after ending? Or frequently use the single beep? How can I achieve that?

If you are using react-native-sound library, have a look at the link below: link


Video Trimming In Expo

Am developing an app which a user can upload a video status just like whatsapp but I need a video trimming library which I can use to implement this feature where a user can trim some portion of the video they selected with a time frame. I searched and found some libraries like react-native-video-processing and others but none seems to work with expo. so I will appreciate if someone can give me a working one or a guide on how I can use ffmpeg or other libraries to archive this.

Is there any library to transform recorded video to certain aspect ratio(croping) in react native?

I am using RNCamera to record video along with react-native-video-helper library for trimming/compressing video. I want to record or transform recorded video like instagram to wide angle(not potrait mode). It's been almost a week I am looking for a solution but I could'nt find anything useful till yet. I have tried react-native-video-processing library as well.
I have figured it out myself, posting answer to any one else struggling with the same scenario:
Go for ffmpeg, you can do almost every thing with this awesome tool, croping, merging, adding emoji's, text to video, triming, removing audio from video and so on.
You can find test application for a quick startup along with the package as well

disable auto download of files in react native video

I am using react-native-video to stream video in my app. The video starts with paused state.
From onLoadStart and onLoad event i see the video is started to load automatically even though it is paused. These videos are fetched from an URL, not in the assets of the app.
When i have multiple files in one screen it will take too much space in mobile. I want to keep space taken to minimal.
So i want to load files only if it is played by user by clicking the play button.
Is there a way to specify not to autoload files?

How to make simple Audio Player in React Native

I am working on React-Native application. I have to play Audio using URL(podcast) source.
The UI should be like following.
I have tried react-native-video library, But, The UI is different.
Is there any other library available to achieve this?
I have to show Progressbar(Slider), Play/Pause/Stop, Title. And I have to play audio in background state too.
Any suggestions?
You can use this library,
it has everything like Play audio files, stream audio from URL
react-native-track-player provides almost all features a audio player, you can also use it to play audio in background, used it for this app

Loop wav file seamleassly in the background on windows 8

I have managed to get seamsless looping of wav files using the SharpDX library.
But this does not seem to work while the app is minimised (in the background).
Using the metro players I do not get a seamless loop this is why I use XAudio2 in the SharpDX library.
Hope someone can help with this.
When your app is in the background it no longer has access to the CPU so your audio will stop playing.
The only way around this is with background agents running the audio component. The issue here is that the certification process will be hard on you if you are just playing looping audio. Playing audio in the background is intended for audio player apps (like the inbuilt "Music" app).
If I were a user of your app I would likely be unhappy that it clogs up the audio system when it isn't in the foreground (if, for example, I went to answer a Lync call). If the only way to stop your app playing audio is to go and turn it off manually or exit the app then my opinion is that the user experience isn't great.
Of course, you may have a different opinion, or your app might be doing something I haven't considered.