Error when executing npm install #studydefi/money-legos - npm

When I run the command npm install #studydefi/money-legos I get the following error and I don't know why. If someone can solve the error.enter image description here


Cant run any npm command after updating npm

After i use npm install on a new cloned git project, i got this information about the new major verion of npm. since it's a major update as it says so i do the
update command npm install -g npm and my update did not success.
so every time i do these command (image below), i got same error result.
Any solution for this? thankyou.

Error "Cannot read property "matches" of undefined" when using "npm install"

I'm trying to install expo globally on my Windows 10 machine for a school assignement.
As the doc says, I've been trying the following command in my terminal :
$ npm install --global expo-cli
but it always gives me the same error :
npm ERR! Cannot read property 'matches' of undefined
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2021-04-07T13_43_16_562Z-debug.log
I've tried running $ npm install -g expo-cli instead but the same thing happens.
I haven't tried reinstalling node or anything yet because I need my pc up and running for this week and I'm not too accustomed to all that, I'd like to keep that a last resort if possible.
Has anyone ever encountered this error before ?
Thanks to those who replied but I "accidentally" fixed it myself.
Through my searching I ended up actually uninstalling node with $ nvm uninstall v15.0.0 and I found myself obligated to download it again here.
Must've been a problem with the version I was using as suggested before.
Try removing the node_modules folder and package-lock.json file and run command npm install.

Why "Error: ENIVAL: invalid argument, mkdir" is happening when I run npm

I was trying to install react but an EPERM error occurred so in order to remove that I cleared my cache and I edited the prefix just like it was shown in the youtube tutorial but now whenever I use npm in a command ENIVAL: invalid argument, mkdir error is showing. Can anyone please tell me how to remove it.
Error: ENIVAL: invalid argument, mkdir `C:\Users\Duke LoVeR\`C:\Users\DuKeLoVeR\AppData\Roaming\npm``
Error image
You should try to update your npm version to 7.18.0.
Error is maybe due to npm version conflictions.

Getting error on running command npm start

I am trying to run the project its given following error.
npm start error Failed at the nedben-fe#0.0.1 start script ' grunt
I tried the following but it did not work
npm i findup-sync --save

skeleton-typescript-webpack fails when running npm start or npm run build on Windows 7

I'm running Windows 7 64bit with Node v6.5.0 and NPM 3.10.3. I ran npm install in the skeleton-typescript-webpack folder and all the packages installed fine. When I run any commands that call webpack though, I get the errors below.
When I run npm run build I get this error:
When I run npm start I get this error:
As you can see, the command that is run before the npm build error happens is concerning webpack, and same with the command that is run before the npm start error happens.
Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
The skeleton skeleton-typescript-webpack uses TypeScript 2.0 for compilation.
This gives tries to compile adm-zip which is in the selenium-webdriver node module. And this gives an error on a break statement after a return statement.
The file .\nodes_modules\selenium-webdriver\node_modules\adm-zip\zipEntry.js gives the issue. You have to comment out two break; statements in the file on line 96 and line 115. After this you get a correct build.