How to add diagonal line in top and bottom of every document page.
Like header footer but the line are joined to document.
in picture was i give yellow circle. thanks
enter image description here
In My Microsoft SQL Report Builder, the footer is inaccessible for any editing and I believe it may be because the height is set to 0 but have no idea how I can change this. I can tell the footer is on because a small dotted line appears when I click add footer. But have no clue how to change the size.
With the page footer added (dotted line visible,) slowly move your mouse from the background below to the page pixel by pixel until the cursor turns into the up and down arrows. If you go slow enough, you should be able to grab the footer handle without the page handle, then click and pull down to expand the footer. You can tell if you are in the right spot because the black bar on the ruler to the left will be beneath the gray bar that denotes the end of the page. It helps if you lower your mouse sensitivity.
Sorry for poor quality, had to use step recorder to get the cursor. Notice the black bar to the left is below the gray horizontal bar. This means I am over the footer and not the page.
I'm wondering if someone knows how to make a header and footer at the title page in your costume Asciidoctor theme.
In my case I have a logo that I want to put on the top left corner. The problem is that I've set the margin for the document, so my logo would not be on the right spot at the title page.
Do someone of you know how to ignore the margin or just how to add a header and footer to the title page?
Rather than using "title_page_logo_image", you should be able to accomplish this through "title_page_background_image". The background image does not take the margins into account. You may have to update the logo to include some transparency to its left and top in order to not make it sit exactly in the top left of the title page.
I am trying to implement like word cloud in my app.
The image shown is like word cloud with left alignment.
What I did was, for placing the buttons I am checking whether the width of the text is greater than total width of the screen, if it is greater place the button in next row i.e increment the y position, if it is not just place the buttons. Everything is working fine. But what I want now is , i want to move the buttons alignment, like, I want to start the first button from center of the screen. Please help me to do this...
I have a report that has 3 pages (it's basically 3 images), one on each page.
The 3rd image should only be visible given a condition. This part works. The image is displayed or not displayed properly.
The problem is, if the image is NOT displayed, I don't want to show a blank page there. The report needs to go onto the next page.
How do I make it so that if the 3rd page isn't there, then a blank space will not be rendered?
Like with most formatting questions, the answer is: a Rectangle.
Put your image in a rectangle and use the visibility of the rectangle. When invisible, the rectangle will not consume the space.
Look at the titles of the buttons. Also the placing of the 1 at the bottom.
Any idea what can cause that? (All I did was to drag and drop and wrote some simple calc code)
In your picture, there are blue lines to the bottom and left of your 1 button. This means that your button is aligned to the bottom left of the screen.
The rest of your buttons are probably aligned with the top of the screen. This means that if height of the screen changes, your buttons will not line up. If you align the button to the top of the screen you shouldn't have this issue.
You can change the alignment by moving the button to the top of the screen so that the blue line is at the top and then dragging it back down to where you want it, or you can change it in the Size Inspector.
As for the issue of missing titles, it looks like somehow the buttons with missing titles have strange constraints that cause the titles to disappear when the screen is getting laid out. I was able to get rid of the issue by deleting all but the first row of buttons, selecting that first row and duplicating it 4 times for the other rows. This ensures that all the buttons are lined up perfectly. A couple of your buttons had a width of 71 instead of 64 which might have been causing them to be laid out poorly.