Spartacus - Component Mapping ONLY for B2B sites - spartacus-storefront

HI i'm quite new to Spartacus and one of the many tasks i have is to customize the PDP page.
However, this customization should only happen on B2B stores only.
I tried mapping components and this affect both B2C and B2B, is there a way we can only do component mapping for B2B store only?
Did this on my custom module..
declarations: [
imports: [
cmsComponents: {
BreadcrumbComponent: {
component: CustomBreadcrumbComponent
ProductAddToCartComponent : {
component: CustomProductCartComponent
} as CmsConfig)
Tried using provideConfig but didn't work. Any suggestions? Thank you!


Production build orderCore is missing

I had to manually upgrade from 3.2 to 4.2 and because I am developing a Angular library, I could not use the schematics to perform the update.
I have got it working on the development build. We are developing a feature library that targets the checkout (Payment Page and Order Confirmation Page) and it works fine.
With the production build (ng build --configuration production), the payment page works fine, but the Order Confirmation page is not working. it complains that orderCore feature is not configured properly.
Note: we are being redirected from an external site, back to the order confirmation page (after authorization). When the page loads, it shows the following error in the log and show a broken my account page.
core.js:6498 ERROR Error: Feature orderCore is not configured properly
at FacadeFactoryService.getResolver (spartacus-core.js:24825)
at FacadeFactoryService.create (spartacus-core.js:24867)
at facadeFactory (spartacus-core.js:24898)
at orderReturnRequestFacadeFactory (spartacus-order-root.js:13)
at Object.factory (spartacus-order-root.js:37)
at R3Injector.hydrate (core.js:11457)
at R3Injector.get (core.js:11276)
at NgModuleRef$1.get (core.js:25352)
at Object.get (core.js:25066)
at lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector (core.js:3354)
Anyone has an idea if we are missing some configuration in the feature modules?
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { checkoutTranslationChunksConfig, checkoutTranslations } from '#spartacus/checkout/assets';
import { CHECKOUT_FEATURE, CheckoutRootModule } from '#spartacus/checkout/root';
import { CmsConfig, I18nConfig, provideConfig } from '#spartacus/core';
declarations: [],
imports: [
providers: [provideConfig({
featureModules: {
module: () =>
import('#spartacus/checkout').then((m) => m.CheckoutModule),
} as CmsConfig),
i18n: {
resources: checkoutTranslations,
chunks: checkoutTranslationChunksConfig,
} as I18nConfig)
export class CheckoutFeatureModule {
My colleague has provided a proposal:
If you want to use Spartacus Order library, you need to create "order-feature.module.ts" for it. And by default core is bundled together with components. So, in your configuration, you need have this set: "[ORDER_CORE_FEATURE]: ORDER_FEATURE". So, the config is something like this:
const config: CmsConfig = {
featureModules: {
cmsComponents: [
// by default core is bundled together with components

SAP Spartacus: Event Service + GTM

Hello we are using Spartacus 3.3 and have some trouble with the Event Service and GTM. If we got the documentation correct (maybe we did not) it a pure configuration topic and the available events can be registered for GTM and are thrown by the Spartacus standard. However if we subscribe e.g. to the PageEvent nothing happens. Event if we use the plain event service and listen for the PageEvents nothing is happening. Is this a bug or are we really forced to implemented the dispatching of the standard Events like PageEvent, NavigationEvent etc on our own?
imports: [
providers: [
tagManager: {
gtm: {
collector: GtmCollectorService,
gtmId: environment.googleTagManagerId,
events: [
} as TmsConfig),

docusaurus about sidebars of docusaurus to multi-language

I use 'Docusaurus' to docs but I don`t know How to config multi-language sideBar.
docs: {
path: 'docs',
routeBasePath: '/',
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js')
theme: {
customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
The code only use a kind of sidebars, if I switch the language The sidebars can`t switch.
run the write-translations command, for example your locale is zh-cn, when command finished, you will get a current.json file in the i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs directory
yarn run write-translations -- --locale zh-cn
the current.json contains the docs sidebar's category labels, modify it like the following:
"version.label": {
"message": "5.0.0.alpha.1",
"description": "The label for version current"
"sidebar.docsSidebar.category.Getting Started": {
"message": "开始上手",
"description": "The label for category Getting Started in sidebar docsSidebar"
"sidebar.docsSidebar.category.Guides": {
"message": "指南",
"description": "The label for category Guides in sidebar docsSidebar"
for more details, refer to:
Docusaurus allows you to add a navbar item so the user can select the language they want. You can enable the dropdown by adding the code below, as explained in the official documentation, to the docusaurus.config.js file.
If you want to find out more you can also have a look at this video in which I explain all the steps you need to follow to translate your Docusaurus website.
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
navbar: {
items: [
type: 'localeDropdown',
position: 'left',
if I switch the language The sidebars can`t switch
If you properly prepared i18n JSON files, when you switch the locale (language), the sidebar label will show different languages.

How to correctly render info to handlebars template

Rendering information from my controller only passes information through to the partials included on the template.
Here is how I go about it in my login controller. After I check password and username provided I send two objects to the dashboard template that I would like to render to the page
res.render(path.join(DIST_DIR, 'dashboard.hbs'), {
I can log this info and can see that it exists and it also renders out in the partials that included on dashboard.hsb, but it seems that dashboard itself is not getting the data.
My webpack setup
// Loads the javacript into html template provided.
// Entry point is set below in HtmlWebPackPlugin in Plugins
test: /\.hbs$/,
loader: 'handlebars-loader',
query: {
partialDirs: [
path.join(__dirname, './src/views/partials')
helperDirs: [
path.join(__dirname, './src/helpers')
new HtmlWebPackPlugin({
filename: 'dashboard.hbs',
title: 'Dashboard',
chunks: ['dashboard', 'dashboard~login', 'vendors~dashboard', 'vendors~dashboard~login'],
template: 'src/views/index/dashboard.hbs',
excludeChunks: ['server']
So the page renders fine and the user information that I try to pass does show up in the partials (used by dashboard layout), but the information for the user that I want to display in the body of dashboard.hbs is always blank. I seems that information is not passed to this template.
Where am I going wrong? I would really appreciate some help here.
I was using the wrong loader. Instead of using handlebars-loader, I updated the code to use the html-loader
// Loads the javacript into html template provided.
// Entry point is set below in HtmlWebPackPlugin in Plugins
test: /\.hbs$/,
loader: 'html-loader',
query: {
partialDirs: [
path.join(__dirname, './src/views/partials')
helperDirs: [
path.join(__dirname, './src/helpers')
And now everything works as expected. Hope this helps someone else down the line

After vue-cli build the app is not rendering properly

I'm using the latest vue-cli, and everything works in development.
After I build it the first page of the app is not rendering properly, the rest of the pages are working fine.
Here is how it looks on dev:
and this is how it looks on prod:
Using dev tools I see the elements are not rendered properly, so I can still see the actual component (like <aq-filters>) instead of just a div:
As I mentioned, it only happens for this one page, the rest works fine.
There is no error during the build, or in the console.
Here is some of the code that might be relevant:
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from "vuex";
import DomainModal from "./AddDomainModal";
import {
} from "comp";
const { mapGetters, mapActions } = createNamespacedHelpers("domains");
components: {
Any idea what's going on here?
I found a solution but I don't know why it works.
In my router.js file I used dynamic imports to create chunks, except for the first page (domains) that I imported statically:
path: "/domains",
name: "domains",
component: DomainsPage,
meta: { requiresAuth: true }
Once I changed it to dynamic import it solves the problem:
path: "/domains",
name: "domains",
component: () =>
import("#/views/domains/DomainsPage" /* webpackChunkName: "DomainsPage" */),
meta: { requiresAuth: true }
Can anyone explain it?