Discover maximum netlink buffer size - netlink

There seem to be a lot of things influencing the maximum netlink buffer size, such as kernel version, architecture and other parameters. Is there any easy way to discover the buffer size on my system?


Does it make sense to read from host memory in a compute shader to save a copy?

This answer suggests using a compute shader to convert from packed 3-channel image data to a 4-channel texture on the GPU. Is it a good idea to, instead of copying the 3 channel image to the GPU before decoding it, write it to a host visible buffer, then read that directly in the compute shader?
It would save a buffer on the GPU, but I don't know if the CPU-GPU buffer copy is done in some clever way that this would defeat.
Well, the first question you need to ask is whether the Vulkan implementation even allows a CS to directly read from host-visible memory. Vulkan implementations have to allow you to create SSBOs in some memory type, but it doesn't have to be a host-visible one.
So even if you want to do this, you'll need to provide a code path for what happens when you can't (or just fail out early on such implementations).
The next question is whether host-visible memory types that you can put an SSBO into are also device-local. Integrated GPUs that have only one memory pool are both host-visible and device-local, so there's no point in ever doing a copy on those (and they obviously can't refuse to allow you to make an SSBO in them).
But many/most discrete GPUs also have memory types that are both host-visible and device-local. These are usually around 256MB in size, regardless of how much actual GPU memory the cards have, and they're intended to be used for streamed data that changes every frame. Of course, GPUs don't necessarily have to allow you to use them for SSBOs.
Should you use such memory types for doing these kinds of image fiddling? You have to profile them to know. And you'll also have to take into account whether your application has ways to hide any DMA upload latency, which would allow you to ignore the cost of transferring the data to non-host-visible memory.

labview daq-mx dynamic buffer size

I want to record large amount of data in continuous mode, using a PCI 6110 and DAQ-assistant VI. At this point, I'm thinking how to dynamically change the buffer size, but I'm not sure if this is possible or if it will affect how data will differ between different sizes of the buffer.
labVIEW diagram
At a high rate and high number of samples, after I start the VI, sometimes it returns a buffer overflow error, other times a not enough memory error. I'd want to know if dynamically changing the buffer size is achievable and how this could be done, or at least to determine a method to find a buffer size that is stable and won't overflow or throw errors during data acquisition.
For high-performance acquisitions, I recommend using the DAQmx API to configure the device to log directly to disk. NI calls this "Log to TDMS File" and more information is available here: TDMS Direct Integration in NI-DAQmx Logging.
With this approach, you can "stream data to disk reaching speeds up to 1.2 GB/s."

OrientDB: MaxDirectMemorySize vs Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize

It is not clear what the difference is between MaxDirectMemorySize and Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize. They both seem to be off heap. Are they redundant when both are specified?
Docs : The size of direct memory consumed by OrientDB is limited by
the size of the disk cache (variable storage.diskCache.bufferSize).
The docs seem to imply that they refer to the same space, but that the driectmemorysize is limited by the buffer size. Is this correct?
MaxDirectMemorySize is a JVM setting that limits all direct byte buffer allocations within that JVM instance.
storage.diskCache.bufferSize is an application setting that limits direct byte buffer allocations for the purpose of IO caching in orientdb.

audio-unit sample rate and buffer size

i am facing a really misunderstanding when sampling the iphone audio with remoteIO.
from one side, i can do this math: 44khz sample rate means 44 samples per 1ms. which means if i set bufferSize to 0.005 with :
float bufferLength = 0.00005;
AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_PreferredHardwareIOBufferDuration, sizeof(bufferLength), &bufferLength);
which means 5ms buffer size -which means 44*5=220 samples in buffer each callback.
BUT i get 512 samples from inNumberFrames each callback . and it stay's fixed even when i change buffer length.
another thing , my callbacks are every 11ms and is not changing! i need faster callbacks .
so !
what is going on here ?
who set what ?
i need to pass a digital information in an FSK modulation, and have to know exactly buffer size in samples, and what time from the signal it has , in order to know how to FFT it correctly .
any explanation on this ?
thanks a lot.
There is no way on all current iOS 10 devices to get RemoteIO audio recording buffer callbacks at a faster rate than every 5 to 6 milliseconds. The OS may even decide to switch to sending even larger buffers at a lower callback rate at runtime. The rate you request is merely a request, the OS then decides on the actual rates that are possible for the hardware, device driver, and device state. This rate may or may not stay fixed, so your app will just have to deal with different buffer sizes and rates.
One of your options might be to concatenate each callback buffer onto your own buffer, and chop up this second buffer however you like outside the audio callback. But this won't reduce actual latency.
Added: some newer iOS devices allow returning audio unit buffers that are shorter than 5.x mS in duration, usually a power of 2 in size at a 48000 sample rate.
i need to pass a digital information in an FSK modulation, and have to know exactly buffer size in samples, and what time from the signal it has , in order to know how to FFT it correctly.
It doesn't work that way - you don't mandate various hosts or hardware to operate in an exact manner which is optimal for your processing. You can request reduced latency - to a point. Audio systems generally pass streaming pcm data in blocks of samples sized by a power of two for efficient realtime io.
You would create your own buffer for your processor, and report latency (where applicable). You can attempt to reduce wall latency by choosing another sample rate, or by using a smaller N.
The audio session property is a suggested value. You can put in a really tiny number but will just go to the lowest value it can. The fastest that I have seen on an iOS device when using 16 bit stereo was 0.002902 second ( ~3ms ).
That is 128 samples (LR stereo frames) per callback. Thus, 512 bytes per callback.
So 128/44100 = 0.002902 seconds.
You can check it with:
AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareIOBufferDuration, &size, &bufferDuration)
Could the value 512 in the original post have meant bytes instead of samples?

How can I calculate an optimal UDP packet size for a datastream?

Short radio link with a data source attached with a needed throughput of 1280 Kbps over IPv6 with a UDP Stop-and-wait protocol, no other clients or noticeable noise sources in the area. How on earth can I calculate what the best packet size is to minimise overhead?
I thought it would be an idea to show my working so far:
IPv6 has a 40 byte header, so including ACK responses, that's 80 bytes overhead per packet.
To meet the throughput requirement, 1280 K/p packets need to be sent a second, where p is the packet payload size.
So by my reckoning that means that the total overhead is (1280 K/p)*(80), and throwing that into Wolfram gives a function with no minima, so no 'optimal' value.
I did a lot more math trying to shoehorn bit error rate calculations into there but came up against the same thing; if there's no minima, how do I choose the optimal value?
Your best bet is to use a simulation framework for networks. This is a hard problem, and doesn't have an easy answer.
NS2 or SimPy can help you devise a discrete event simulation to find optimal conditions, if you know your model in terms of packet loss.
Always work with the largest packet size available on the network, then in deployment configure the network MTU for the most reliable setting.
Consider latency requirements, how is the payload being generated, do you need to wait for sufficient data before sending a packet or can you immediately send?
The radio channel is already optimized for noise as the low packet level, you will usually have other demands of the implementation such as power requirements: sending in heavy batches or light continuous load.