Loan data
So i have this kind of loan data in excel and i want to visualize how many applicant have loan on specific amount. Like for example, in 30,000 it has 30 applicant, in 10,000 5 applicant and so on.I want this kind of result Result and this is what it looks like when I import my data to tableau Tableu.
How can i do that using tableu?
I'm struggling with a database schema for a problem I'm having.
Let's say I own a business that sells monthly services (cleaning) to different companies.
However, I give companies monthly saveable 'coupons' that act like a reduction (of 5 dollars) based on their amount of users.
It's april 2018
Company XYZ has to pay 1.000 dollars for their monthly cleaning services by my business.
XYZ, has 5 employees, so they will have 5 coupons for the month of april.
HOWEVER, since coupons can be saved (for a period of 2 months), company XYZ will not use the coupons of only april, but also of march (since they didn't use any that month and february coupons are already used up).
10 coupons are used on their april invoice (5 of march, 5 of april):
total amount to pay 950 dollars
My thing is that I want to automate this. With one click on the button, my system will have to check:
How many users there are
If there are any unused coupons from last 2 months (and use those first if they exist)
Apply coupons to their invoice.
I want to design this first in a database but i'm struggling:
This is my design
Now I'm struggling with the coupon design, how can I develop this so that I can automise my problem.
I will need to save coupons per company per month.
My idea is to do it like this:
I wasn't sure if i could do this in one table and i'm not so sure with the following problem:
what if my program user decides to cancel an invoice, how would my system know from which month the coupons came?
What design would be adviced in a coupon-sharing system?
Any advice to tackling this problem would greatly appreciated.
I would go with your idea and have 2 more tables: Invoices and Invoices_UsedCoupons
ID (Primary key)
Status (to set a cancelled status on your invoice if you don't want to delete from the DB)
InvoiceId (foreign key to Invoices table)
Month (this field is for the used coupons from Company_Month_Coupon table)
The reasons for this:
We should still store the issued coupons (in your Company_Month_Coupon table) because for each month, the number of employees may change. It means that you have to keep track of the issued coupons whenever the number of employees changes.
With Invoices and Invoices_UsedCoupons table, you could easily calculate the actual used coupons & the remaining coupons.
what if my program user decides to cancel an invoice, how would my
system know from which month the coupons came?
All the information is available in Invoices and Invoices_UsedCoupons tables. If you want to reclaim coupons after cancelling the invoice, it's also easy to do.
"I will need to save coupons per company per month."
Maybe you can do the opposite. In the database does not store coupons that can be used, but only those that are actually used, for example in the table "used_coupons"
The idea is that the coupons are given up by default, so it makes no sense to store them. Only need to save the used coupons.
At checkout you need to find out how much users is in the company and how many "used coupons" is saved in the last two months.
If X coupons are returned then from the "used_coupons" table you need to delete the latest X coupons.
I have been struggling on this problem on Tableau for a while and would really appreciate some help.
For a given company A that has product_id's 1,2,3....,N
How do I calculate their share of revenue for a given product id against other companies B,C,...., N with the same product id?
My current idea has been to duplicate the data source and then do a simple table calculation:
I can then add this calculated measure to the sheet and filter to show the SUM of revenue for company A against all other companies in the duplicate data source. However, this does not aggregate by product id as I would like it to.
Thanks in advance.
I am a graduate intern at a big company and I'm having some trouble with creating a measure in PowerPivot.
I'm quite new with PowerPivot and I need some help. I am the first person to use PowerPivot in this office so I can't ask for help here.
I have a fact table that has basically all journal entries. See next table. All entries are done with a unique ID (serialnumber) for every product
110 2010-1-1 900 $1000
There is a dimension table with has all accounts allocated to a specific country and expense or revenue.
ACCOUNT# Expense Country
900 Revenue Germany
And another dimension table to split the dates.
The third dimension table contains product information, but also contains a column with a certain expense (Expense X).
ID Expense X ProductName Productcolour
110 $50 Flower Green
I made sure I made the correct relations between the tables of course. And slicing works in general.
To calculate the margin I need to deduct this expense x from the revenue. I already made a measure that shows total Revenue, that one was easy.
Now I need a measure to show the total for Expense X, related to productID. So I can slice in a pivot table on date and product name etc.
The problem is that I can't use RELATED function because the serial number is used multiple times in the fact table (journal entries can have the same serial number)
And if I use the SUM or CALCULATE function it won't slice properly.
So how can I calculate the total for expense X so it will slice properly?
Check the function RELATEDTABLE.
If you create a dummy dataset I can play around and send you a solution.
I have data in a table stored in an Excel file. I linked this table into a PowerPivot Data Model, and from that Data Model I want to create a Pivot in the same Excel file. In this table one column contains split of data into: Budget, Last Year, Prior Forecast, Current Forecast. I want to add this field as Pivot coulmns, but I would like to add additional calc item (like in normal Excel Pivot Table I can add Calculated Item) with calculation: [Current Forecast] - [Prior Forecast]. I checked various pages, forums, etc. and I have not found any guidance on how to add such a calc item to a field in PowerPivot.
My input looks like this:
Sample data:
Category Client Amount
Current Forecast XYZ 600
Current Forecast ABC 1000
Current Forecast DEF 100
Prior Forecast XYZ 500
Prior Forecast ABC 1200
Budget XYZ 800
Budget ABC 900
Budget DEF 100
Last Year XYZ 700
Last Year ABC 500
From this data I want to create a Pivot that would look like this:
Current Prior Last
Client Forecast Forecast Budget Year FoF YoY
XYZ 600 500 800 700 100 -100
ABC 1000 1200 900 500 -200 500
DEF 100 100 100 100
In PowerPivot, I want to add two additional columns, perhaps as calculated items in the Category field:
FoF=[Current Forecast]-[Prior Forecast]
YoY=[Current Forecast]-[Last Year]
On below screenshots it is better visible, what I want to achieve:
I can't add this to my source data as the number of rows between current forecast and prior forecast are not in the same amount and not in the same order (they are extracted from another system)
Guenh, this should be quite straightforward:
Depending on your PowerPivot versions, you either create a new measure from PowerPivot ribbon (Excel 2010 Add-in: New Measure button). In Excel 2013, it was renamed to Calculated Field, still available via PowerPivot ribbon:
Anyway, I downloaded your data and created new measures (= calculated fields) for all of your columns, which was the key. The way your data is structured is not ideal, but it's certainly doable. First you have to sum the amount for each category, so use this simple CALCULATE formula:
What it does is that it sums the amount values, but only for rows have Budget in the Category column. The example above is defined for the Budget category; include the other three categories as well (simply duplicate the formula and change the second parameter in CALCULATE: instead of "Budget", use "Last Year", etc.
Then create your FoF and YoY calculations by simply using already created measures:
If you then add new PivotTable (from PowerPivot window), simply drag Client Name to rows section and all the measures to Values section.
With that, you should get your desired result table as shows below. Here you can download the source file (for Excel 2013).
Hope this helps :)
How to do realize calculated item in PowerPivot, usually it has many columns as KPI need to compare, amount, quantity, COST ect. as below 2. secondly most times the data that you want to put in comparison has to lie in row. Really ache to seek a solution, but seems Dax or PowerPivot has lost the function of calculated item.
I am encountering an issue in which I have sales which can be part of multiple promotions. I am trying to use a sales fact table which will have multiple rows for sales in multiple promotions. Thus, the cube can only accurately be used to aggregate sales within a promotion, not across promotions.
e.g., here are a couple of rows that could appear in the fact table:
saleid sku sales_date promotion_id revenue
1 123 1-1-2013 1 10
1 123 1-1-2013 2 10
This is one sale which gave the company revenue of $10, but it was part of two different promotions. I want to give users the ability to sum sales for promotion 1, and sales for promotion 2, but not for all promotions at the same time (which would indicate $20 of sales overall).
I think that this should be able to be done in SSAS, but I can't figure out how to do it. Ideally the cube would be defined so that the user can only use it in conjunction with the promotion dimension (and other dimensions as desired), but I'd settle for defining the facts so that they cannot be summed across promotions.
thanks, --sw