I want to publish my root username.github.io repo on a domain myname.ca (nikolakuzmic.ca) and a separate repo vue-helloworld-ghpages on a Different domain name (mynextmovie.ca).
So far, I was only able to properly publish my root repo on nikolakuzmic.ca domain.
For the custom project, inside vue-helloworld-ghpages repo, on gh-pages branch, I added a CNAME file to point to mynextmovie.ca.
On GoDaddy side, I added the 4 Github IPs (185.199.108-11.153) as 'A records' and a CNAME pointing to my root GitHub username (kuzmicni.github.io) as suggested in these 2 posts (Custom domain for github project pages, Custom domain for GitHub project pages) but the website is not loaded properly and only an empty page is displayed:
However, if I just publish the custom project by default it goes to nikolakuzmic.ca/vue-helloworld-ghpages and the content is loaded properly
Any help highly appreciated!
Turns out to solve the issue, you have to leave publicPath in the vue.config.js file empty like this
module.exports = {
instead of having
module.exports = {
So i have a Vue.Js bassed app, on localhost it works great. When i host it on github-pages without custom domain it works aswell, but when i change custom domain it shows 404 error :
I've checked dns via https://dnschecker.org both A Records and CNAME gets resolved.
Github pages also resolves my dns:
As mentioned in this so i've created a 404.html file in public folder.
Repo link : Github
Domain : https://www.amberkrynica.pl
It seems that not all DNS servers can resolve your nameservers. https://dnschecker.org/#NS/www.amberpokoje.pl
My guess is that this may be a problem with your registrars DNS changes not getting picked up by big DNS providers.
If the domain is new, the new nameservers may take some time to pop-up everywhere.
If it's not a new domain, try to contact your provider to check with them if everything is working.
I have a single page site with some content management on the homepage.
The homepage content file is here
which references the template home in
So I want the build step to spit out an index.html. It works in dev but when I npm run generate there is no index in the /dist directory. This also means when I push up to Netlify, the homepage is a 404.
Do I need to set this routing up explicitly in the nuxt config?
I solved this by renaming /pages/_home.vue to /pages/index.vue. You don't have to use the dynamic page convention if its a standalone page and you still get to use content
I have a Runbook in Azure that uses AcmeSharp to generate Let's Encrypt certificates for a website running in Azure App Services. I have used it many times successfully on many ASP.Net sites. Apparently I've never tried it on an ASP.Net Core (2.2) site until now.
I'm pretty sure I was running into the problem described in this blog post - https://ronaldwildenberg.com/letsencrypt-for-asp-net-core-on-azure. Basically, the script publishes a static file to /.wellknown/acme-challenge/randomstring/index.html in my site and then Let's Encrypt tries to verify that file. I'm getting a 404 when trying to hit this URL even though I can see it in the file system in Kudu.
I felt like this was a static file issue in ASP.Net Core and when I found the blog post referred to above - I thought that was going to be the answer. I changed my code as prescribed in the article, but I'm still getting the 404.
Slightly different than the article, instead of files with long random strings of characters like in the article screenshot, my script generates a string like that but creates a folder with that name. Inside each folder is one file (named index.html) that contains the validation info Let's Encrypt is looking for. You can see this at http://www.technicality.online/.well-known/acme-challenge/
You can see the folders are browsable and if you click one, you can see the link to index.html. The problem is - if you click index.html, you get a 404. I've put this in my Startup.Configure:
var rootPath = Path.GetFullPath(".");
var acmeChallengePath =
Path.Combine(rootPath, #".well-known\acme-challenge");
app.UseDirectoryBrowser(new DirectoryBrowserOptions
FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(acmeChallengePath),
RequestPath = new PathString("/.well-known/acme-challenge"),
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
ServeUnknownFileTypes = true
(I don't think I need the ServeUnknownFileTypes since my file is index.html, as opposed to the long random string in the blog post, but I don't think this should hurt anything either.)
I thought maybe the issue was that the file didn't contain valid html (just a string of characters), but I put another file that did contain valid html and I get a 404 when clicking that one as well.
Is there some other ASP.Net Core (or Azure App Service) detail I'm missing to make the application serve up the index.html files?
I figured this out and am posting the answer to hopefully keep someone else from making the same mistake I did. The issue wasn't at all what I thought it was, but rather - there are two "wwwroot" folders in an ASP.Net Core Azure App Service hosting environment and I wasn't paying close enough attention.
The file system path where Azure hosts your application is D:\home\site\wwwroot. In a "classic" ASP.Net scenario, your static files go in that folder. In an ASP.Net Core scenario, another wwwroot folder is created underneath that one. My script (written for ASP.Net) was creating the ".well-known\acme-challenge" folder beneath the first one. The standard app.UseStaticFiles() doesn't help with those.
Basically, I had:
---wwwroot (hosting root)
----wwwroot (ASP.Net core static files folder)
----.well-known (this was a sibling of the 2nd wwwroot and needed to be a child)
I needed to change my script to put my static files under the 2nd wwwroot so that the app.UseStaticFiles() would serve those files.
I've deployed my web site to GitHub pages and it worked perfectly with the GitHub URL. Then I configured my custom domain from Godaddy to my repository and I believe it's properly configured because when I go to my custom domain in the browser the title appears in the browser tab, however no content is being rendered on the screen. It's a blank page. Any guesses on what the problem could be is much appreciated. The domain name is "connorjaksik.com"
Originally I didn't set up the DNS records properly on "GoDaddy".
I didn't add a CNAME with a value of my GitHub account username.
After that I noticed the domain was reaching my repository on github, but not rendering the content.
I had to change the repositories package.json "homepage" setting from the default, to my custom domain.
The source HTML code for your blank page shows "http://parked-content.godaddy.com/park/...", which means the redirection is not happening and Godaddy provides a placeholder page in the meantime.
Check your DNS provider settings, as explained here: it needs to allow "Naked" CName records in order to redirect your GitHub pages to a all domain name.
How to bind a virtual url (other than "jquery.js") in a BundleConfig.
example : "www.xyz/xyz.js"
I can't keep one JS file in my local folder, I have to access it directly from web.
I tried this link, but it couldn't help me. Using CDN in MVC script bundle. What am I missing?
Himanshu Pareek.