What I thought didn't work
fun compute1(x: Double, y:Double) : Double {
return x + y
fun compute2(x: Number, y:Number) : Number {
return x + y // can't use plus
fun main() {
compute1(12, 13) // cant use integers
How to accomplish?
Solution should be as laconic as in java
public class MathEx {
public static double compute(double x, double y) {
return x+y;
You could overload the function to receive the combinations that you want
fun compute(x:Double, y:Double) = x + y
fun compute(x:Float, y:Float) = x + y
fun compute(x:Int, y:Int) = x + y
fun compute(x:Double, y:Int) = x + y
fun compute(x:Float, y:Int) = x + y
fun main() {
compute(12, 13)
Quite verbose, or you can define just one or two and convert the number before calling the function, which is not very efficient but it would work
fun compute(x:Double, y:Double) = x + y
fun main() {
compute(12.toDouble(), 13.toDouble())
from https://kotlinlang.org/docs/basic-types.html#floating-point-types
Note that unlike some other languages, there are no implicit widening conversions for numbers in Kotlin. For example, a function with a Double parameter can be called only on Double values, but not Float, Int, or other numeric values.
It's not a perfect solution since there are examples where you get rounding errors but for your use case this might be good enough
fun compute2(x: Number, y:Number) : Double{
return x.toDouble() + y.toDouble()
I have made an extension functions for BigIntegers, allowing me to add Ints to them.
operator fun BigInteger.plus(other: Int): BigInteger = this + other.toBigInteger()
// Allowing me to do
val c = myBigInt + 3
I have also made a Counter class, holding bigintegers for various keys, for easy counting. Since doing counter["1"] += myBigInt isn't allowed on standard maps (it's nullable), I have added a custom getter that returns a default value, making this possible.
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, BigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, BigInteger> by map {
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): BigInteger {
return map.getOrDefault(key, BigInteger.ZERO)
I can then use it like this
val counter = Counter<String>()
c["ones"] += 5.toBigInteger()
Problem is that I cannot use it like this:
c["ones"] += 5 // doesn't work, "Kotlin: No set method providing array access"
but this should be equivalent to this, which works, since it should use my extension operator on the bigint:
c["ones"] = c["ones"] + 5 // works
Why doesn't this work?
I've tried adding a set method for Ints, but then I see a very weird behavior. Kotlin will do the calculation correct, but then convert the BigInteger to an Int before passing it to my class! Example:
inline operator fun BigInteger.plus(other: Int): BigInteger {
val bigInteger = this + other.toBigInteger()
println("calculated bigint to $bigInteger")
return bigInteger
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, BigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, BigInteger> by map {
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): BigInteger {
return map.getOrDefault(key, BigInteger.ZERO)
operator fun set(key: K, value: Int) {
println("setting int $value")
map[key] = value.toBigInteger()
val c = Counter<String>()
c["1"] = "2192039569601".toBigInteger()
c["1"] += 5
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
c["1"] = "2192039569601".toBigInteger()
c["1"] = c["1"] + 5
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
Which prints
calculated bigint to 2192039569606
setting int 1606248646 <--- why does it call the int setter here?
result: 1606248646
calculated bigint to 2192039569606
result: 2192039569606
Why does Kotlin do the BigInt summation, but converts it back to an Int before sending to my setter?
Since a comment suggest this is a compiler issue, any other ideas?
My ultimate goal here, was to have a counter of big integers, but to be able to easily add ints to it.
Adding this as a set function, makes it being called for both ints and bigints, so I can do the proper assignment myself. However, it will also then allow someone to add floats that will crash at runtime.
operator fun set(key: K, value: Number) {
map[key] = when (value) {
is BigInteger -> value
is Int -> value.toBigInteger()
else -> throw RuntimeException("only ints")
Any tips?
Notice that c["ones"] += 5 can be translated into calls in two ways:
c.set("ones", c.get("ones").plus(5))
The first way is what your code currently translates to, because you don't have a plusAssign operator defined. As I said in the comments, there is a bug in the compiler that prevents the operators from resolved correctly. When resolving c["ones"] += 5, It seems to be trying to find a set operator that takes an Int instead (possibly because 5 is an Int), which is unexpected. If you modify the code in the bug report a little, you can even make it throw an exception when executed!
class Foo {
operator fun get(i: Int) : A = A()
operator fun set(i: Int, a: A) {}
operator fun set(i: Int, a: Int) {}
class A {
operator fun plus(b: Int) = A()
class B
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val foo = Foo()
foo[0] = foo[0] + 1
foo[0] += 1 // this compiles now, since there is a set(Int, Int) method
// but A can't be casted to Int, so ClassCastException!
It is rather coincidental (and lucky) in your case, that the compiler knows how to convert from BigInteger (or any other Number type actually) to Int, using Number#intValue. Otherwise the program would have crashed too.
A natural alternative way is to define the plusAssign operator, so that the assignment gets translated the second way. However, we can't do it on BigInteger, because plusAssign would need to mutate this, but BigInteger is immutable. This means that we need to create our own mutable wrapper. This does mean that you lose the nice immutability, but this is all I can think of.
fun main() {
val c = Counter<String>()
c.set("1", "2192039569601".toMutableBigInteger())
println("result: ${c["1"]}")
data class MutableBigInteger(var bigInt: BigInteger) {
operator fun plusAssign(other: Int) {
bigInt += other.toBigInteger()
fun String.toMutableBigInteger() = MutableBigInteger(toBigInteger())
class Counter<K>(val map: MutableMap<K, MutableBigInteger>) : MutableMap<K, MutableBigInteger> by map{
constructor() : this(mutableMapOf())
override operator fun get(key: K): MutableBigInteger {
return map.getOrPut(key) { MutableBigInteger(BigInteger.ZERO) }
operator fun set(key: K, value: Int) {
println("setting int $value")
map[key] = MutableBigInteger(value.toBigInteger())
Notably, getOrDefault is changed to getOrPut - when a value is not found, we want to put the zero we return into the map, rather than just returning a zero that is not in the map. Our changes to that instance wouldn't be visible through the map otherwise.
I'd like to write a generic Kotlin function that works with arbitrary types, as long as they support some basic numeric operations, such as comparison and addition. Something like this (note: this code doesn't compile):
fun <T : ???> twiceTheLarger(a: T, b: T) = if (a > b) a + a else b + b;
In C++, this kind of code works. The following C++ twiceTheLarger function takes anything that supports the + and > operators, be it a primitive numeric type or a custom class:
#include <iostream>
template <typename T> T twiceTheLarger(T a, T b) {
return a > b ? a + a : b + b;
int main() {
std::cout << twiceTheLarger(1, 2) << std::endl; // int values
std::cout << twiceTheLarger(42.0, 1.0) << std::endl; // double values
How can I get a similar result in Kotlin? The best way I could come up so far is to explicitly pass an object with the required functions, like this:
interface NumericOperators<T> {
fun plus(a: T, b: T): T
fun greaterThan(a: T, b: T): Boolean
object IntNumericOperators : NumericOperators<Int> {
override fun plus(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
override fun greaterThan(a: Int, b: Int) = a > b
object DoubleNumericOperators : NumericOperators<Double> {
override fun plus(a: Double, b: Double) = a + b
override fun greaterThan(a: Double, b: Double) = a > b
fun <T> twiceTheLarger(a: T, b: T, operators: NumericOperators<T>) =
if (operators.greaterThan(a, b)) operators.plus(a, a) else operators.plus(b, b)
fun main() {
println(twiceTheLarger(1, 2, IntNumericOperators)) // int values
println(twiceTheLarger(42.0, 1.0, DoubleNumericOperators)) // double values
Is there a better way?
I realize that I could create overloads for each primitive numeric type. The thing is that I'm writing a library function that needs to work with arbitrary number-like types, even types my library doesn't know about. So type-specific overloads are not an option.
You will need to create functions for each primitive type. You can't use <T : Number>, despite all numbers in Kotlin inherit this. Number superclass is used only for the castings.
You'll need to create functions or extension functions:
fun Int.twiceTheLarger(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a > b) a + a else b + b;
fun Double.twiceTheLarger(a: Double, b: Double) = if (a > b) a + a else b + b;
It would be great if you can utilize Comparable<T> in another function for the comparison. Types of T need to overload operator fun plus(other: T) as well.
interface Addable<T>: Comparable<T>{
operator fun <T> Addable<T>.plus(a: T)
fun <T : Addable<T>> T.twiceTheLarger(a: T, b: T) {
return if (a > b) a.plus(a) else b + b
I can build apps but I'm realizing I am lacking some Kotlin knowledge. I signed up for codewars and the first question is as follows:
Figure out why the code wont work...
fun multiply(x: double, y: double) => x * y
My answer
fun multiply(x: double, y: double) => Double {
return x * y
There is no keywork as double in Kotlin. Kotlin uses Class type implementation for double type (in JVM it still uses primitive double type)
You can define the function as follows:
fun multiply(x: Double, y: Double): Double { return x * y }
or if you wish to have single statement method, then you can define as below
fun multiply(x: Double, y: Double) = x * y
you should use Double in capitalize and change => on :
Your code should seen like this:
fun multiply(x:Double, y:Double):Double{
return x * y
fun multiply(x:Double, y:Double):Double = x * y
I am learning Kotlin and from the book, I have the fibonacci function, that demonstrates memoization concept:
import java.math.BigInteger
fun <T> List<T>.head(): T =
if (this.isEmpty())
throw IllegalArgumentException("head called on empty list")
fun <T> List<T>.tail(): List<T> =
if (this.isEmpty())
throw IllegalArgumentException("tail called on empty list")
this.subList(1, this.size)
fun <T, U> foldLeft(list: List<T>, z: U, f: (U, T) -> U): U {
tailrec fun foldLeft(list: List<T>, acc: U, f: (U, T) -> U): U =
if (list.isEmpty())
foldLeft(list.tail(), f(acc, list.head()), f)
return foldLeft(list, z, f)
fun fibo(number: Int): String {
tailrec fun fibo(
acc: List<BigInteger>, acc1: BigInteger,
acc2: BigInteger, x: BigInteger
): List<BigInteger> =
when (x) {
BigInteger.ZERO -> acc
BigInteger.ONE -> acc + (acc1 + acc2)
else -> fibo(
acc + (acc1 + acc2), acc2, acc1 + acc2,
x - BigInteger.ONE
val list = fibo(
BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.valueOf(number.toLong())
return makeString(list, ", ")
fun <T> makeString(list: List<T>, separator: String): String =
when {
list.isEmpty() -> ""
list.tail().isEmpty() -> list.head().toString()
else -> list.head().toString() +
foldLeft(list.tail(), "") { x, y -> x + separator + y }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Could someone explain it to me, where is memoization here?
I... don't think there is any, actually.
What I wanted to write initially is that the acc parameter of the helper fibo function (the one with 4 parameters marked by tailrec) ends up containing the previous Fibonacci numbers, but it isn't actually accessed to retrieve them, so I don't think it counts.
Here is what I would consider memoization in this style (note: I made x an Int because it simplifies code and you won't calculate a Fibonacci number with index not fitting into a Long in sane time even with memoization):
fun fibo(x: Int): BigInteger {
tailrec fun fibo(
acc: List<BigInteger>, x: Int
): Pair<List<BigInteger>, BigInteger> =
when {
x < acc.size -> Pair(acc, acc[x])
x == acc.size -> {
val y = acc[x - 1] + acc[x - 2]
Pair(acc + y, y)
else ->
fibo(fibo(fibo(acc, x - 2).first, x - 1).first, x)
return fibo(listOf(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE), x).second
You can simplify it a bit and make memoization (think a memo/note to remind you of something. Sort of like a cache.) a bit more explicit by doing something like this:
fun fib(n: Int, memo: MutableMap<Int, BigInteger> = mutableMapOf()): BigInteger {
if (memo.containsKey(n)) return memo[n]!!
if (n <= 2) return BigInteger.ONE
memo[n] = fib(n - 1, memo) + fib(n - 2, memo)
return memo[n]!!
You can see memoization in action here as each iteration stores the position and value of each number in the sequence. And within each fib call, we first check to see if the value already exists before creating another node in the call stack (think of each subsequent recursive call as creating a set of branching nodes until n is 1 or 2).
This is lightning fast, yielding linear O(n) time and space complexity even for cases like finding the 1000th number in the sequence. As opposed to O(2^n) without memoization.
First saw algorithm here and ported to kotlin: https://youtu.be/oBt53YbR9Kk
I'm new to kotlin and I'm working on operators overloading for a custom class I defined. The class is called "Rational" and represents a rational number, like for example 117/1098. Class is defined as below and I have overloaded a bunch of operators, like plus, minus, times and so on. However I'm uncertain about what I have to do to overload "in" operator.
Here is my class:
data class Rational(val rational: String) {
private val numerator: BigInteger
private val denominator: BigInteger
init {
val splitted = rational.split("/")
numerator = splitted[0].toBigInteger()
denominator = when (splitted[1]) {
"0" -> throw Exception("not allowed")
else -> splitted[1].toBigInteger()
operator fun plus(number: Rational): Rational {
val gcm = denominator * number.denominator
val numerator = (gcm / denominator) * numerator + (gcm / number.denominator) * number.numerator
return Rational("$numerator/$gcm")
operator fun minus(number: Rational): Rational {
val gcm = denominator * number.denominator
val numerator = (gcm / denominator) * numerator - (gcm / number.denominator) * number.numerator
return Rational("$numerator/$gcm")
operator fun times(number: Rational): Rational {
val numerator = numerator * number.numerator
val denominator = denominator * number.denominator
return Rational("$numerator/$denominator")
operator fun div(number: Rational): Rational {
val numerator = numerator * number.denominator
val denominator = denominator * number.numerator
return Rational("$numerator/$denominator")
operator fun compareTo(number: Rational): Int {
val ratio = this.numerator.toFloat() / this.denominator.toFloat()
val numberRatio = number.numerator.toFloat() / number.denominator.toFloat()
if (ratio > numberRatio) {
return 1
} else if (ratio == numberRatio) {
return 0
return -1
operator fun unaryMinus(): Rational {
val inverseNumerator = -numerator
return Rational("$inverseNumerator/$denominator")
operator fun unaryPlus(): Rational {
return Rational("$numerator/$denominator")
operator fun rangeTo(end: Rational): Any {
var range: MutableList<Rational> = arrayListOf()
val startNumerator = this.numerator.toInt()
val endNumerator = end.numerator.toInt()
var index = 0
if (this.denominator == end.denominator) {
for (i in startNumerator..endNumerator) {
range.add(index, Rational("$i/$denominator"))
return range
operator fun contains(number: Rational): Boolean {
if (this.denominator % number.denominator == 0.toBigInteger()
&& this.numerator <= number.numerator) {
return true
return false
override fun toString(): String {
val gcd = numerator.gcd(denominator)
return if (gcd != null) {
val newNumerator = numerator / gcd
val newDenominator = denominator / gcd
} else {
infix fun Int.divBy(denominator: Int): Rational {
if (denominator == 0) {
throw Exception("denominator 0 not allowed")
return Rational("$this/$denominator")
infix fun Long.divBy(denominator: Long): Rational {
if (denominator == 0L) {
throw Exception("denominator 0 not allowed")
return Rational("$this/$denominator")
infix fun BigInteger.divBy(denominator: BigInteger): Rational {
if (denominator == 0.toBigInteger()) {
throw Exception("denominator 0 not allowed")
return Rational("$this/$denominator")
fun String.toRational(): Rational {
return Rational(this)
And here is my main body that obviously still doesn't compile:
fun main() {
val half = 1 divBy 2
val third = 1 divBy 3
val twoThirds = 2 divBy 3
println(half in third..twoThirds) // this line does not compile beacause in operator is not defined for the class
I guess I have to override "rangeTo" operator but I'm uncertain about the operator prototype. I there somebody that can please help me to get to the right track?
The way to make in work is for the third..twoThirds call to return something that has a contains(Rational) method, which is what the in call translates to.
One way to do this is to return a ClosedRange<Rational> here, like so:
operator fun rangeTo(end: Rational): ClosedRange<Rational> {
return object : ClosedRange<Rational> {
override val endInclusive: Rational = end
override val start: Rational = this#Rational
This puts a type constraint on Rational, as a ClosedRange needs a Comparable implementation to be able to determine whether a value belongs in it. You can do this by implementing the Comparable interface, and then adding operator to your existing compareTo operator (plus it's a good practice to rename the parameter to match the interface):
data class Rational(val rational: String) : Comparable<Rational> {
override operator fun compareTo(other: Rational): Int {
val ratio = this.numerator.toFloat() / this.denominator.toFloat()
val numberRatio = other.numerator.toFloat() / other.denominator.toFloat()
if (ratio > numberRatio) {
return 1
} else if (ratio == numberRatio) {
return 0
return -1
You could also avoid the conversion to floats entirely by using this implementation instead, as suggested in the comment below by #gidds:
override operator fun compareTo(other: Rational): Int {
return (numerator * other.denominator - denominator * other.numerator).signum()
Also, your current contains implementation could probably be discarded, as you no longer need it, and it functions rather oddly.
To add something other than the direct answer here: as #Eugene Petrenko suggested in their answer, it would be practical to add a couple constructors other than the one that uses a String, for example one that takes two Ints, and one that takes two BigIntegerss.
The in operator is declared inverse. You need an extension function on the right side that takes the left side.
You miss an infix function divBy to allow turing Int into Rational, e.g.
infix fun Int.divBy(i: Int) = Rational("$this/$i")
Not the code like val half = 1 divBy 2 will work. Theoretically, it may make sense to add a constructor for Rational from Ints to avoid parsing.
There is an incorrect return type in rangeTo method in the Rational class, it should not be Any. It should be declared as
data class RationalRange(val left: Rational, val right: Rational) {
operator fun contains(r: Rational) = left <= r && r <= right
operator fun rangeTo(end: Rational): RationalRange(this, end)
Now the example with x in a..b should work.
UPD: added the RationalRange. I missed the point, sorry. You do not need contains function implemented for the Rational class at all.
The compareTo function of Rational is unlikely to use .toFloat() instead, you may implement that directly with integer numbers
A straightforward solution is to implement the Comparable Interface in your class.
data class Rational(val rational: String) : Comparable<Rational>
Then implement the compareTo() function, with your comparison logic.
override fun compareTo(other: Rational): Int {
//Normalize the numerators of each rational
val thisNumerator = this.numerator * other.denominator
val otherNumerator = other.numerator * this.denominator
//Then compare them
return when{
thisNumerator > otherNumerator -> 1
thisNumerator < otherNumerator -> -1
else -> 0
This will resolve the compile error without you needing to override the rangeTo() function with custom logic.