I'm on IntelliJ 2021.3.2 and git 2.35.windows.2.
A few years ago when typing in my IntelliJ terminal (configured to use Git Bash), when I was done typing out a commit description in vim, I would hit esc and then I could execute vim commands.
More recently, hitting esc in the IntelliJ terminal now de-focuses (for lack of a better term) the IntelliJ terminal window so it would no longer let me execute vim commands. Then I had to use ctrl + c instead of esc.
Now with the versions I listed above, I can't even use ctrl + c. I still can't use esc. So how do I stop writing in vim if I can't use ctrl + c or esc in order to be able to execute a vim command, namely :wq?
Reassign keybinding for "Switch Focus to Editor" terminal action:
as I have set the Path variable to point to the "bin" folder of Intellij I can project from the command line by navigating to the specific folder and then executing idea ..
The problem now is that when starting Intellij the console is blocked. I can of course press Ctrl + C to end the execution but then Intellij is closed.
a) Is this the normal behavior or did I set something up wrong?
b) How do I change it? Basically I would like open “Intellij” and still be abel to use the console afterwards.
I am using the Intellij Idea Community Edition on version 2021.3.3
This is normal behavior. The termial accepted the command and is waiting for it to terminate. You could start the command and let it run in the background, so the terminal returns, and the process does not stop:
On Linux:
idea . &
On Windows:
start /B idea .
I'm using PhpStorm in Mac to code and i want to debug my errors. I have a message in my terminal to set the editor for React Native tools.
When you see Red Box with stack trace, you can click any
stack frame to jump to the source file. The packager will launch your
editor of choice. It will first look at REACT_EDITOR environment
variable, then at EDITOR.
To set it up, you can add something like
export REACT_EDITOR=atom to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc depending on
which shell you use.
I've added these lines to ~/.bashrc but nothing happened when i click on the error :
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/pstorm
export REACT_EDITOR=pstorm
How can i set correctly REACT_EDITOR to PhpStorm so that when i click on the error it jumps to my code?
For mac os you need to add to ~/.bashrc or .zprofile:
Add export REACT_EDITOR="webstorm" or pstorm
Don't forget to close all of your terminal windows and restart the react-native packager before you try it.
Create a shortcut to open WebStorm:
Open WebStorm
Press ⇧ twice to open the search window
Type “Create Command Line Launcher…” and press Enter
Click OK
That's it.
/usr/local/bin should be in the PATH environment variable by default. You should be able to run webstorm from anywhere in the shell. Run webstorm /usr/local/bin/webstorm to test the command.
You can find a code which opens editors here or in your project node_modules/#react-native-community/cli-tools/build/launchEditor.js
I solved this problem by creating symlink.
sudo ln -s /Applications/WebStorm.app/Contents/MacOS/webstorm /usr/local/bin/webstorm
I have set -o vi in my .bashrc and it does get invoked. But Escape does not return to command-mode in the Intellij terminal. I had already followed a Jetbrains post for changing Switch Focus to Editor away from Escape:
But that was not enough: Hitting escape on the command line shown just puts in additional control characters:
So how can vi edit mode for the ocmmand line be made functional? If not vi mode then what reasonable alternatives exist?
I am on 2020.2 Ultimate on macOS . I do not have set TERM=linux
I am very new to Arch Linux and have chrooted into the system. I screwed up the wireless profile, but have fixed them in netctl. How do I write to the file and exit out of the text editor that is prompted for you to edit the file?
To write to the file:
sudo nano /path/to/file
And to exit from the nano text editor press Control X.
Then Y to confirm save and exit, and enter to commit the save.
It depends on what type of editor has been opened. Which you can set in the .bashrc file.
If it is nano press ctrl+o to save the changes and ctrl+x to quit
If it is vi or vim, Goto command mode by pressing escape. Then type :wq to write and press enter.
If you are not able to make out between the two, just check if it has shortcut key info at the bottom of the page, if yes. It is nano or else it is vi.
PS: Since you are new the arch linux I assumed that you have not installed any other CLI based editors.
-- UPDATE --
the new version of ideaVim plugin fixed this issue already.
I'm using PhpStorm under ubuntu with ideaVim plugin.
One thing annoying me is when I edit in the popup windows such as show diff editor I need to press Escape to switch to Vim normal mode, but the popup window still gets closed.
I can't find any settings to change or disable Escape key mapping in PhpStorm for closing the popups.
You can use Ctrlc instead of ESC to switch Vim to normal mode. Also, as of version 0.33, you can now add new mappings in your ~/.vimrc, so you can for example inoremap jk <ESC> inoremap kj <ESC> and then use the jk chord to exit insert mode.
the new version of ideaVim plugin fixed this issue already.