react-native-gifted-chat How to send on pressing return - react-native

How do I make the return button on the mobile keyboard send the message instead of creating a new line? I tried using onSubmitEditing in the textInputProps but couldn't get it to work.

You need to implement your own ChatComposer and pass the onSubmitEditing prop in the textInputProps in there. In order to prevent keyboard dismiss you also need to set blurOnSubmit to false.
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])
const onSend = useCallback((messages = []) => {
setMessages((previousMessages) => GiftedChat.append(previousMessages, messages))
}, [])
const ChatComposer = (
props: ComposerProps & {
onSend: SendProps<IMessage>["onSend"]
text: SendProps<IMessage>["text"]
) => {
return (
blurOnSubmit: false,
multiline: false,
onSubmitEditing: () => {
if (props.text && props.onSend) {
props.onSend({ text: props.text.trim() }, true)
return (
<GiftedChat messages={messages} onSend={onSend} renderComposer={ChatComposer} />
If you want to remove the default send button from the text input field on the right, you need to pass a custom renderSend button, which could be empty, e.g.
renderSend={() => {}}
Notice, that I have tested all of the above on iOS only. Android might behave differently.


I'm trying to call a function defined on the web, but nothing happens

I'm trying to open a simple page with React Native WebView.
It's a single page web, and when you do a search, it prints out some information about your search.
After that, if you want to search again, press the back button on the device to move to the search box.
Because it is a single page, I cannot use goBack, so I created a function called cancel.
The problem is that when I click the device's back button, the function called cancel defined on the web is not executed.
The cancel function deletes the searched information and returns to the search window.
I will upload my code.
Please advise.
export default function App() {
const webviewRef = useRef(null);
const backAction = () => {
setBackTapping((prev) => prev += 1);
return true;
useEffect(() => {
const timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000)
return () => clearInterval(timer);
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
const backHandler = BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress',backAction);
return () => backHandler.remove()
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if(backTapping >= 2){
return BackHandler.exitApp();
return (
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<StatusBar hidden />
source={{ uri: ''}}
Expected behavior:
The cancel function is executed, all open windows are closed, and you are returned to the search window.
in my case, calling is wrong.
instead of :
use :
const generateOnMessageFunction = (data) => `
window.dispatchEvent(new MessageEvent('message',{data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}}));
detail referance :

React Hook Form with Children in React Native

I have a form with ~15 fields where each section is a unique child component. I want to know how to pass data between the parent form and child components(using control because this is react native)
Right now, I see the proper value for testResult in onSubmit logs but data is undefined for some reason. This means my parent form is somehow not picking up the value in the child.
Parent Form:
const Stepper = () => {
const form = useForm({ defaultValues: {
testResult: "",
const { control, handleSubmit, formState: { errors }, } = form;
const testResult = useWatch({ control, name: "testResult" });
const onSubmit = (data) => {
console.log("watched testResult value: ", testResult);
console.log("form submission data: ", data);
return (
<WaterStep form={form} />
<Button onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit())} />
Child component:
const WaterStep = ({ form }) => {
const { control, formState: { errors }, } = form;
return (
maxLength: 3,
required: true,
render={({ field: onBlue, onChange, value }) => (
Here I'm trying the first approach this answer suggests, but I've also tried the second with useFormContext() in child
Additionally, must we use control in React Native? The examples that use register appear simpler, but the official docs are limited for React Native and only show use of control
Update: From Abe's answer, you can see that I'm getting undefined because I'm calling onSubmit callback in my submit button. I mistakenly did this because I wasn't seeing any data getting logged when passing onSubmit properly like this handleSubmit(onSubmit). I still think my issue is that my child component's data isn't being tracked properly by the form in parent
The problem is most likely in this line:
<Button onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit())} />
Since you're executing the onSubmit callback, you're not allowing react-hook-forms to pass in the data from the form. Try replacing it with the following
<Button onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} />
For anyone still looking for guidance on using react-hook-form with child components, here's what I found out to work well:
Parent Component:
const Stepper = (props) => {
const { ...methods } = useForm({
defaultValues: {
testResult: "",
const onSubmit = (data) => {
console.log("form submission data: ", data);
const onError = (errors, e) => {
return console.log("form submission errors: ", errors);
return (
<FormProvider {...methods}>
maxLength: 3,
required: true,
<Button onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} />
import { useFormContext, useController } from "react-hook-form";
const WaterStep = (props) => {
const formContext = useFormContext();
const { formState } = formContext;
const { name, label, rules, defaultValue, ...inputProps } = props;
const { field } = useController({ name, rules, defaultValue });
if (!formContext || !name) {
const msg = !formContext
? "Test Input must be wrapped by the FormProvider"
: "Name must be defined";
return null;
return (
Test Input
{formState.errors.testResult && <Text color="#F01313">*</Text>}
...(formState.errors.phTestResult && {
borderColor: "#f009",
placeholder="Test Value"
Here's what we're doing:
Define useForm() in parent and de-structure all its methods
Wrap child in <FormProvider> component and pass useForm's methods to this provider
Make sure to define name and rules as props for your child component so it can pass these to useController()
In your child component, define useFormContext() and de-structure your props
Get access to the field methods like onChange, onBlur, value by creating a controller. Pass those de-structured props to useController()
You can go to an arbitrary level of nested child, just wrap parents in a <FormProvider> component and pass formContext as prop.
In Ancestor:
const { ...methods } = useForm({
defaultValues: {
testResult: "",
const onSubmit = (data) => {
console.log("form submission data: ", data);
<FormProvider {...methods}>
In Parent:
const ChecklistSection = (props) => {
const formContext = useFormContext();
const { formState } = formContext;
return (
<FormProvider {...formContext}>
maxLength: 3,
required: true,
Thanks to (one of the only resources I found on using react-hook-form with nested components in react-native)
And a further evaluation of my blank submission data problem, if you missed it:
As Abe pointed out, the reason I didn't see data or errors being logged upon form submission was because onSubmit was not being called. This was because my custom submission button, which I didn't include in my original question for simplicity's sake, had a broken callback for a completion gesture. I thought I solved onSubmit not being called by passing it as a call onSubmit(), but I was going down the wrong track.

Why does header button onPress act differently than regular button onPress?

I have a method called sendResults() that makes an API call and does some array manipulation. When I call the method using a "normal" TouchableOpacity button, everything works fine. However, when I call it using a button I have placed in the App Stack header, the method does not run correctly. It feels like an async issue (?) but not sure...
Here is the code for the two buttons.
onPress={() => {
sendResults(); // works fine
useEffect(() => {
headerRight: () => (
onPress={() => {
sendResults(); // doesn't work
}, []);
Edit: sendResults() code
// Shows alert confirming user wants to send results to API
const sendResults = () => {
Alert.alert("Save Results", "Alert", [
text: "Save & Quit",
onPress: () => postNumsAndNavigate(),
style: "destructive",
{ text: "Cancel", onPress: () => console.log("") },
// Save Results button
const postNumsAndNavigate = async () => {
if (bibNums.length == 0) {
alert("You have not recorded any results. Please try again.");
} else if (bibNums.filter((entry) => entry == "").length > 0) {
} else {
console.log("\n" + bibNums);
await postNums();
AsyncStorage.setItem(`done`, "true");
navigation.navigate("Home Screen");
postNums() does an API call.
Edit 2: bibNums declaration
const [bibNums, setBibNums] = useState([]);
You set the handler of the navigation button only once because your useEffect doesn't have any dependency; it runs only when the component is mounted, it captures an old reference of sendResults. sendResults changes every time postNumsAndNavigate and bibNums change. Add sendResults to the dependency array to update the navigation button handler every time sendResults changes.
useEffect(() => {
}, [sendResults])
It works correctly for the TouchableOpacity because you are assigning the handler on every render.
onPress={() => {sendResults()}}

onSubmitEditing: Error: Maximum update depth exceeded

There is a textinput in my screen. Besides that there is a search icon. Upon pressing the search icon, this.searchmethod() is called and searching is performed. I also want to perform searching upon pressing the "search", "done", "go" or "enter" button of the keyboard. I tried onSubmitEditing like shown in below, which resulted in the error:
Error: Maximum update depth exceeded
My code:
onChangeText = {
text => {
searchtag: text
onFocus = {() => {
if (this.state.searchtag != "")
searchtag: ''
}, () => {
onPress = {
() => {
} >
<FearIcon name = "search" size = {25}/>
Kindly guide me how I can perform searching upon pressing "done" or etc key on Keyboard. Thanks in advance.
Try doing this
onSubmitEditing={() => this.searchmethod()}
Instead of onFocus, refreshData in onChangeText like
searchtag: text
() => this._refreshData();

react-native reseting TextInput after ClearTextOnFocus

I am building a form in React-Native and have set ClearTextOnFocus to true as it is easier to handle dynamic formating for editing.
I am trying to add a reset function by setting all local state to the redux store, but if the user has not typed anything in a selected TextInput, the local state has not changed, and react native does not re-render the TextInput; leaving it blank.
Anyone have any thoughts on how I can unclear the TextInput or force React to re-render. Code is a work in progress, but here are the relevant bits.
class GoalScreen extends Component {
componentWillMount = () => this.setPropsToState();
onReset = () => {
onChange = text => this.setState({ [text.field]: text.input });
setPropsToState = () => {
const { name } = this.props.goal;
this.setState({ name });
render() {
const { name } = this.state;
return (
<View style={styles.screenContainer}>
<Text style={styles.text}> Name </Text>
placeholder="a brand new bag"
onChangeText={text => this.onChange({ input: text, field: 'rate' })}
So, I'm not using Redux, and my use case might be a bit different than yours, but I thought my solution might still be relevant here, if only to confirm that (after hours of wrangling with this) it appears that passing true to the clearTextOnFocus prop prevents further updates to a TextInput component.
I tried every conceivable workaround (like setNativeProps(), forceUpdate()) but nothing worked, so I ended up having to basically write my own logic for clearing and resetting the input text.
This component should 1) clear input text on focus and then 2) reset it to its previous value if the user hasn't pressed a key:
class ResettableInput extends Component {
state = {
Current: this.props.value,
Previous: ""
KeyPressed = false;
//cache current input value for later revert if necessary, and clear input
onFocus = () => {
this.setState({ Previous: this.state.Current, Current: "" });
//record whether key was pressed so input value can be reverted if necessary
onKeyPress = () => {
this.KeyPressed = true;
onChangeText = text => {
this.setState({ Current: text });
//if no key was pressed, revert input to previous value
onBlur = () => {
if (!this.KeyPressed) {
this.setState({ Current: this.state.Previous, Previous: "" });
render = () => {
return (