Setting Custom Rulers and Guides (Revolution Slider 6) - revolution-slider

Is there no option for setting guides in the new slider revolution 6? I remember in the old version you could set your own guides based on the rulers. Like Adobe does it.
I know how to set the grid. But that doesn't help me much with multiple slides. And they don't really explain what all their icons are for in the UI.


How to Round Out the Corners of a Rectangular Button on .axml (Visual Studios 2019, Xamarin Forms)

I am newer to coding but, usually, when I have a question it is answered by a quick google search or video explaining my issue. The title is basically the question but I will elaborate: How do you round out the corners of a rectangular button in .axml? I have tried making a drawable folder with specific corner parameters set and applying that to the button background but it doesn't change the button in any way. I know that in .xaml you can simply use the CornerRadius tag but that isn't defined in .axml. Sorry if I am not being specific enough with my issue, like I said, I am new, but would be willing to elaborate further if need be.
Thank you all:)

Rally HTML app always forces browser scroll bar - how to avoid this?

I've noticed that when I add an HTML app in Rally/Agile Central, the height doesn't fit/adjust within the browser windows. This means that a vertical scrollbar is always added.
I'm using Chrome and Firebox, but they both have this problem.
Is there a way to limit the height of the custom app?E.g., to (height - 25) so that the browser scroll bar is not necessary?
Can you share some of your code? It might help in diagnosing what's going on. A couple ideas though...
Are you using a layout for your app? This often can help with scrollbar issues.
This guide may be helpful for learning to work with layouts:!/guide/layouts
If you're just using auto layout (the default, if you didn't explicitly specify one) then you can also try adding autoScroll: false to your app's config. Note this may cause your content to be clipped if you do actually need a scrollbar though.
Here is an examle with the std list app - and it's the same whether there is anything to show or not.
I'm thinking that it is the HTML app that doesn't take into account that there is a page title, in this case "*test layout scroll bars" - and somehow uses the "full height" = the entire frame (I'm not an html/css expert)

how to set form border thickness

I am writing an app using in VB2013. The Sizeable border is too thick in when displayed on PC's with later versions of Windows7, Windows 8(.1).
Does anyone know how to change the thickness of the window?
You don't get to control that. That's part of the user theme, and users can set any theme they want. You'll find it's also a problem on older versions of Windows if users have a theme with a wider border. You'll need to adjust your program's layout to allow for a little less space.
The border is drawn by the operating system, but you can create your own custom form, there is a library on CodePlex may help you to do what you need easily.
Drawing Custom Borders in Windows Forms

Content wider than page which scrolls horizontally in WinRT App

How could I achieve a page layout in which I could scroll horizontally to the right, to display a content on the page that is wider than the page itself? Something very similar to the "Store" App...
Tried scrollviewer encasing stackpanel, grids or others and no result. I looked at the samples that are generated from the Store project templates but those are also different. I guess it shouldn't be so hard but can't figure it out...
I'm trying to obtain something like this :
I want to display a content, divided into columns, which continues from a column to another. Tried also with WrapGrid, but no success... Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you.
If you are going implement something similar to Article view, please read this page News apps on MSDN. It gives you information about what should you use to build apps like News apps, check the Your app's article view part:
For more info about best practices for fonts, such as size, color, and
weight, see Guidelines and checklist for text and typography
(JavaScript) or Displaying and editing text (C#/VB/C++). In Windows
Store apps written using XAML, you can use the RichTextBlock and
RichTextBlockOverflow controls to manage text overflow. For an
example, see XAML text display sample.

How to use the default color picker in NSToolbar?

I'm learning Cocoa. And this is my simple OS X app:
It contains a custom view, where the white rect is drown, a toolbar, and a slider. I want to change the rect's fill color by clicking on the 'Colors' item in the toolbar and choosing new color in the color palette.
How can I get the new color from the palette? I know it has the "NSToolbarShowColorsItem" identifier, but don't know how to use it.
Can you please help me? Thanks.
You should probably consider walking through a couple of basic Cocoa tutorials to learn about fundamental Cocoa concepts.
A number of resources to check out:
Cocoa Fundamentals Guide
Tutorials on CocoaDev