custom FirebaseAdmin.Messaging.Message - notifications

I am going to send a notification through the admin panel and I searched to get the following code.
The problem here is that the data I pass has several fields, the notification has only 3 fields here. Do you have a way to add notification values?


GA4 Purchase Event duplicate

We are running GA4 measurements with GTM embedded in our Shopify store.
It is generally working fine, but the purchase event is occasionally firing in duplicate.
I checked the search report and found several pages with 2 purchase events and 1 display count. (Not all, but only some of them.)
We created a test environment and ran the operation several times, but the same phenomenon did not occur.
I think that GTM is probably sending the purchase event twice, but I have no idea why this is happening.
I have written the js to send the event as window.dataLayer.push and send it only once on the page.
I would appreciate any information you can give me if you are having similar problems or if you have solved the problem.
Thank you in advance.
Having similar issue in Shopify Plus store. Not only purchase, but events view_item , add_to_cart are triggered twice. This view_item marked 34 on screenshot event is gtag event pushed to datalayer automatically , at the same time event view_item marked 36 is my datalayer push
Tried to investigate why is it pushed automatically and found this push in Console .Seems these duplicating events are connected with Google Shopping App conversion events because when I compared conversion labels of them in my Google Ads account , they were the same as in Tag Assistant extension and in Google Ads account (last picture contains begin_checkout event label, view_item conversion was deleted)
This app is called Feed for Google Shopping if you search in your Shopify admin or also its site is
Also tried to Deactivate in this Google shopping app Google ads conversion tracking tag but it does not help. Now I am trying to find a way how to turn off these conversion events and get rid of these pushes. Maybe if there will be possibility just to rename them, they will not double in GA4 property.

Slack API: how to get state of all input/action elements at once upon submit

I'm trying to build rich, interactive Slack messages. Example: message with date picker, set of checkboxes and a long text. Upon submit (if modal) or push of an action button, I'd like to receive the current state of all interactive components.
I have tried regular messages with both input and action blocks...also tried modals. I get a message from Slack for every individual change to an interactive object, but not the state of all objects at once. Since the receiver of the interaction payload is stateless, this makes it impossible for me to properly react to the message.
Am I missing something? Appreciate every bit of advice.
OK, error seems to be on my side. I was just looking at the action payload preview in the Slack Block Kit Builder. When actually posting a message I see the state of all elements in the response.

Qlik sense - Get selected id in custom exception

I am using qlik sense and i am writing a custom extension to display a chart. I want to know if there is way which all rows are selected in other extensions in my custom extension.
I am using two extensions in my sheet
Filter pane(inbuild) - which filters a list of ids
Chart extension (Custom written) - displays a chart
My scenario is, i use a REST Api call to get the data for my custom extension. When the filter is activated and some ids are filtered, i need to send these ids to back end to get the updated list for updating my custom chart.
Is there any way to do this ?? Please help i am stuck.
If I understand you correctly, you want to know the current selections of your filter pane object and then send these id's to your custom chart.
There are multiple ways to achieve this, here are a couple starting points:
Qlik Engine JSON API
Capability API -> Selection API
Capabilitiy API -> App API -> createList method
I would use the last option and combine it with these resources: Link 1 & Link 2

react-dropzone: populate field with image already uploaded to server

I have a form that allows the user to upload several images to a server. This form also allows the user to edit the form as well depending upon qs parameters. As additional information, I am using redux-saga with react, just to provide more background.
I am able to upload the image and allow the user to preview the image after they make their selection and before they upload it. However, upon reviewing the documentation, I do not see a way to populate the react-dropzone field when the user edits the other form items. I saw a way to do a preview onDrop but not with data coming from the server. I also found this article on Stackoverflow because am not sure if it could be applied to my case within the redux-saga scenario: How to add the URL of an image already uploaded, to Dropzone?.
Can this be done and if so how can it be achieved?

Telegram Bot api custom keyboard additional data values

Is there any way to pass additional data values from custom keyboard layout buttons?
I need to pass a value like ID that they are hidden from user:
{"Button1",{"id":1}} ...
You cannot do it with custom keyboards, but it is possible with callback_data param of InlineKeyboard
When user will press inline button with callback_data specified message received by bot will be type of CallbackQuery with data param containing your data from the button.
That's not currently possible. It would be a great addition to the API, though, in order to separate the text you see from the value you send back to the bot.