MariaDB converting datetime string to date - sql

Trying CONVERT()
Trying STR_TO_DATE()
Trying CAST() - neither DATE or DATETIME work
Hi, I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong with trying to convert my varchar column Procedure_Date containing a string in the dd/mm/YYYY hh:mm:ss format. I am trying to extract just the date from this string but I seem to be cursed. Using MariaDB and have gone through all the docs there. Greatly appreciate any advice!

You can use cast
SELECT Procedure_Date, CAST(STR_TO_DATE(Procedure_Date, '%d-%m-%Y') AS DATE) FROM uniTable5;

EXAMPLE: DATE('2022-04-25 14:50:01')
OUTPUT: 2022-04-25. Result in DATE.


Getting null while converting string to date in spark sql

I have dates in the format '6/30/2020'. It is a string and I want to convert it into date format.
List of methods I have tried
Cast('6/30/2020' as date) #returns null
to_date('6/30/2020','yyyy/MM/dd') #returns null
I also tried splitting the string and then concatenating it into data.
After trying all this and putting all the possible combinations in the to_date function, I am still getting the answer as null.
Now I am confused as I have used all the functions to convert string to date.
Thanks in advance for your help.
The date format you used was incorrect. Try this:
select to_date('6/30/2020', 'M/dd/yyyy')
If you want to format your result, you can use date_format:
select date_format(to_date('6/30/2020', 'M/dd/yyyy'), 'yyyy/MM/dd')
Note that to_date converts a given string from the given format, while date_format converts a given date to the given format.

how to get date string in format dd.MM from datetime in SQL

how to get date string in format dd.MM from datetime in T-SQL.
20.03 from 20.03.2019
20.03.2019 is not a standard date format assuming it is in string format so, you can use left() :
select left('20.03.2019', 5)
Easiest way would be to use the format function.

convert string to date in hive

I have this date format in hive: 20180618151752
Make the following query to leave it in the following way:
concat(substr(xdr.time_stop,1,8),' ',
substr(xdr.time_stop,11,2)) as date
from padl.fraude_vozm_xdr;
20180618 18:17:52
Now, I need to convert that string field to date, how could I do it?.
Thank you
Use from_unixtime and unix_timestamp.
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('20180618151752','yyyyMMddHHmmss'),'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss')

Convert STRING to DATE (error 2666)

in Teradata SQL I need convert a string to date.
Currently the string looks like this: 2017-02-28T14:41:32.817Z
But I need it in this format as DATE: DD.MM.YYYY HH:SS
Any idea how to do this? Whenever I try to cast, I get the error 2666 ( Invalid date supplied for mytable.mycolumn)
Hope someone can help!
Best regards,
Both input and expected result are timestamps, not dates.
SELECT '2017-02-28T14:41:32.817Z' AS mycol,
-- string to timestamp
Cast(mycol AS TIMESTAMP(3)),
-- back to string with a different format
To_Char(Cast(mycol AS TIMESTAMP(3)), 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:SS')

datetime conversion issue in sql server

if i try to cast string date to datetime like
select cast('12/01/2010' as datetime) then
it works
but if i try to cast like
select cast('22/01/2010' as datetime) then it is giving error.
again if i try to cast string date to datetime like
select cast('2010/12/01' as datetime) then it works
but if i try to cast like
select cast('2010/25/01' as datetime) then it is giving error. my requirement is whatever way user input date that should be successfully converted to datetime. please tell me best solution
In your case the sql server assumes, that date format id mm/dd/yyyy - US format,
you want to use French format, so use convert
select CONVERT(DATETIME, '12/01/2010', 103)
instead you'll get an error because there in no such a month number - 22
The best solution when passing datetime as string - to use short(without timezone) ISO format:
yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.ffff
I recommend you to use fixed '20111231' format. You do not need to use cast, convert or similar command.