Is there a way to check the u-boot config settings under u-boot shell? - config

Is there a way to check the u-boot config settings under u-boot shell, similar to /proc/config.gz under Linux.


Access WSL2 java vm through IDEA

I have setup GraalVM by downloading it through oracle page and extracting the tar file in drive E:/ ("E:\Programs\Java\graalvm-ee-java17-\bin").
Then I log into WSL2 (ubuntu) bash and setup the environment variables in bashrc.
now I can execute the VM through command line...
However my IDEA Community could not load this JVM into my project. When I try to manually add JDK, it would not allow to open mnt folder and specify the path.
I can't expand the e directory. How can I overcome this issue and allow IDEA to recognize the WSL instance JDK?
It's a Windows limitation, if you open \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\mnt in File Explorer, you will not be able to browse the drives. I'd recommend you install JDK in another browsable place under WSL.

Why doesn't WSL create /run/user/${uid} directory?

I wonder why there is no directory like /run/user/1000 when using WSL2 with Ubuntu 18.04 image?
How can I fix this (if possible)?
The user runtime directory /run/user/$UID is a tmpfs created and mounted by systemd on user login.
Since WSL instances do not support systemd, there is no daemon that creates this directory. This also implies that systemd/systemctl commands do not run on your WSL boxes. Please refer to why systemd is disabled in WSL? for more details and discussions on how to hack systemd into your WSL box.

remove Bootable CD from VM programatically

I am doing automation of installation of OS(Custom Linux) on a VM on ESXi by plugging in bootable iso of the OS. After the installation of the OS is done, a restart is required of the VM to proceed with the normal OS launch.
I need to automate this. The problem is if the bootable CD is plugged in, instead of booting from the HDD, the system boots from the CD. Is there any way to eject the CD from the VM programatically? or is there any other way?
If the OS is linux(as was my case), one can eject the CD using something like:
eject -T /dev/sr0

Running a program written for freeRTOS (RTOS) in virtualmachine as a binary

I got a simple program written for freeRTOS (implements a timer).
I want to run this program in an empty virtual machine (VirtualBox, or QEMU, or something else).
I need to make a binary file that can run in and empty VM.
Any advice or direction of how can i do this?
I checked many stuff on freeRTOS homepage but couldn't find something useful.
For virtual box, you will need a binary of freeRTOS that is x86 or amd64 compatible. Check if this is of any benefit for you.
You can check this link, as I understand it's a simulator for freeRTOS which may enable you to test it without a virtual machine.
For QEMU, check this link
Emm..., if you need run just binary file without any OS started you can use qemu for that. Just pass your binary through option '-bios' into qemu. And after qemu will start it to run. Also use '-S -s' options in for enabling gdb server in qemu. After you can connect to qemu with gdb client and debug you binary step by step.

accessing VMware through java code

Is there a way that a virtual machine (.vmx) file be opened in VMware workstation through a java code
If you want to edit the .vmx file, then the answer is no. There is currently no API available for VMware Workstation to let you programmatically change values in vmx file.
If VMPlayer can be invoked command line and an agrument vmx file can be passwd to it, then yes. Run the command via java using Process object.