A brand new repo with eGIT/bitbucket - repository

I use eGIT within the Eclipse environment, now trying to push a brand new repo to bitbucket. The repo needs to be initialized first at bitbucket remote server before the push, Is there any possibility to start the new repo from eGIT itself with no remote repo?

check the below tutorials about creating new git repo from eclips:


How to Migrate Git Repositories using migration-tools (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=nkdagility.vsts-sync-migration)

How to Migrate Git Repositories using azure-DevOps-migration-tools (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=nkdagility.vsts-sync-migration)
I have added
"GitRepoMapping":{"SourceProjectName":"TargetProjectName "},
However, it is not working.
The Migration Tools do not migrate Git Repos.
You have to migrate them yourself then the Migration Tools will fix the Git Commit links from the work items to the repo.

How to use Drone with self-hosted git repository

I have a self-hosted git repositories (not GitHub, not Gitlab, etc)
Is there a way to configure Drone to work with my repo ?
If you are hoping to have builds auto-triggered by push commands, Drone needs one of the following Git solutions to add webhooks to to watch for changes: https://docs.drone.io/installation/
If you just want to use a .drone.yml file and run it locally manually you can use the Drone CLI and this command: https://docs.drone.io/cli/drone-exec/
The CLI command will run just like you would build on a server, except it uses your local machine as both the server and the agent. Also all items such as secrets must be passed into the drone exec CLI command.

How to stop git update and clear git cache in Windows

I want to stop egit from updating the repository with modifications I make to an app, which I downloaded from git. I found out that I have to update .gitignore file. I did that. But then I read that I have to clear the git cache also. But all the procedures I find are for the linux setup of Eclipse. I don't find any information on how to do this in the Windows environment. On Linux setup, you can issue "git rm -r --cached [filename]", and that stops git from updating the repository with changes to the file. But I can not find the git or egit executable in my setup. I am running Eclipse from the Android bundle setup. This is a zip file that you can download from Android developer site, and it has Eclipse along with Android Development Environment. I am running this on a Windows 7 machine. I think egit is the Eclipse addon for git? Is that right?
I found this link: Eclipse Git Tutorial But it did not help me.

Connect Titanium Studio to remote git repository

I'm getting started with Titanium Studio to build mobile apps. I'm using Beanstalkapp (or any other remote git/svn repository) for version control.
I can't find a way to connect a new project to the remote repository from within titanium studio.
I can:
1 - create a new mobile project and start a new local git repository
2 - import an empty project from the remote git repository
When using 1 I don't know how to commit to a remote repository.
When using 2 I don't know how to add a mobile project, I always get "a project with the same name already exists within the workspace"
Any tips on how to set this up conveniently?
From the file menu in Ti Studio, choose Import, Then choose Git Repository as New Project, click next, enter your beanstalk URI and click finish.
I have not tried this with beanstalk, but it works flawlessly with Github.com
Once you have set up the project, access the context menu of the project in the project explorer (ctrl-click) and your git commands will be accessible from the Team menu

SVN Backed Maven Repo

We are using SVN as a Maven Repositary. We knew that it isn't advisable to have SVN backed maven repository, but still we have to go with it due to limitation within our organization. SVN backed repository used currently is partially implemented.We have developers working from two different geographical location. Problem we face now is whenever a developer adds a artifact to maven repo(svn repository) all other developers have to update the local svn view manually to get the newly added artifact before we do mvn clean package.
IS there a way to automatically download the artifact from svn maven repository to local repo if the artifact doesn't exists locally?
SVN is hosted with a webserver so maven repositary is accessed using HTTPS protocol only. We use maven 2.2 version.
I tried with wagon plugin which would deploy the build output(jar\war) to scm directly. We are not interested in deploying the build outputs. We need a solution to download artifacts automatically from svn maven repo if it isn't exists locally?
You make no mention of how your SVN repository exposes it's artifacts to the development teams. If it truly a Maven repository (conforming to the standard Maven repository layout) then you could just specify it's URL in the "repositories" section of your POM. Updating the local repo would then no longer be necessary.
I suspect that what you have checked into subversion is not a Maven repository layout? You'd lose one of the key benefits of using subversion if each new version of an artifact was being checked in as a new file....
You are describing the functionality offered by any Maven repository manager, for example: Nexus.
I understand your reluctance to embrace a new repository technology, but SCM systems like subversion are primarily designed for tracking changes to textual files.
In conclusion, if you truly wish to keep subversion in the loop I'd suggest one of two options:
Use subversion to control the contents of the local repository. (3rd party dependencies and the artifacts generated by the developers)
Use a repository manager like Nexus. Let Nexus manage cached content from external repositories, but commit the contents of locally hosted repositories into Subversion.