pysocks library not supporting proxy ipv6 - telethon

pysocks library doesnt support proxy ipv6 is there any way that solve this or any other libraries ?
Im using it with telethon to interact with telegram API
Also I tried another library called python_socks same error
Any Ideas?


Configuring SSL for Slack App built using Bolt JS framework hosting in an AWS Ubuntu instance

Got a Slack App built using Bolt JS framework (NodeJS) - tested from the local machine using ngrok - all well. Looking to host it on AWS instance (ubuntu) - could not figure out how to configure SSL Certificates, not finding docs as well. Any help is great!!
Not finding any documentation of prior references to this topic. Maybe I am not looking at the right place. Any help in terms of docs, tutorials, or samples is appreciated.
NOTE: I am not using AWS Lambda function, rather built an App using Slack's Bolk JS framework and trying to host it on AWS instance running Ubuntu.
Any help/pointers appreciated!

Support for TLSv1 in Python 3.10.5/Twisted 22.4.0

I recently upgraded a server based on Python 3.8.6 to Python 3.10.5
The Twisted listener in it allows various devices to connect
Some of those devices only have TLSv1.
The server code specifically enables TLSv1/1.1/1.2/1.3 but only 1.2 and 1.3 work.
According to this issue Python SSL no longer supports less than v1.2. But twisted uses pyOpenSSL, and I cannot find any documentation that states it only supports v1.2 and later.
Can anybody please supply some information on this.

How to implement an HTTPS web server using esp8266 with nodemcu?

I'm implementing a web server for access control and I need it to be encrypted (https).
I am using the LUA language with the nodemcu version 2.1.0 firmware and the modules file, gpio, http, mdns, net, node, struct, tmr, uart, wifi, tls
I have searched in many web pages but most use it in client mode, but I can not find or understand how to do this with an https page.
I have seen tls.createserver but it is in node.js.
Please if anyone can help me.
Thank you very much.

IBM Worklight - Include a JavaScript library on the server side

I'm building a mobile application using IBM Worklight. In an adapter, I need to use some functionality which is provided by a third party JavaScript file. I want to know if it's possible to include such a file on the server? If not, what is the alternative?
At the moment there is no way to include an external JavaScript library in the Adapter code. Currently the only workaround is to copy the library code to the adapter.
In Worklight 6.0.0, IBM introduced Node.js adapters, touting "a huge selection of third-party modules extending connectivity and providing implementations of various common backend constructs". That sounds like JS library support to me. Details here:

What is a socket library?

While reading about OpenSSL I've stumbled upon sentence: "It would be nice if security was as
simple as linking in a different socket library when building a program".
What is this mentioned socket library? What is it used for (i.e. in Java or C#)?
A socket is the endpoint of an Internet connection. A socket library is a library that implements sockets so that you can use them in your program for Internet communication.
What the text suggests is that it would be nice if you could replace your regular socket library (which would be for example a DLL on Windows) with a different version, which would automatically add SSL functionality for secure, encrypted connections - but adding SSL functionality is not as simple as that.
In Java or C#, you wouldn't use such a library directly. Java for example has classes in its standard API for working with Internet connections. You'd use that API in your Java program, and the JVM will use the socket library that the operating system provides to do the actual communication.