React Native - task that start on foreground and continue on background - react-native

React Native.
Is there a way to invoke a task - while app on foreground - and if the user closed the app, the task will continue on background?
IOS & Android support of course.

You need to use native modules for this. Some library can do this for you. But you shouldn't forget, they are just library. they are may not be enough.
Native modules for react native
Android background threading


How to use Android studio Code in react Native?

Is it possible to built a module in android studio that uses the camera of the celphone and then compiled it in some war to use it in react native?
Is there some can of bridge that can allow me to use android studio code in react native?
Yes, you can write native code and run it on JS side with NativeModules.
Native Modules Intro - React Native
Android Native Modules - React Native
You can also run or do what you want to do to your react native app from Android Studio just like any other android app.
Check out Ionic, it's the other way around, but very helpful.
Using "Capacitor" you build the web app, and it generates an android project and loads it in android studio for further editing.

Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?

Basically the title says all - Can native react app code convert/rollback to native mobile code(ios and android)?
Background - there is a react native app and there are some bugs and I would like to export the react native code to their native app code (ios and android) which I can fix them in native apps.
No. The React Native JavaScript is never translated into Swift or Java code and then compiled - it runs within the Safari or Chrome JavaScript engines. See here for more details.
However, as its name implies, React Native does rely on native code for more complex operations. If the bugs are in those npm modules you might be able to fix them there.

How to run background service in react native both ios and android

I'm try to create a Background service in React-native for both android & ios I'll try so many library but still I'll be not find batter way to develop background service.
Did you try with this way I think this will work on both iOS and android

Check for Inactivity in a React Native App

How do I check for inactivity globally in react native i.e touch events. I tried using but it doesn't register touch events. I would prefer pure javascript solutions as apposed to linking native code. A solution for just iOS is fine.
You can use the PanResponder from react-native package.
Here you can see a working example, using expo toolkit.

How to to implement background functionalities in react native android application?

I need do some functionalities in Android application background , so how to implement in my application ?
For React Native Android there is a native api called Headless JS for running js tasks while app is in background. You could also try
react-native-background-job which is actually based on Headless JS.