Can I still use yarn or npm to install a package in an Expo app's node_modules? - react-native

I created an Expo project because I thought it would be easier to the person I'm teaching to code in React Native. But my instinct is to just use yarn or npm. Am I damaging project structure in any way?
The expo install command will pick a version of the library that is compatible with your project and then use your JavaScript package manager (such as npm) to install it.


react-native-twitter-lite: Error: Unable to resolve module 'crypto'

I have followed the instructions to install react-native-twitter-lite via npm page per below:
npm install twitter-lite
....then on app.js:
import Twitter from 'twitter-lite';
const twtClient = new Twitter({
consumer_key: 'xxxx',
consumer_secret: 'xxxx',
...I get error Unable to resolve module crypto from node_modules\twitter-lite\dist\twitter.js: crypto could not be found within the project
...even though I can see that the file node_modules\twitter-lite\dist\twitter.js exists
The issue might be that cryptojs is missing from your dependencies (not installed in your app), but react-native-twitter-lite still need it to run for security. You surely have the twitter.js but not the crypto.js. Cryptojs is used by twitter-lite to cypher and encrypt data. You may choose to use Nodejs's crypto module or react-native's build-in cryptojs. I always choose the later one for a more native behavior. For that, simple run
npm install react-native-crypto-js --save.
The first time I run into this issue this source helped me understand.
This happens to me, most likely when installing a new package to my project, I didn't try to install react-native-twitter-lite , but my general approach is :
Try to install the missing module yourself , in your case, install Crypto
Delete node_modules and install the dependencies again, run rm -rf node_modules && npm install
run your project npm start and then npm run android && npm run ios
If you install native module you will need to rebuild your app. It’s jut hot reloadable.
If that’s not your issue, but you’re using typescript, you may be missing a dependency that can fortunately be resolved using:
npx typesync
Are you using Expo or Xcode/Android Studio? If Expo, note that Expo handles a Bare and a Managed workflow. If you are using a managed workflow you may have these issues since Expo is managing native modules for you so you may want to check if Expo has a similar dependency to what you’re using, otherwise you may want to eject from Expo.
If developing for iOS, you may also want to check if you’ve installed the pods you need. You can do this using the following:
npx pod-install from root of project directory (likely same directory as package.json)
All else fails:
rn -rf node_modules
npm install && npx pod-install
(If usingTypescript also try npx typesync)
If developing for Android, make sure you add necessary code on gradle file, can be pasted anywhere (likely in docs)

getting started with Vue native

I've installed Vue-native-cli
Do I need to install expo-cli and react-native-cli to use build project with vue native?
I've been seeing errors like
Expo not found and
React, React-dom not found when I run the command
vue-native init <projet name>
As it's written in the documentation: expo-cli or react-native-cli
System Requirements
Globally installed node >= 6.0
Globally installed npm >= 4.0
Globally installed Expo CLI OR React Native CLI
The information above can be found here
Edit: Not sure if I missunderstood to use build project. If you mean your project is already built (it's an APK file), then it's not needed to install the additional package. To run it, you can use android emulator, (for example BlueStacks) or transfer the app to your phone.

When to use expo, npm and yarn while writing commands in terminal?

There are two parts to this question:
I have recently started working on react-native and I am struggling to understand where do we use npm, expo, npx or yarn. I am working on a mac machine and trying to run my app on ios simulator.
Once globally if I install react-native, Am I required it independently in each project when I create.
You can create your own app through expo cli or react-native-cli.
There are some advantages and disadvantages on both cli.
Both cli recommend you to install dependency packages through npm or yarn. So you can use anyone. If you notice the doc of react-native, you can see that packages installation instructions are provided for both npm and yarn.
Advantage of expo-cli
You can run your app through expo client's app, no need to install the apk.
Also after running your app with expo-cli you can run your app by scanning the QR code.
The main disadvantage of expo-cli is, normal hello-world app's apk file is too big.
Advantage of react-native-cli
You can fully control your app on this cli
App's size is not too big as expo-cli
You can't run your app through QR code like expo. You have to install the apk file.
Also there are more advantages and disadvantages both cli have. I am using react-native-cli.
Hope this would be helpful for you. Thank you.

Modules from #react-native-community

It took me quite a few days to figure out I need to install the latest react-native cli from #react-native-community/cli but not from react-native-cli as I used to do.
yarn add #react-native-community/cli
but not:
yarn add react-native-cli
There are quite many modules now under #react-native-community, my question is that when I should install from #react-native-community/module_name and when just react-native-modulename.
Lots of libraries used to be a part of react-native library, but recently they decided to move them out. So now modules like react-native-camera can be installed via npm install react-native-camera and then imported from react-native-camera package.
It's easy to understand when to install a package from npm and when just import from react-native. If your import tells you that there is no such module in core lib, just go to npm and check it there.

how to delete installed library form react native project

I have installed a third party library in my project but it is not working , so I want to delete that library from my project ,
How can I do that ?
If it is a library based only on javascript, than you can just run npm uninstall --save package_name or npm uninstall --save-dev package_name
If you've installed a library with native content that requires linking, and you've linked it with rnpm then you can do: rnpm unlink package_name then follow step 1
If you've installed a library with native content manually, then just undo all the steps you took to add the library in the first place. Then follow step 1.
note rnpm as is deprecated
I followed the following steps:--
react-native unlink <lib name> -- this command has done the unlinking of the library from both platforms.
react-native uninstall <lib name> -- this has uninstalled the library from the node modules and its dependencies
Manually removed the library name from package.json -- somehow the --save command was not working for me to remove the library declaration from package.json.
After this I have manually deleted the empty react-native library from the node_modules folder
If you want to unlink already installed packages in react native
$ react-native unlink package_name
$ yarn remove package_name (if it is npm then npm uninstall --save)
If you execute 2nd step before 1st step you need to install relevant package back and execute 2nd step
I will post my answer here since it's the first result in google's search
1) react-native unlink <Module Name>
2) npm unlink <Module Name>
3) npm uninstall --save <Module name
From react-native --help
uninstall [options] uninstall and unlink native dependencies
react-native uninstall react-native-vector-icons
It will uninstall and unlink its dependencies.
You can delete installed react native package with this command.
npm uninstall package_name
npm uninstall react-native-camera
remove package name from package.json file
delete package-lock.json file
then run npm install
or you can run the following command to uninstall any package
npm uninstall package_name
you have to check your linked project, in the new version of RN, don't need to link if you linked it cause a problem,
I Fixed the problem by unlinked manually the dependency that I linked and re-run.
For iOS...
Remove the node package and install the pods.
If you're using npm:
npm uninstall package-name
If you're using yarn:
yarn remove package-name
Then simply install pods with:
npx pod-install
Typically the package.json directory is in the root of your project folder, so you should run these from there. npx pod-install will go to your ios folder and will run pod install. You do not need to run this step if you are not adding/removing native components.
I think for Android it might be the same steps, but without running the latter command since Android does not use cocoapods.
Simple and easy solution.
npm uninstall --save react-native-image-slider-box
All of the top answers are a bit outdated. They do work, but the process could be better. So I'm going to post a more modern and 'normal' way.
Your project is not overly old, meaning that your project is not using react-native version <0.60 (less than 0.60). This is because in the past (when you had react-native version <0.60), you had to manually run commands like react-native unlink when you wanted to uninstall a package. Those commands still work but are no longer necessary.
The library/package works with autolinking or it doesn't need linking at all because the package doesn't use native code. If the package's installation instructions don't require you to run a command to link the package (e.g. react-native link), then it uses autolinking or it doesn't need linking at all. A package might suggest you run the link command but they'll also usually say it's not required if your project's react-native is version >=0.60. The majority of libraries are like this now. I'd be surprised if the package you want to uninstall uses native code but doesn't support autolinking. Read more about autolinking.
If the package you want to uninstall doesn't use native code, then the above paragraph about autolinking doesn't matter.
You of course remembered to remove any use of the package in your project, before you try to uninstall it.
You've checked if other packages require the package you want to delete as a peer dependency. In this case, you removing that dependency can cause your other packages to not work.
If your package was installed without any manual editing of native files (e.g. android/settings.gradle, ios/yourappname/AppDelegate.m, etc.) or any other configuration (e.g. mypackage.config.js), then you should just do this:
If using npm, run npm uninstall <yourpackage>. If using yarn, run yarn remove <yourpackage>.
(React native uses autolinking to unlink the packages automatically so this is all you should need to do to 'unlink'. Read more.)
Run cd ios && pod install && cd ..
You can skip this step if you're absolutely sure that the package is purely written in JavaScript/Typescript. My opinion is to just run it anyway so that way your brain doesn't have to spend energy thinking/worrying about this.
That's it. You're good to go. If you're not good to go here, then something is very wrong.
If you did have to manually edit native files or any other extra configuration to install your package, then:
It's a good idea to get all the info you can on what you exactly did when you installed the package. Any additional context you can learn is good.
You should look at your git history to see the changes you did when you installed the package.
It's a good idea to read the package's README or docs to remind you of anything else you might have forgotten.
In addition to the package's most up-to-date README or docs, it's a good idea to try to read the package's README/docs from the exact version that you're trying to uninstall. If you just read the README from the package's main github page, for example, then the info might be too new.
Undo the manual changes you did when installing the package. Ideally, use git diff or a git GUI program to help you out with this. Because this process varies depending on the package and what you actually did, it's hard to be more specific than that.
If using npm, run npm uninstall <yourpackage>. If using yarn, run yarn remove <yourpackage>.
(React native uses autolinking to unlink the packages automatically so this is all you should need to do to 'unlink'. Read more.)
Run cd ios && pod install && cd ..
You can skip this step if you're absolutely sure that the package is purely written in JavaScript/Typescript. My opinion is to just run it anyway so that way your brain doesn't have to spend energy thinking/worrying about this.
That's it, done. If things are not good at this point, then something is very wrong.
Remember to upvote if you feel this helped you, so it can be more visible. Thanks!
Uninstalling local packages:
npm uninstall <package_name>
for example:
npm uninstall react-native-webview
Uninstalling global packages:
npm uninstall -g <package_name>
for example:
npm uninstall -g react-native-webview