I'm developing a DocuSign web application with embedded signing. I get error on createEnvelope on my deployed test site - asp.net-core

I'm using DocuSign's .net SDK eSign 5.8.0. I have my application working from Visual Studio 2022. Everything is working fine with embedded signing running locally with my DocuSign development account. I deployed the web application to a test server that is publicly visible. I added the test server url to the application's list of redirect urls. I'm using JWT authentication, from my log files my authentication is good. I'm creating an envelope from a template. My exception is DocuSign.eSign.Client.ApiException: Error calling CreateEnvelope
Server Error
404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its
name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

I found the error in my code. My DocuSign baseUri was just demo.docusign.net, instead of demo.docusign.net/restapi


Docusign app getting error this page isn't working right now, local host can't currently handle this request, http error 500

I'm developing an app based on the Docusign C# Quickstart.
Its working fine on my development PC (Win 11) in Visual Studio 2019 using IIS Express.
However, when I publish it to IIS (v10) on my development PC it runs and I can authenticate with Docusign just fine (once I got the proper redirect URI registered: https://localhost/ds/callback) but the step that actually sends the envelope is returning the following error in the browser:
This page isn't working right now.
Local host can't handle this request
http error 500
Any help is appreciated. I logged a support ticket with Docusign, but still waiting for a response.
Quickstart is just an app to show you how to use DocuSign APIs.
The redirect after signing is back to localhost, and your app, once ready to be deployed to server, has to be set with a proper URL, at which point you'll need to update the redirect URI to the one based on your server.
The 500 error is coming from your app, not from DocuSign. You need to figure out why your app cannot handle the URL that is set for redirect after signing by DocuSign.
The base API address demo.docusign.net/restapi is used to reach the development/ test platform. The na4.docusign.net/restapi address is one of DocuSign's (many) production platforms.
Remember that, once you have passed the Go-Live process, you have two Client IDs (integration keys) one for the test platform, one for all of the production platforms. Each has its own settings.
The error
This page isn't working right now.
Local host can't handle this request http error 500
Is from IIS. Use IIS logging to see the URL request that is coming in that can't be handled.
To see if it is the redirect from the initial OAuth Authorization Code grant URL, examine the initial URL redirect to account.docusign.com (prod URL).
The redirect contained as a query parameter in the initial OAuth redirect must:
Be correct for your instance of IIS.
Be allowed by your setting for the client ID (integration key) in DocuSign
1, Be properly handled by your IIS and its app.

Blazor WASM Deploy to IIS Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I developed a Balzor WASM and it works on local machine with bellow structure :
But when I deploy to IIS it show me this error :
{"error":"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}
It is very strange that has no any http 500 error in debug mode but when I hosted on IIS it shows me this error.
There is no any additional information in page or event viewer!
Another thing is I host both release and debug files on IIS. I shows me this message again!
Anyone can help me?
The error seems to be json and is strange that is on your index page of the WASM client.
The only possibility I can think is a request from your index.hrml to your backend but there's a problem of configuration.
Check your endpoint base address in your appsettings.json in your wwwroot of the client app.
Try to use postman (or another client like it) to test calls to your backend when hosted on IIS.

DotNet Core App can't find controller Method

I've got this .net core 2.2 app, and it works locally. It's got these two main projects, PictureLink.UI and PictureLink.API.
The UI side sends requests to POST and GET from the API side via the Angular frontend.
Locally, it works just fine. When it sends a GET to the UI side, it sends to URLs like: https://localhost:44343/UI/auth/DecodeJwtPayload <-- This works
And when it tries to access the API side, it sends to URLs like:
https://localhost:44343/API/photo/GetPhotos <-- This works
Locally, it works just fine.
Then I published it, and now the URLs are like:
https://{url}/UI/auth/DecodeJwtPayload <-- This works
And when it tries to access the API side, it sends to URLs like:
https://{URL}/API/photo/GetPhotos <-- And this returns a 404
I don't understand why it would work locally during testing and then stop working when we publish it.
Some articles suggested adding services.AddControllers() to ConfigureServices in Startup, but VS is telling me that's not a valid method.
I don't even know where to start looking. Is this a routing issue? And IIS issue? An AzureDevOps issue? A config issue?
I am so. Lost.
There are many reasons for the 404 error. You can try the following methods:
1.You need to publish your website and then point IIS website to the published folder.
2.Application pool must be set to No Managed code
3.Application Pool identity user IIS AppPool\{AppPoolName} must have read permissions on the published website folder. Change the identity of your application pool to ApplicationPoolIdentity. For application pool identity there will be user account with name IIS AppPool{Applicaiton Pool name} e.g. for DefaultAppPool the user account is IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool so you can allow read/write access to your to Applicaiton Pool user on published application folder.
If you still can’t solve your problem, please publish your controller code and web.config file.

virto commerce deployement from Github

I have successfully deployed the virto platform and storefront on to azure.
the CMS content connection string was taken from the platform appsettings and assigned to the storefront CMS connection setting. The Api Hmac App Id and secret keys are assigned as per the documentation.
Platform and storefront are synced in azure with the latest.
however, when the storefront url is entered in the browser, it does not show the storefront, insted the following error occurs.
This page isn’t working our storename.azurewebsites.net is currently unable to handle this request.
please advise if anyone encountered such error. Did I miss any other settings?
First of all, that is NOT CMS connection string related issue.
Second, try these:
restart platform app service
restart storefront app service
clear browser cookies / open page in anonymous mode. The url should start with https, not http
wait for 30 seconds as this could be a timeout issue on slower service configurations
Third: set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/environments?view=aspnetcore-2.2#set-the-environment to get error stacktrace

Web Api documentation with swashbuckle

We are currently trying to start writing WebApi services for our products switching from traditional WCF SOAP based services. The challenge we have got is how to provide the api documentation. I came across the SwaggerUi/swash buckle.
One limitation we have is we do not want to host the WebApi services in IIS but in a Windows Service. I am new to Web Api so I might be doing things the wrong way.
So for testing, I am hosting the web api in a console application. I can use the HttpClient to invoke the Get method on the Web Api but I can't access the same if I type the url in a web browser (is this normal for self hosted web api?).
So I installed the Swashbuckle.core nuget package and included the following code in the Startup class (Owin selfhosted).
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "WebApi");
c.ResolveConflictingActions(x => x.First());
private static string GetXmlCommentsPath()
var path = $#"{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}\WebApiHost.XML";
return path;
When I browse to the following location
I get "page cannot be displayed" in IE. Similar for chrome.
Is there anything special that needs to be done when hosting a WebApi in a console/windows service application to get the documentation automatically?
(I have enabled Xml documentation for the project)
I have now attached a test project. Please follow the link below:
Test project
Your problem is not with Swashbuckle, which is configured correctly. Instead it is with the fact that your OWin web app has closed by the time the browser navigates to the swagger URI. Your using statement means that the web app is shut down at the end of it - well before Chrome has opened and navigated to the swagger path. You need to ensure the web app is still running - then your path will be valid (although in your source code you have different ports 9000 and 5000 in your url variables).