Create Custom ProgressBar Using PictureBox -

I've Created Music Player Which Supports:-
--- Audio ---
--- Video ---
But I Want To Create Custom ProgressBar To Make VU Meter Like Audacity. I Don't Have Idea Of How To Create It. How Can I Create It Using Some Codes And PictureBox With Gradient Colors Of Red, Yellow And Green In VB.NET


How can I tell if an HTML5 video is playing HDR content?

Given an HTML5-based video player that plays arbitrary video files, is it possible to detect when the video is using an expanded color palette (HDR)?

Is it possible to merge 2 webm video streams into one stream (in picture)

Is it possible to record 2 webm videos (with WebRTC) and then merge them into one stream (picture in picture).
recording A shows camera A (streams out)
recording B shows camera B (streams out)
stream A shows one frame with A+B as merged stream (interview between two people)
Yes, it is by using the Media Recording API.
First you have to create a <canvas> where you will draw the two <video> elements. When creating the MediaRecorder you will pass the canvas stream: new MediaRecorder(canvas.captureStream()).
In a timeout/interval you will draw the two videos in the canvas: canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);.

converted .mov file laggs

i have here a rendered .mov video file with the raw codec and 10 frames per second. The video shows a camera that rotates around a house. If I open this file with the Quicktime Player I can move around the house by dragging the mouse over the video. It's like an interactive video.
Now I want to embed this function in my website with javascript. The problem is that I want to use HTML5 videos, so I have to convert the .mov file into .avi or .mp4.
My Problem is now, if I do that the video laggs when I drag with the mouse over it. Even if I just play it it laggs. How can I convert this video so that I have the same quality as in the original?
Thanks in advance,
You could try using a GOP length of 1 (also known as using all I-frames). This makes it easier to play backwards. But you might need to just turn it into a series of still images, like JPEGs, and swap them to the screen as needed. Video formats are meant to be played forwards, at normal speed.

How to save a video file from collection of images?

I have a folder with 18 .png files, each 800x600px. I've created a List of Bitmaps and loaded each bitmap from file, storing them as Bitmaps in the list.
I'd like to know how to write a video file (for example, .AVI) in VB .NET using the collection of images. Specifically, I'm not just looking to simply put the images together — I'd like to have the option to loop through the collection of images multiple times, adding each Bitmap as a new frame to the end of the video. This would enable me to create a 60-minute long video of the same 18 frames repeating if I wanted to.
I'd need to be able to specify the framerate, and I won't be including audio.
To put this in context, I'm effectively creating an animated image for my digital photo frame. It can't animate the GIFs it displays, but it is capable of playing videos. The 18 frames are very similar to each other.
Please help!
The AForge Library has quite an extensive toolset for all sorts of video and image processing tasks.
Or you could use FFMPEG as a standalone tool. There you can combine images to a video:
ffmpeg Video from Images

Insert video into InDesign in a not fitting box

How can I put af video into InDesign in a frame/box that not has the normel video proportions?
When I place a video into a box that is square I get a message saying that some elements are cropped in a way that PDF cannot display, or something like that.
Is video in square boxes or maybe circles not possible?
If you want the PDF document to include a play area with feathering or other effects that may not export well when applied to a poster, consider using a placed image for the play area, and then place a movie (without a poster) on top of the placed image.