Elrond mandos test elrond_wasm_debug::mandos_rs pass however erdpy contract test fail - smartcontracts

I'm writing test cases for my NFT smart contract (SC). When I check the state of the SC after creating my NFT I'm expecting to see a variable (next_index_to_mint:u64, that's I increase by 1 every new NFT) to be updated.
So I'm running the test using the command:
$ erdpy contract test
INFO:projects.core:run_tests.project: /Users/<user>/sc_nft
INFO:myprocess:run_process: ['/Users/<user>/elrondsdk/vmtools/mandos-test', '/Users/<user>/sc_nft/mandos'], in folder: None
CRITICAL:cli:External process error:
Command line: ['/Users/<user>/elrondsdk/vmtools/mandos-test', '/Users/<user>/sc_nft/mandos']
Output: Scenario: buy_nft.scen.json ... FAIL: wrong account storage for account "sc:nft-minter":
for key 0x6e657874496e646578546f4d696e74 (str:nextIndexToMint): Want: "0x02". Have: ""
Scenario: create_nft.scen.json ... FAIL: wrong account storage for account "sc:nft-minter":
for key 0x6e657874496e646578546f4d696e74 (str:nextIndexToMint): Want: "0x02". Have: ""
Scenario: init.scen.json ... ok
Done. Passed: 1. Failed: 2. Skipped: 0.
ERROR: some tests failed
However, when I'm running the test using elrond_wasm_debug::mandos_rs function with the create_nft.scen.json file, it passed.
use elrond_wasm_debug::*;
fn world() -> BlockchainMock {
let mut blockchain = BlockchainMock::new();
blockchain.register_contract_builder("file:output/test.wasm", nft_auth_card::ContractBuilder);
fn create_nft() {
elrond_wasm_debug::mandos_rs("mandos/create_nft.scen.json", world());
BTW, if you want to add this to the NFT SC example, that would be great in the tests/ folder.
I tried to put an incorrect value, and it failed as expected. So my question is how could it be possible that it work using mandos elrond_wasm debug but not erdpy ?
running 1 test
thread 'create_nft' panicked at 'bad storage value. Address: sc:nft-minter. Key: str:nextIndexToMint. Want: "0x04". Have: 0x02', /Users/<user>/elrondsdk/vendor-rust/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/elrond-wasm-debug-0.28.0/src/mandos_step/check_state.rs:56:21
Here is the code (I use the default NFT SC example):
const NFT_INDEX: u64 = 0;
fn create_nft_with_attributes<T: TopEncode>(...) -> u64 {
let next_index_to_mint = self.next_index_to_mint().get();
fn next_index_to_mint(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<u64>;

Short answer: most likely you haven't re-built your contract before testing it with erdpy.
Long answer: currently there are two ways mandos tests are executed, as you've exemplified in your case:
Run tests directly from rust through mandos_rs
Run tests through erdpy (which in turn uses mandos_go)
These two frameworks (mandos_rs and mandos_go) are functioning in different ways:
mandos_rs: this framework is running on your rust code directly and it's testing it agains a mocked VM and mocked blockchain in the background. Therefore, it's not necessary to build your contract when using mandos_rs.
mandos_go: this framework is testing your compiled contract against a
REAL VM with mocked blockchain in the background, so it's necessary to build your latest changes into a .wasm bytecode (e.g. erdpy contract build) before running the tests via mandos_go, as this compiled file will be loaded by the VM like in a real use scenario.


Why am I getting "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class io.mockk.impl.JvmMockKGateway" when using quarkusDev task in IntelliJ?

I am using Gradle 7.5, Quarkus 2.12.3 and mockk 1.13.3. When I try to run quarkusDev task from command line and then start continuous testing (by pressing r), then all tests pass OK.
However, when I do the same as from IntelliJ (as gradle run configuration), all tests fail with error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class io.mockk.impl.JvmMockKGateway
How can I fix that?
Masked thrown exception
After much debugging I found the problem. The thrown exception actually originates in HotSpotVirtualMachine.java and is thrown during attachment of ByteBuddy as a java agent. Here is the relevant code;
// The tool should be a different VM to the target. This check will
// eventually be enforced by the target VM.
if (!ALLOW_ATTACH_SELF && (pid == 0 || pid == CURRENT_PID)) {
throw new IOException("Can not attach to current VM");
Turning check off
So the check can be turned off by setting ALLOW_ATTACH_SELF constant to true. The constant is set from a system property named jdk.attach.allowAttachSelf:
String s = VM.getSavedProperty("jdk.attach.allowAttachSelf");
ALLOW_ATTACH_SELF = "".equals(s) || Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
So, in my case, I simply added the following JVM argument to my gradle file and tests started to pass:
tasks.quarkusDev {
jvmArgs += "-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf"

Jacoco Test Coverage Verification not getting executed

I am trying to add test coverage verification in my kotlin gradle project. I added a super high minimum value (0.99) to fail my build but this task is not getting executed.
tasks.jacocoTestCoverageVerification {
violationRules {
rule {
limit {
minimum = "0.99".toBigDecimal()
The test coverage report is generated successfully from the coverageReport task (details not in the post)
tasks.withType<Test> {
finalizedBy(coverageReport) // report is always generated after tests run
According to jacoco violation rules official documentation
Any violation of the declared rules would automatically result in a failed build when executing the check task.
So I am under the assumption that the test coverage verification should be auto triggered?
So I expected that the jacocoTestCoverageVerification would execute without I having to call it. I also added the following to the jacocoTestCoverageVerification task but still doesn't fail so not writing all the rules is not a likely issue.
rule {
isEnabled = true
element = "CLASS"
includes = listOf("org.gradle.*")
limit {
counter = "LINE"
value = "TOTALCOUNT"
maximum = "0.99".toBigDecimal()
I also tried :
tasks.jacocoTestCoverageVerification {
violationRules {
rule {
classDirectories.setFrom(sourceSets.main.get().output.asFileTree.matching {
isEnabled = true
limit {
minimum = "0.99".toBigDecimal()
Can anyone please help me catch what I am missing?
Gradle version
bin/gradle --version
Gradle 7.6
Kotlin: 1.7.10
Groovy: 3.0.13
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM: 17.0.5 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.5+8)
OS: Mac OS X 13.2 aarch64
The gradle build command:
bin/gradle build
Build logs
Execution optimizations have been disabled for task ':codeCoverageReport' to ensure correctness due to the following reasons:
- Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/Users/Development/myrepo/build/reports/jacoco/codeCoverageReport/codeCoverageReport.xml'. Reason: Task ':validateDependenciesKtFile' uses this output of task ':codeCoverageReport' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed. Please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/7.6/userguide/validation_problems.html#implicit_dependency for more details about this problem.
- Gradle detected a problem with the following location: '/Users/Development/myrepo/build/reports/jacoco/codeCoverageReport/html'. Reason: Task ':validateDependenciesKtFile' uses this output of task ':codeCoverageReport' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency. This can lead to incorrect results being produced, depending on what order the tasks are executed. Please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/7.6/userguide/validation_problems.html#implicit_dependency for more details about this problem.
These indicate that the optimizations are disabled so doesnt seem like a red flag?

How to increase Kotlin coroutines when running a test?

I've implemented an integration test. It run some stuff, including two suspend functions which are run inside a launch{}. Now for some reason, when I run more than four of my integration tests, I have six, the fifth job gets cancelled and the IT fails.
This is an excerpt of the code I'm testing:
io.launch {
.publishEvent(businessProcess, expectedDocumentType)
.tapLeft { orchestrationFailure -> orchestrationFailure.handleFailure() }
Now the test is actually testing an endpoint. When the endpoint is called, the code I'm testing is called. The specific part which fails, is the part that verifies if a function call in the .publishEvent(...) method is called:
verify(exactly = 1) { eventPublisherMock.publish(any()) }
In the logs I see the first couple of tests run smoothly, but before it runs the test or instance from above it see the job got cancelled: JobImpl{Cancelled}#23edf317 and that the job is not active.
I have a producer function to produce my CoroutineDispatcher. When I up the .maxAsync() and .maxQueue() to respectively 6 and 8 for example it still cancels for some reason. This is the producer:
fun ioDispatcher(coroutinesDispatcherConfig: CoroutinesDispatcherConfig): CoroutineDispatcher =
Does anyone know how I should handle this?

Elasticsearch throws 'ElasticsearchIllegalStateException' part way through tests

I've got a large Groovy application with a lot of JUnit integration tests (256), most of which use 'com.github.tlrx.elasticsearch-test', version: '1.2.1' to run elasticsearch locally.
part way through running all of the test classes all the test that use elasticsearch start throwing a 'ElasticsearchIllegalStateException' with message 'Failed to obtain node lock, is the following location writable?: [./target/elasticsearch-test/data/cluster-test-kiml42s-MacBook-Pro.local]'.
If I run any of these classes alone, it works fine.
This is my initialising code run in all #Befores:
esSetup = new EsSetup();
CreateIndex createIndex = createIndex(index)
for(int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++){
createIndex.withMapping(types[i], fromClassPath(mappings[i]))
esSetup.execute(deleteAll(), createIndex)
client = esSetup.client()
And this if my teardown code run in the #Afters:
This problem doesn't seem to happen on our build server, so it's only annoying and inconvinient, not a serious problem, but any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
This problem seems to have been cause by leaving the test nodes active while jUnit ran through all the tests - eventually it stopped being able to create new nodes. The solution is to use esSetup.terminate() in the after to destroy the nodes at the end of each test.
Here's an example of it being used correctly: https://gist.github.com/tlrx/4117854

Go hangs when running tests

I'm writing a web application in go and it runs just fine. However, when running the tests for a package, the go test command just hangs (it does nothing, not even terminate).
I have a function for testing which starts the server:
func mkroutes(t *testing.T, f func()) {
handlerRegistry = handlerList([]handler{})
middlewareRegistry = []middleware{}
if testListener == nil {
_testListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8081")
testListener = _testListener
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[Fail] could not start tcp server:\n%s\n", err)
go func() {
if err := serve(testListener, nil); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[Fail] the server failed to start:\n%s\n", err)
If I change the port that it listens on, everything runs fine (all the tests fail though, since they can't connect to the server). This shows that the code is indeed running, but if I log something in the function, or even in the init function, while the port is correct, it again breaks.
After I force the go test command to terminate manually, it does print whatever I logged, then exit. This leads me to believe that something else is blocking on the main thread before execution reaches the log, but that's impossible since changing the port makes a difference.
The package doesn't have any init functions and the only code that runs on startup is var sessionStore = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("test-key")) which is using the package github.com/gorilla/sessions. When I run the program normally, this causes no problems, and I don't see anything in the package's source that would cause it to behave differently in testing.
That's the only package outside the standard library which is imported.
I can provide any other code in the package, but I have no idea what's relevant.
First: Note that go test will create, compile and run a test program which intercept output from each test so you will not see output from your tests until the test finishes (in this moment the output is printed).
Two issues with your code:
If you cannot start the tcp server t is not notified, you only do Printf here and continue as if everything was fine.
You call t.FailNow from a different goroutine than your test runs in. You must not do this. See http://golang.org/pkg/testing/#T.FailNow
Fixing those might at least show what else goes wrong. Also: Take a look at how package net/http does it's testing.