How can I use BungeeCord Message Channel on Velocity? - velocity

I try to use the BungeeCord Message Channel on Velocity.
I know this work. Here is my code:
ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
player.sendPluginMessage(plugin, "BungeeCord", out.toByteArray());
This code works, if I use BungeeCord as my proxy. But not if I use Velocity.

Since more recent Minecraft versions, it is recommended to use the bungeecord:main channel (though Velocity should support both just fine).
Also, it is important to make sure that you use a Velocity version newer than v1.1.0 (as seen here).
Another thing, though it should not be necessary (and probably won't change anything for this issue), it's recommended to also enable velocity-support.
If you remain having this issue, it might be best to create an issue on the Velocity Github repository, so they may be able to help you further!


How to use Distributed Entry Iterator feature with RemoteCache on Infinispan +7.1 version?

I use keySet() api in production. But I know it's not recommended.
So I'd like to change it to new api over version 7.x
It's introduced on official blog.
But I can't figure it out how to use it in Hotrod RemoteCache.
Anyone already tried successfully?
Thanks a lot.
This was answered at
Radim Vansa said:
Regrettably, this feature is not available yet over Hot Rod. Remote clients have certain lag after embedded-mode features. Map/Reduce and DistributedExecutors over HR are quite close on the roadmap, distributed entry retrievers should follow.
William Burns said:
I also wanted to make sure you are aware that the keySet method is fine to use in the API as outlined [1]. The Cache Javadoc has some more specifics [2]. Basically the methods you should never use are the toArray methods on the collections returned from keySet, entrySet or values. The other methods are done lazily. Note this means the collection isn't a copy like before as well.
Also to note if you do end up using any of the iterators from these bulk methods, you need to make sure to close them properly.
However as Radim pointed out Hot Rod does not have this support yet (embedded only), but should be coming to a new version soon.

Is it possible to specify required LESS version?

Can I specify a LESS compiler version, that is required to compile the file? E.g. in a comment at the beginning of the file:
// use 1.5.0
I've searched the docs, but it seems like there are no such option.
Basically no, there's no such option. And even if it's added in future LESS versions, an older versions still won't have it so this does not help too much soon. Besides older less.js versions, there're a few LESS ports which are also a bit behind the official implementation so you never know what happens with your LESS sources when you give it away.
(Not mentioning that each LESS compiler also usually has several options that affect CSS output, e.g.: --strict-math).
Well, there's possibility to put a sort of version guard into your code, for example once I tried something like this:
.version-guard__() when not(length(-) = 1) {
-:##-;#-:': requires LESS version 1.5.0 or higher';
} .version-guard__();
But it works in less.js only, and it's not so easy to craft an universal trick that will work with other LESS implementations since each one handles errors in slightly different ways (though, to be honest, I did not bother with that too much since my main goal was to get a reasonable error message).
P.S. Alternative version guard method:
.version-guard__ {
-+: requires LESS version 1.5.0 or higher;
This one works in less.js and lessphp (at least) but generates dummy CSS output (unlike the first one).

passing options to a matplotlib backend in a clean way

For my personal use, several times I have modified the matplotlib gtk backend (also the tk and wx) , replacing the window with a notebook. This is because I use too many plots at the same time.
This time around I feel I can take the challenge to do a pull-request for my changes. But I want to do it as clean as possible. That is where I need advice (clean is the key).
I would like to place my class TabbedFigureManagerGTK3 inside
The problem is that using
Directs the specified backend (gtk3cairo or gtk3agg) to use backend_gtk3.FigureManagerGTK3
I do not want to replicate and just to change the call to backend_gtk3.FigureManagerGTK3
I would like to implement a solution that allows the user to pass an option to the backend, and from there it choses the traditional FigureManagerGTK3 or my TabbedFigureManagerGTK3
I am looking for a recomendation on how to do it that has more chances to be accepted upstream (after pull-request and the whole shebang).
Do I modify matplotlib.use to add something like **kwargs?
Do I just recreate the whole and (subclassing of course)
Do I forget about trying to get this accepted and do it breaking the Coding guide
This does sound like a nifty feature.
I would do it by modifying the existing manager and following how the PySide vs PyQt issue is handled (by using a secondary rcParams which controls which one the backend imports). In your case, I would add backend.gtk3.tabbed, or something similarly named, which controls how the manager behaves.
Write your modifications so that changes as little of the existing api as possible (breaking backwards compatibility is a no-go) and make it so a user that doesn't explicitly enable your changes won't even know they are there.
Also email the dev list, they are all pretty friendly. Or just open a PR, that is the most effective way to get feed back.

"Guess" method arguments in IntelliJ IDEA

Eclipse has a feature, where it "guesses" arguments for a method call, based on types (and probably variable names?). Is there an equivalent in IntelliJ? I know Smart Complete should be capable of completing multiple arguments, but it doesn't work as good (especially when there is more than one String argument for example).
EDIT: It's called "Insered best guessed arguments" in Eclipse.
There is Ctrl+Shift+Space (Smart-Type, I think), but as of this writing, it's crap and doesn't go the whole hog.
Despite being an Eclipse fan, I've always openly acknowledge that if Eclipse can do it, IntelliJ can probably do it better... not this time, how dissappointing q(`_`!)p
IDEA doesn't support it, see the related feature request.
(Ctrl+P) for Windows/Linux
(Cmd+P) for OS X
this lists you the parameters for a method.
If you can accept a very basic low tech version of this, you could try this Gist
for IDEAs LivePlugin.
Please ping me if there is some interest that I should make a real plugin out of this.

Is same as org.apache package?

I mean, can I use the (all subpackages) classes as I use they from org.apache (in any Apache lib)?
Will the OpenJDK maintain this package up to date with apache updates?
And the JDK7 will maintain this package?
Where can I find information about that?
It is a very bad idea to use it. Once upon a time, Sun took a copy of Xerces, chock full of bugs. They made some changes. Perhaps they subtracted some bugs. We know that there are many very serious bugs that they did not subtract.
And they renamed it to com.sun.... for one reason: to tell you not to use it. At any time, in any point release, in any patch, they can change those classes incompatibly or remove them.
Further, these classes may not be in IBM's copy of the JRE, or Apple's, or (haha) Microsoft's, or JRocket.
If you want Xerces, use Xerces. To find information about this, read the Xerces-j mailing list archive for many stern warnings from the Xerces developers about the version forked by Sun.
The fact that the classes are formally 'public' means nothing except that Sun needed to be able to new them from some other package.
Err I wouldn't, just based on the fact that they're internal classes and there is a risk of them changing over time. Use the org.apache classes instead.
No idea about the intentions with keeping them up to date, maybe try posting a message on the openjdk forum:
My understanding is that this is a fork of the apache code. At one point they were the same, but no more. So you can't count on the same bug fixes being present in both versions.
If documentation for this package says that it is public, then it's OK to use.
Otherwise they can pool a floor underneath you when they decide not to support it in the future.
Usually, you should not rely on anything other than java and javax in JDK.