Why do webhooks use secrets? Why not use just SSL? - ssl

Standard practice is for an event-notification-service to give you a secret when you register your endpoint with them, and then the service signs the messages it sends to your endpoint with that shared secret, so that your server can verify the messages are legitimate.
However why is this necessary? Assuming your endpoint and the event-notification-service are both using HTTPS, shouldn't HTTPS take care of everything you need anyway, making this entire secret and signing process redundant? Is the idea to not rely on SSL-certificates, or allow clients to use endpoints that are not HTTPS?

The signing secret is here to ensure the event does come from Stripe. The signature is also associated with a specific timestamp to avoid "replay attacks".
Without the secret, I could figure out or guess the webhook handler that you built that expects for example the checkout.session.completed event and then I would send you a fake event evt_123 making it look like the payment succeeded for you to give me access to the product for example. There are some ways around this (hard to guess endpoint, allow list for Stripe's IP addresses, secret in the URL, etc.) but they all have downsides.
Similarly, if I can find the payload of an event that works, I could re-use the same exact payload (that I know is valid since you accepted it) and replay it say every day to continue getting daily access to some content. With the webhook signature logic that Stripe built, the signature is associated to a specific timestamp and you can for example reject events if the signature is more than 10 minutes old. Stripe covers this in their docs here.


How to prevent usage of signatures that were given by fake websites after signing eth message?

There're plenty of sites, where you have to sign their 'sign in' message in order to get JWT from them. For example, https://www.cryptokitties.co uses such login system. It verifies the signature on the back-end and sends JWT back if address matches. It works good, but such approach disturbs me in the matter of security.
Assume, that someone has created absolutely identical to cryptokitties fake website. User hasn't noticed that domain is different, signs the same message ("To avoid digital cat burglars, sign below to authenticate with CryptoKitties") and at this point he already provided scammer with his signature and address, as message was the same, therefore it will work on original website. So basically you can loose your account by signing the same message on the completely different site. The saddest part, is that you cannot reset the private key, which means that your account has gone for good.
I'm not an expert, but it seems to me like a huge hole in security.
The solution I'm thinking about, is to encrypt the signature on the client before sending it on the back-end. With such approach, back-end will only send you a JWT if you've signed a message on our front-end. So, firstly back-end decrypts the signature and then verifies the message and address. It will skip signatures which were created on other sites as the decryption will fail.
So far we eliminated fake websites problem. But there is another one: attacker can intercept an already encrypted signature and use it on our site. And once again there is no way to reset the signature, it'll remain the same. So what I came up with is, signature must be disposable, it can be used only once. Before signing a message client requests from the back-end special random number linked with according wallet. Based on this number we build signature message like this: "To avoid digital cat burglars, sign below to authenticate with CryptoKitties #564324". Firstly, back-end decrypts the signature, verifies the address and then checks whether specified random number exists in database. Once login is succeeded, the random number is deleted from the database. Now, even if user looses his signature, it can't be used by attacker, because it's already expired.
What do you think? Does described approach make sense?
You have the right idea with "signature must be disposable". The concept is called a nonce (a value used to protect private communications by preventing replay attacks).
Your following logic is correct as well, except that you don't need to delete the nonce from the database, but rather rotate it. I.e. update the value to a new pseudo-random (or at least hard to guess) value.

Rest API under https security

I am new and need directions so I can ask the correct questions. Here's the deal:
I have developed a REST API under HTTPS.
The user must provide a valid token to use the API.
The token expires after not being used for more than 5 minutes.
To obtain the token, the client must call the authentication API passing his private primary or secondary key, along with his user number.
Each key is unique, and on the database I save it's hash.
The user passes his primary or secondary key through the header with key "pk" or "sk" and "usernumber".
The server will get those keys and send to the database, which will apply the hash and check if they are valid.
Once the keys are valid, a token itself is generated on the database, and returned to the user.
My concern regards passing the primary key or secondary key on the headers. I am not sure if someone can obtain those data from outside and neither if it is the best practice. I am trying to get some directions, and I have came upon basic auth, oauth, and others. But they all seem to be on HTTP.
I have not found much about API HTTPS, so I also need some directions here. Can I make my API accept only https requests? If so, does the same security rules apply?
Thanks in advance.
There are 4 security aspects to consider. Most of the frameworks define the flow for Authentication and Authorization. Some frameworks define Integrity as well via Signatures.
But almost all heavily rely on encrypted data for for Confidentiality. i.e they recommend HTTPS if the communication is based on HTTP
Identifying who is talking to your API.
Once you have identified who is talking to your API, ensuring they have the permission to talk to. If authentication is like checking someone's Id and allowing them into the building. Then authorisation is like allowing them to go into room for which they have access code.
One you know who are you talking to and what they are allowed to do, you still need to make sure that data you are receiving is from them and not tampered data.
May be they are not tampering the data but reading all the data over the wire so later they can use that data and pretend to be the person you trust. So except for the sender and receiver no one else to see the data.
The above 4 aspects are for security on the flow.
You also have to consider security at rest. You seems to have strong design here on the server side for this aspect.
Have you considered what would you do when the token expires after 5 minutes. You user won't be happy entering user number and primary key/secondary key every 5 minutes. And if you plan to store it on client side so you can automate it every 5 minute, then you have to think about where would you store it in the client side and security at rest aspect for that
First of all: regarding HTTPS VS HTTP.
HTTPS is HTTP over TLS, where TLS is another layer of protection meant to secure the communication channel. All HTTP rules regarding headers apply to HTTPS too. TLS will protect your data confidentiality and integrity. It will protect the whole HTTP request including headers and body.
Regarding passing secrets as headers.
It's ok to pass secrets as headers or body. It's not ok, to pass secrets in URL. It's not ok to log out secrets on servers and proxies along the way. It's not ok to implement your own authentication mechanisms unless really needed.
If you want to read more about what is required to protect the communication channel (and the rest of the application), look into the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard.

Is there a way to secure an API key on a frontend page?

My service allow any HTML documents to be converted to PDF using a POST request.
It is mostly used on the backend of my client's server and thus, the API key used for the communication is kept private.
Now, I'm thinking of a way to let my client's visitors be able to call my service on behalf of my client API key, without exposing this secure API Key.
My main issue here is security. If my client add an XHR POST requests that contains the API key, someone can take that API key and use it for their own purpose and abusing my client's account.
I could filter by domain, but this is easily spoofed so it's not possible.
I was wondering if there was a way to call a private service and be identified without risking its identity to be stolen, from the client ('s client) side?
If you're providing this sublet for authenticated users, then it's fairly trivial to give them unique keys (something that hashes their user ID or session against the API key and an initial timestamp, and checks it / logs it / looks for brutes before accessing the API). If you're doing it on the open web, without any kind of user authentication, then rate limiting gets very tricky indeed. Generally you'd want to use a combination of session hashes, IP address, operating system and browser data to create an anonymous profile that gets a temporary key on the frontend. One fairly solid way to do this is to force users through a CAPTCHA before serving a temporary key that allows them a limited number of uses of the permanent key. Any user whose ip/browser/session matches the existing attributes of a known client key is shunted to that one (and gets to skip the CAPTCHA); anyone who doesn't match an existing profile gets the CAPTCHA. That makes you a less attractive target for spoofing. On top of that, you should always rate-limit the entire thing, within a reasonable number of hits per day based on what kind of traffic you expect (or can afford), just so you don't have any surprises. This is the minimal security you'd want if your client's money is on the line every time their API key is used. It will require a simple database to store these "profiles", track usage, check for brutes and maintain the currently valid client keys. Client keys should always be expired regularly - either with a time diff against when they were created, or a regular cron process, or a maximum number of uses, etc.
One other thing I frequently do is rate-limit based on a curve. If I think 5 uses per minute is reasonable, for example, then after 5 uses in a minute from a session, each usage adds a delay of a fraction of a second * the number of uses in the last minute, squared, before the data is served.
The best answer would be to put this all behind a login system and secure that.
Assuming that you are using OAuth kind of system, In that case, make use of Access Token Mechanism that provides access to private API/User's data on behalf of User(Client) without exposing his/her credentials or API Key(Authentication key), also the access token can be expired based on the time/usage.
Example: The access token is generated against a single endpoint that can be the Html Conversion endpoint and will be expired once the action completion.
And following blog post would be helpful to architect your authentication system
there is no good way to do front-end secure storage but my recommendation is :
is an API that used HMAC signing of requests in combination with OAuth authentication. The API key is actually a signing key. they key does not get transferred. The API key can still get found on the front-end but it becomes useless because you still need the OAuth token to send a valid request.
i know users will have to login in, but you can see this as an advantage because atleast you can log who is using the app by getting information from oauth.
please consider back-end secure storage!
You can use JWT tokens in my opinion. On the basis of username, password or any other info you can generate unique jwt tokens for different users.
Anyone can decipher these jwt tokens but not he unique security token.
If you want to add more more security to tokens, use JWE, encrypted web tokens.
More about these schemes can be found at https://medium.facilelogin.com/jwt-jws-and-jwe-for-not-so-dummies-b63310d201a3
Hashing is a decent option and should be done anyway, but for a fully secure method that wouldn't add too much complexity, you could simply abstract away from the authorization/API key by building your own API to interface with the API. This way you could both limit the kinds of things that can be done with the API key and also completely obscure the API key from the user
I don't think you should always go for user auth or JWT, it just doesn't fit all use cases. The idea of using a Captcha is interesting but also somewhat complex.
If complexity is not an issue I would rather use an infrastructure approach, I'm most familiar with AWS so I'll focus on that. Assuming you can change the host of your front end you can have your site hosted on an S3 bucket, served through a CDN, and create a proxy Lambda function that will hold the logic to call your API and store the API key as an encrypted environment variable. This Lambda you call through an API Gateway that can only be called by a specific IAM role which the S3 bucket also uses. You can also use a Cognito User Pool without authentication.
Going back to a simpler alternative the Captcha approach can be implemented as an attestation provider. I know of two services that do this, Firebase and KOR Connect. Due to Firebase using this approach only for their own resources as of the time of this writing I much rather use KOR Connect as it’s a very simple middleware that basically solves this issue. I won't go into detail about these services as it’s not the main concern of this topic but you can check the documentation their respective links.

User registration/authentication flow on a REST API

I know this is not the first time the topic is treated in StackOverflow, however, I have some questions I couldn't find an answer to or other questions have opposed answers.
I am doing a rather simple REST API (Silex-PHP) to be consumed initially by just one SPA (backbone app). I don't want to comment all the several authentication methods in this question as that topic is already fully covered on SO. I'll basically create a token for each user, and this token will be attached in every request that requires authentication by the SPA. All the SPA-Server transactions will run under HTTPS. For now, my decision is that the token doesn't expire. Tokens that expire/tokens per session are not complying with the statelessness of REST, right? I understand there's a lot of room for security improvement but that's my scope for now.
I have a model for Tokens, and thus a table in the database for tokens with a FK to user_id. By this I mean the token is not part of my user model.
I have a POST /users (requires no authentication) that creates a user in the database and returns the new user. This complies with the one request one resource rule. However, this brings me certain doubts:
My idea is that at the time to create a new user, create a new token for the user, to immediately return it with the Response, and thus, improving the UX. The user will immediately be able to start using the web app. However, returning the token for such response would break the rule of returning just the resource. Should I instead make two requests together? One to create the user and one to retrieve the token without the user needing to reenter credentials?
If I decided to return the token together with the user, then I believe POST /users would be confusing for the API consumer, and then something like POST /auth/register appears. Once more, I dislike this idea because involves a verb. I really like the simplicity offered in this answer. But then again, I'd need to do two requests together, a POST /users and a POST /tokens. How wrong is it to do two requests together and also, how would I exactly send the relevant information for the token to be attached to a certain user if both requests are sent together?
For now my flow works like follows:
1. Register form makes a POST /users request
2. Server creates a new user and a new token, returns both in the response (break REST rule)
3. Client now attaches token to every Request that needs Authorization
The token never expires, preserving REST statelessness.
Most of the current webapps require email validation without breaking the UX for the users, i.e the users can immediately use the webapp after registering. On the other side, if I return the token with the register request as suggested above, users will immediately have access to every resource without validating emails.
Normally I'd go for the following workflow:
1. Register form sends POST /users request.
2. Server creates a new user with validated_email set to false and stores an email_validation_token. Additionally, the server sends an email generating an URL that contains the email_validation_token.
3. The user clicks on the URL that makes a request: For example POST /users/email_validation/{email_validation_token}
4. Server validates email, sets validated_email to true, generates a token and returns it in the response, redirecting the user to his home page at the same time.
This looks overcomplicated and totally ruins the UX. How'd you go about it?
This is quite simple, for now I am doing it this way so please correct me if wrong:
1. User fills a log in form which makes a request to POST /login sending Basic Auth credentials.
2. Server checks Basic Auth credentials and returns token for the given user.
3. Web app attached the given token to every future request.
login is a verb and thus breaks a REST rule, everyone seems to agree on doing it this way though.
Why does everyone seem to need a /auth/logout endpoint? From my point of view clicking on "logout" in the web app should basically remove the token from the application and not send it in further requests. The server plays no role in this.
As it is possible that the token is kept in localStorage to prevent losing the token on a possible page refresh, logout would also imply removing the token from the localStorage. But still, this doesn't affect the server. I understand people who need to have a POST /logout are basically working with session tokens, which again break the statelessness of REST.
I understand the remember me basically refers to saving the returned token to the localStorage or not in my case. Is this right?
If you'd recommend any further reading on this topic I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!
Tokens that expire/tokens per session are not complying with the statelessness of REST, right?
No, there's nothing wrong with that. Many HTTP authentication schemes do have expiring tokens. OAuth2 is super popular for REST services, and many OAuth2 implementations force the client to refresh the access token from time to time.
My idea is that at the time to create a new user, create a new token for the user, to immediately return it with the Response, and thus, improving the UX. The user will immediately be able to start using the web app. However, returning the token for such response would break the rule of returning just the resource. Should I instead make two requests together? One to create the user and one to retrieve the token without the user needing to reenter credentials?
Typically, if you create a new resource following REST best practices, you don't return something in response to a POST like this. Doing this would make the call more RPC-like, so I would agree with you here... it's not perfectly RESTful. I'll offer two solutions to this:
Ignore this, break the best practices. Maybe it's for the best in this case, and making exceptions if they make a lot more sense is sometimes the best thing to do (after careful consideration).
If you want be more RESTful, I'll offer an alternative.
Lets assume you want to use OAuth2 (not a bad idea!). The OAuth2 API is not really RESTful for a number of reasons. I'm my mind it is still better to use a well-defined authentication API, over rolling your own for the sake of being RESTful.
That still leaves you with the problem of creating a user on your API, and in response to this (POST) call, returning a secret which can be used as an access/refresh token.
My alternative is as follows:
You don't need to have a user in order to start a session.
What you can do instead is start the session before you create the user. This guarantees that for any future call, you know you are talking to the same client.
If you start your OAuth2 process and receive your access/refresh token, you can simply do an authenticated POST request on /users. What this means is that your system needs to be aware of 2 types of authenticated users:
Users that logged in with a username/password (`grant_type = passsword1).
Users that logged in 'anonymously' and intend to create a user after the fact. (grant_type = client_credentials).
Once the user is created, you can assign your previously anonymous session with the newly created user entity, thus you don't need to do any access/refresh token exchanges after creation.
Both your suggestions to either:
Prevent the user from using the application until email validation is completed.
Allow the user to use the application immediately
Are done by applications. Which one is more appropriate really depends on your application and what's best for you. Is there any risk associated with a user starting to use an account with an email they don't own? If no, then maybe it's fine to allow the user in right away.
Here's an example where you don't want to do this: Say if the email address is used by other members of your system to add a user as a friend, the email address is a type of identity. If you don't force users to validate their emails, it means I can act on behalf of someone with a different email address. This is similar to being able to receive invitations, etc. Is this an attack vector? Then you might want to consider blocking the user from using the application until the email is validated.
You might also consider only blocking certain features in your application for which the email address might be sensitive. In the previous example, you could prevent people from seeing invitations from other users until the email is validated.
There's no right answer here, it just depends on how you intend to use the email address.
Please just use OAuth2. The flow you describe is already fairly close to how OAuth2 works. Take it one step further an actually use OAuth2. It's pretty great and once you get over the initial hurdle of understanding the protocol, you'll find that it's easier than you thought and fairly straightforward to just implement the bits you specifically need for your API.
Most of the PHP OAuth2 server implementations are not great. They do too much and are somewhat hard to integrate with. Rolling your own is not that hard and you're already fairly close to building something similar.
The two reasons you might want a logout endpoint are:
If you use cookie/session based authentication and want to tell the server to forget the session. It sounds like this is not an issue for you.
If you want to tell the server to expire the access/refresh token earlier. Yes, you can just remove them from localstorage, and that might be good enough. Forcing to expire them server-side might give you that little extra confidence. What if someone was able to MITM your browser and now has access to your tokens? I might want to quickly logout and expire all existing tokens. It's an edge case, and I personally have never done this, but that could be a reason why you would want it.
Yea, implementing "remember me" with local storage sounds like a good idea.
I originally took the /LOGON and /LOGOUT approach. I'm starting to explore /PRESENCE. It seems it would help me combine both knowing someone's status and authentication.
0 = Offline
1 = Available
2 = Busy
Going from Offline to anything else should include initial validation (aka require username/password). You could use PATCH or PUT for this (depending how you see it).
You are right, SESSION is not allowed in REST, hence there is no need to login or logout in REST service and /login, /logout are not nouns.
For authentication you could use
Basic authentication over SSL
Digest authentication
OAuth 2
HMAC, etc.
I prefer to use PUBLIC KEY and PRIVATE KEY [HMAC]
Private key will never be transmitted over web and I don't care about public key. The public key will be used to make the user specific actions [Who is holding the api key]
Private key will be know by client app and the server. The private key will be used to create signature. You generate a signature token using private key and add the key into the header. The server will also generate the signature and validate the request for handshake.
Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b
Now how you will get private key? you have to do it manually like you put facebook, twitter or google api key on you app.
However, in some case you can also return [not recommended] the key only for once like Amazon S3 does. They provide "AWS secret access key" at the registration response.

Is this a secure implementation of a basic HMAC authentication system for my REST API?

I'm building a very basic REST API for my site. The only verb I'm using at the moment is GET which simply outputs a list of posts on my site.
For authentication, I have been reading about HMAC and in particular this article:
My question centres around what the 'hashed content' should be. As I am not posting any data to the API, I have just been hashing my public key (with a simple salt) using my private key.
Is this a secure method or should I use a different 'content hash'? The data is not sensitive in any way - this was just a learning exercise.
You will want to consider the "replay attacker". When the attacker captures a packet between your API client and the server, what damage can she do when she replays it later?
In your case, if you only use the API key of the user in the HMAC, then the attacker will be able to impersonate that user when she replay the requests. She can call any API request and just set the HMAC to what she captured, as it will validate.
If none of the parameters of the request are included, the attacker will be able to call the request and specify her own parameters. So it's better if the parameters are also included in the HMAC. It doesn't prevent replay of the request with these specific parameters though.
You can include a timestamp parameter to the request and in the HMAC. The server will recompute the HMAC including the timestamp passed in, and it will also verify that the timestamp is recent enough. As the attacker cannot forge new HMAC out of thin air, she will only be able to use ones with matching timestamps that you will reject based on age.