What are the equivalent CI commands for Vue projects based on Vite instead of the Vue CLI? - vue.js

I created a new Vue project via npm init vue#latest. I used the Vue CLI before and want to get into Vite now. Inside my Github action I used the Vue CLI service commands before but now I'm looking for the equivalent commands using Vite.
Check that the code style is fine (no errors, no warnings)
Inside my workflow I previously used the command
npm run lint -- --no-fix --max-warnings=0
Based on the lint script command
eslint . --ext .vue,.js,.jsx,.cjs,.mjs,.ts,.tsx,.cts,.mts --fix --ignore-path .gitignore
I added the lint:ci script command
eslint . --ext .vue,.js,.jsx,.cjs,.mjs,.ts,.tsx,.cts,.mts --max-warnings 0 --ignore-path .gitignore
Check that unit tests are passing
Inside my workflow I previously used the command
npm run test:unit
Based on the test:unit script command
vitest --environment jsdom
I added the test:unit:ci script command
vitest --environment jsdom --run
Check that e2e tests are passing
Inside my workflow I previously used the command
npm run test:e2e -- --headless
There already is a test:e2e:ci script command and based on the Cypress docs I think I have to use it this way (which worked for me)
- name: Check if e2e tests are passing
uses: cypress-io/github-action#v2
build: npm run build
start: npm run test:e2e:ci
Do you have any better solutions? I'm not sure if this is the most elegant way or if Vue/Vite already provide some commands I don't know about yet.
Thanks in advance!


Why does package.json script behave differently than identical terminal command

In my npm project, in my package.json file, I have the following lines of code:
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack"
While in my terminal, if I run npm webpack, I get the error message:
Unknown command: "webpack"
But if I run npm run build, I get a prompt from webpack saying I need webpack-cli... so the command is obviously recognized.
I'm confused about the different behavior of these two commands. In this case, isn't running npm run build identical to running npm webpack in my terminal? Why does one command fail and one succeed? What is actually happening when I run npm run build?
If we look at the documentation,
Package scripts run in an environment where many pieces of information are made available regarding the setup of npm and the current state of the process.
If you depend on modules that define executable scripts, like test suites, then those executables will be added to the PATH for executing the scripts.
Maybe this is the reason webpack is not recognized by the command line.

How to execute nested "npm run commands" inside an npm#^7.0.0 monorepo set up within the context of the current workspace?

I have a monorepo with several workspaces within it. It has been very common for me to use chained npm scripts for simple tasks instead of using a task runner. So for example, the following configuration (pseudo code) is very common for me and usefull as well, specially for pre and post build scripts
"scripts": {
"prebuild:task1":"task1 --task1-arguments",
"prebuild:task2":"task2 --task2-arguments",
"prebuild": "npm run prebuild:task1 && npm run prebuild:task2",
"build":"build-script --build-arguments",
So the above is the package.json for the child worskpace itself and then in the master package.json I have the call to the script that triggers the build for that workspace.
build:packageA: "npm run build -w packageA"
All seems working well but the chained "npm run script" inside the workspace is actually execute in the context of the master monorepo and not inside that particular workspace.
So, in summary, the first call is to run the build script in the workscape and then triggers the prebuild script of that workspace BUT as that script execute chained npm run scripts those are run in the context of the master repo which happens that they don't exist in there. So the callstack might be ...
(master) build:packageA
(packageA) prebuild
(master) npm run prebuild:task1 >>>> EXIT ERROR
The only way I found, up to now, to bypass this issue was to make my child workspace a monorepo itself holding zero woskpaces. Essentially I have a "workspaces" key in its package.json pointing to the root directory. This enables me to use the -w flag in the scripts section so to refer all scripts to itself. So my current workaround looks like this ...
"workspaces": ["."],
"scripts": {
"prebuild:task1":"task1 --task1-arguments",
"prebuild:task2":"task2 --task2-arguments",
"prebuild": "npm run prebuild:task1 -w packageA && npm run prebuild:task2 -w packageA",
"build":"build-script --build-arguments -w packageA"
Isn't there already a better way to solve this?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
Following this post https://stackoverflow.com/a/67060676 I found out that npm changed the way it calls nested scripts in workspaces.
I ran into similar issues like you while running npm#7.5, but the feature was introduced in npm#7.7. Updating node to v17 and npm to 8.3 resulted in everything is running as intended.
In my case I wanted to execute nested npm run build commands in workspaces.

Missing node_modules bin on PATH

I have run the command
yarn add -D jest to install jest to my project.
This does successfully add jest to my node_modules
> find . -name jest
When I use iterm2 to run jest however I get the following output
> jest
zsh: command not found: jest
FWIW When I use the IntelliJ terminal it does work
> jest
Determining test suites to run...^C
What am I missing in the iterm environment to be able to have node_modules bin in my classpath depending on the current repo?
An OS shell doesn't know about your locally installed node_modules, but IntelliJ terminal does. So if you want to run jest from outside of an IDE you should perform several additional steps.
The most common way to run locally installed packages is to define a separate script in the "scripts" section of your package.json file. Then you will be able to run it using the yarn/npm itself from any terminal. You can find an exact example in the Yarn docs.
"name": "my-package",
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
yarn run test
Or you could install jest globally so it will be accessible from anywhere, but it's not a best practice.

is it possible to do tasks using npm-scripts only without task runner?

I am new to npm run scripts can I do the following tasks using only npm run scripts? (i.e without any task runner like gulp and grunt)
concat js
scss to css watch
get notified about succesful js concatenation and scss to css conversion
and moving only html, css, js to deployment directory
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't see why not? To give you a little context:
npm run scripts allow you to easily run: any custom script you create, or any script provided from within your node_modules directory. This is exactly what any task runner is providing you with: i.e. custom scripts to accomplish common development tasks, they have just premade these scripts whereas with npm run scripts you're creating them yourself. These npm scripts are created by adding them to the "scripts" field within your package.json file and can be executed by typing the following: npm run <script-name>.
How are we able to just run the binaries of locally installed packages?
Well, the binaries of locally install packages are made available to you courtesy of your PATH environment variable. This is extremely convenient and allows you to run said binaries simply by typing the the name of said package instead of having to point to: node_modules/.bin/<node_module>. Furthermore, to see which scripts are available to you issue a: npm run
Ok back to your question.. Yes you'll will just have to create custom scripts utilizing various libraries to accomplish said task.
For example, scss to css watch, you could create a script like so:
"scripts": {
"buildscss": "sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets"
Alternatively, you could use node-sass to handle this task:
npm install --save-dev node-sass
"scripts": {
"buildscss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss"
To serve and automatically inject changes you can utilize browser-sync. Something like the following:
npm i -D browser-sync
"scripts": {
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, dist/js/*.js'"
Alternatively if you only want to move html, css, js to a deployment directory, <dist> in this case, you could do the following:
"scripts": {
"copy": "cp <html_dir> dist/ && cp <css_dir> dist/ && cp <js> dist/",
As for your question about notifications: your custom script would run other custom scripts and print to the console the outcome of said script. There is much more that you can do with npm run scripts, such as: linting, watching, combining scripts, etc.. For a great tutorial check out this link as I am just scratching the surface.
Hopefully that helps!

IntelliJ stuck after running npm scripts

I have created a Scala, Play project. I am trying to add Angular2 in it. I added two npm commands through edit configuration. They are suppose to install the required packages and use webpack to bundle final JS. I notice that nothing happens after 2nd script is executed (I do not know if that script is hung or there is some other issue (see pic). It seems that the 2nd npm script is stuck because on stopping the run command, I see exit code 1 - Process finished with exit code 1
Is there a way to find out if Intelli build/run process is still running?
The issue was with the 2nd script (npm start). I had to remove --profile --watch flag from the webpack command. This works - "scripts": {
"start": "webpack --config webpack.config.dev.js --progress"