Formatting a double variable using String Format to add up to 3 zero from the right -

I got a price decimal which sometimes can be either 0.00002001 or 0.00002.
I want to display always 3 zeros from the right if the number is like 0.00002 so I'm looking it to be 0.00002000. If the number is 0.00002001 do not add anything.
I came accross some examples and other examplesin msdn and tried with
price.ToString.Format("{0:F4}", price)
but It doesn't actually change anything in the number.
And in the case number is like 123456789 I want it to display 123.456.789 which I've half solved using ToString("N2") but it's displaying also a .00 decimals which I don't want.

Some special cases here between the fractional and whole numbers, so they need to be handled differently.
Private Function formatWithTrailingZeros(number As Double) As String
If number Mod 1 > 0 Then ' has a fractional component
Return $"{number:0.00000000}"
Dim formattedString = $"{number:N2}"
Return formattedString.Substring(0, formattedString.Length - 3)
End If
End Function
Dim price = 0.00002001
price = 0.00002
price = 123456789
price = 123456789.012345
If your second case with 123.456.789 is not based on your current culture, then you may need to replace , with . such as
Return formattedString.Substring(0, formattedString.Length - 3).Replace(",", ".")
Since you are using . both as a decimal separator and a thousands separator, I'm not sure how my example of 123456789.012345000 should look, but since you didn't ask, I'm not going to guess.


SQL | How to always round up regardless of the last integer value, even when that may be 0

I am currently outputting values out to 6 decimal places, and would like to round up the 6th place regardless of the integer value.
I have been using a CEILING() function so far which has worked great for values 1-9 on rounding up; however, in situations where I have the 7th decimal as 0 (ex: 2705.1520270), the function does not round up to 2705.152028.
select CEILING(price*1000000)/1000000 as PriceRound
from tc_alcf a (nolock)
Here is one approach:
SELECT ROUND(2705.1520270 + 0.0000005, 6);
We can add 0.0000005 to the input and then just use SQL Server's ROUND function to 6 decimal places. This works because values with a sixth decimal place between 0 and 0.4999 (repeating) would become 5 to 0.9999 (repeating), meaning they would round up to the next digit. And values with already have 5 or greater in the sixth decimal place would not be bumped up to the next digit.
This problem should be familiar to many developers as the rounding half up problem.
Add 1 and use FLOOR():
select floor(price*1000000 + 1)/1000000 as PriceRound
from tc_alcf a
Or you can also shift the decimal by multiplying with the power function
CEILING(2705.1520275 * POWER(10,6)) / POWER(10,6) Adding 0 in the middle of a integer

I have this integer. A = 100002 of 6 digits and i want to add 2 extra 0 in the middle so it can be a integer of 8 digits.
Result = 10000002
how can i do it?
You can split your number up into two parts, the left and the right side. Then add the zeros to the left side and put back the right side.
100002 -> 100 [left side] 002 [right side]
Dim number As Integer = 100002
Dim rightSide As Integer = number Mod 1000
Dim leftSide As Integer = number - rightSide
leftSide *= 100 ' Add zeros
Dim newNumber As Integer = leftSide + rightSide
With this, 123456 will become 12300456.
There are lots of different ways to answer this, meaning that your question is likely not specific enough to get the answer you want. For example, the_lotus's answer is of course correct (and a more practical solution, too). However, this solution will also yield the result you specify in the simplest possible manner, by subtracting 2, multiplying by 100, and adding 2 again:
Result = (A - 2) * 100 + 2
Since both of these very different methods solve the problem you have posed, it follows that you might want to pose the problem a bit more carefully. For example, if you want to work with numbers other than 100002 (which you haven't said that you do), this solution of course won't allow that. If you want a solution that applies to numbers with other than six digits, the_lotus's solution won't allow that in all cases, either.

FormatNumber replacing number with 0

Not understanding this:
Number returned from DataReader: 185549633.66000035
We have a requirement to maintain the number of decimal places per a User Choice.
For example: maintain 7 places.
We are using:
FormatNumber(dr.Item("Field"), 7, TriState.false, , TriState.True)
The result is: 185,549,633.6600000.
We would like to maintain the 3 (or 35) at the end.
When subtracting two numbers from the resulting query we are getting a delta but trying to show these two numbers out to 6,7,8 digits is not working thus indicating a false delta to the user.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Based on my testing, you must be working with Double values rather than Decimal. Not surprisingly, the solution to your problem can be found in the documentation.
For a start, you should not be using FormatNumber. We're not in VB6 anymore ToTo. To format a number in VB.NET, call ToString on that number. I tested this:
Dim dbl = 185549633.66000035R
Dim dec = 185549633.66000035D
Dim dblString = dbl.ToString("n7")
Dim decString = dec.ToString("n7")
and I saw the behaviour you describe, i.e. the output was:
I read the documentation for the Double.ToString method (note that FormatNumber would be calling ToString internally) and this is what it says:
By default, the return value only contains 15 digits of precision although a maximum of 17 digits is maintained internally. If the value of this instance has greater than 15 digits, ToString returns PositiveInfinitySymbol or NegativeInfinitySymbol instead of the expected number. If you require more precision, specify format with the "G17" format specification, which always returns 17 digits of precision, or "R", which returns 15 digits if the number can be represented with that precision or 17 digits if the number can only be represented with maximum precision.
I then tested this:
Dim dbl = 185549633.66000035R
Dim dblString16 = dbl.ToString("G16")
Dim dblString17 = dbl.ToString("G17")
and the result was:

How to format integer as string with 2 digits?

I would like to format an integer 9 to "09" and 25 to "25".
How can this be done?
You can use either of these options:
The "0" Custom Specifier
String.Format("{0:00}", value)
The Decimal ("D") Standard Format Specifier
String.Format("{0:D2}", value)
For more information:
Custom Numeric Format Strings
Standard Numeric Format Strings
If its just leading zero's that you want, you can use this:
value.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); // C#
If you have 2 digits, say 25 for example, you will get "25" back....if you have just one digit, say 9 for example, you will get "09"....It is worth noting that this gives you a string back, and not an integer, so you may need to cast this later on in your code.
String formate is the best way to do that. It's will only add leading zero for a single length. 9 to "09" and 25 to "25".
String.format("%02d", value)
If you want to add multiple leading zero 9 to "0009" and 1000 to "1000". That's means you want a string for 4 indexes so the condition will be %04d.
String.format("%04d", value)
I don't know the exact syntax. But in any language, it would look like this.
a = 9
aString =""
if a < 10 then
aString="0" + a
aString = "" + a
end if what is a good way of displaying a decimal with a given maximum length

I am writing a custom totaling method for a grid view. I am totaling fairly large numbers so I'd like to use a decimal to get the total. The problem is I need to control the maximum length of the total number. To solve this problem I started using float but it doesn't seem to support large enough numbers, I get this in the totals column(1.551538E+07). So is there some formating string I can use in .ToString() to guarentee that I never get more then X characters in the total field? Keep in mind I'm totaling integers and decimals.
If you're fine with all numbers displaying in scientific notation, you could go with "E[numberOfDecimalPlaces]" as your format string.
For example, if you want to cap your strings at, say, 12 characters, then, accounting for the one character for the decimal point and five characters needed to display the exponential part, you could do:
Function FormatDecimal(ByVal value As Decimal) As String
If value >= 0D Then
Return value.ToString("E5")
' negative sign eats up another character '
Return value.ToString("E4")
End If
End Function
Here's a simple demo of this function:
Dim d(5) As Decimal
d(0) = 1.203D
d(1) = 0D
d(2) = 1231234789.432412341239873D
d(3) = 33.3218403820498320498320498234D
d(4) = -0.314453908342094D
d(5) = 000032131231285432940D
For Each value As Decimal in d
You could use Decimal.Round, but I don't understand the exact question, it sounds like you're saying that if the total adds up to 12345.67, you might only want to show 4 digits and would then show 2345 or do you just mean that you want to remove the decimals?