Catiascript or VBA macro to save body in different format - vba

I am new at using macros. I tried making a simple code where a macro would save my part in different formats. stp, igs and 3dxml.
Sub CatMain()
pathInputBox = InputBox("Enter path")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(pathInputBox)
CATIA.DisplayFileAlerts = False
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If Right(oFile.Name, 8) = ".CATPart" Then
Set oProdDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(oFolder & "\" & oFile.Name)
newname = Replace(oFile.Name, ".CATPart", "")
oProdDoc.ExportData oFolder & "\" & newname, "stp"
oProdDoc.ExportData oFolder & "\" & newname, "igs"
oProdDoc.ExportData oFolder & "\" & newname, "3dxml"
End If
End Sub
And it works. But what if my part has more bodies. Say I also have an unfolded as a body and I would want to save that separately too? How would a macro code look if I wanted to save a body from the catpart? Can someone help me with this simple operation?

ExportData exports only geometry that is visible.
The simplest way would be to show only one body and hide all others.
To do this, select the body and show or hide it using the VisProperties (setShow).


Through FSO VBA - Files are not moving, please go through my code, I don't understand why files are not moving. I am trying to execute it but msg box

Please go through my code, correct me where I am wrong, files are not moving from folder to folder.
Option Explicit
Sub MoveFiles()
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromDir As String
Dim ToDir As String
Dim FExtension As String
Dim Fnames As String
FromDir = "C:\Users\B\Source Folder"
ToDir = "C:\Users\B\Destination Folder"
FExtension = "*.*"
Fnames = Dir(FromDir & FExtension)
If Len(Fnames) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No files or Files already moved" & FromDir
Exit Sub
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromDir & FExtension, Destination:=ToDir
End Sub
You are missing a \ at the end of your FromDir which will separate the path from your filenames.
For your info: & is not really combining path and filename, but just concatenating two strings, so it never adds the \ itself.
Correction possibility 1
You can add it to the definition of FromDir:
FromDir = "C:\Users\B\Source Folder\"
Correction possibility 2
Add it to these lines of code dynamically:
Fnames = Dir(FromDir & "\" & FExtension)
FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromDir & "\" & FExtension, Destination:=ToDir
Another remark
You should also separate FromDir from the error text, like this:
MsgBox "No files or Files already moved: " & FromDir

Access code is causing program to lock up and not responding?

I copied this code from a differen website to try and help me import multiple text files at once. I changed filepaths, text specs, and the table to what I need. Now every time I try to run this is locks up and doesn't respond.
Is there an issue with having too many text files or too much data? How come its causing my program to lock up?
Public Sub WorkedAlertsImport()
On Error GoTo bImportFiles_Click_Err
Dim objFS As Object, objFolder As Object
Dim objFiles As Object, objF1 As Object
Dim strFolderPath As String
strFolderPath = "C:\Import TXT files\"
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFS.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
Set objFiles = objFolder.files
For Each objF1 In objFiles
If Right(objF1.Name, 3) = "txt" Then
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "TextImportSpecs", "tblImportedFiles", strFolderPath & objF1.Name, False
Name strFolderPath & objF1.Name As "C:\Import TXT files\" & objF1.Name 'Move the files to the archive folder
End If
Set objF1 = Nothing
Set objFiles = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFS = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume bImportFiles_Click_Exit
End Sub
After a cursory review of your code, I see no reason why it would cause MS Access to lock up, which would typically be caused by code executing a loop which never met a terminating condition (however, a For Each loop is iterating over a fixed set of data and will therefore always terminate).
I would note that the following line is redundant:
Name strFolderPath & objF1.Name As "C:\Import TXT files\" & objF1.Name
Since earlier in the code you define strFolderPath as:
strFolderPath = "C:\Import TXT files\"
Hence, you are renaming the file to itself.
The code is also naïvely testing the last three characters of the filename, which may not necessarily yield an extension if you were to encounter a file without an extension.
The code could be written without using the FSO and without the if statement altogether, as VBA offers the Dir function as standard to iterate over files of a particular type in a directory, e.g.:
Sub test()
Dim strDir As String: strDir = "C:\Import TXT files"
Dim strTxt As String: strTxt = Dir(strDir & "\*.txt")
Do Until strTxt = vbNullString
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "TextImportSpecs", "tblImportedFiles", strDir & "\" & strTxt, False
strTxt = Dir
End Sub

Visual basic script not working on Outlook 2010 rule

I've been trying to find a script that saves attachments to a folder on our network from Outlook. I've finally got something working but it looks like it doesn't work on my 2nd system which happens to be Outlook 2010. I can't say for sure if it's because of this difference.
Code is:
Sub SaveAllAttachments(objItem As MailItem)
Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
Dim strName, strLocation As String
Dim dblCount, dblLoop As Double
strLocation = "C:\test\"
On Error GoTo ExitSub
If objItem.Class = olMail Then
Set objAttachments = objItem.Attachments
dblCount = objAttachments.Count
If dblCount <= 0 Then
GoTo 100
End If
For dblLoop = 1 To dblCount
strID = " from " & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yy") 'Append the Date
'strID = strID & " at " & Format(Time, "hh`mm AMPM") 'Append the Time
' These lines are going to retrieve the name of the
' attachment, attach the strID to it to insure it is
' a unique name, and then insure that the file
' extension is appended to the end of the file name.
strName = objAttachments.Item(dblLoop).Filename 'Get attachment name
strExt = Right$(strName, 4) 'Store file Extension
strName = Left$(strName, Len(strName) - 4) 'Remove file Extension
strName = strName & strID & strExt 'Reattach Extension
' Tell the script where to save it and
' what to call it
strName1 = strLocation & "PDF\" & strName 'Put it all together
strName2 = strLocation & "JPG\" & strName 'Put it all together
' Save the attachment as a file.
objAttachments.Item(dblLoop).SaveAsFile strName1
objAttachments.Item(dblLoop).SaveAsFile strName2
Next dblLoop
End If
Set objAttachments = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub
It doesn't matter what Outlook version you are using at the moment. The code should work correcly.
Possible reasons why it doesn't work:
I'd suggest choosing another location for saving files. The C: drive requires admin privileges on latest OS.
The rule is not triggered.
An error in the script. Try to call the script manually from other VBA sub and see what happens under the hood. Do you get any errors in the code?

Macro enabled word documents give save changes dialogue

I've a VBA script as below.
Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveDocument.Variables("LastOpen").Value = Now()
End Sub
Sub AutoClose()
Dim objFSO, objFolder, objTextFile, objFile
Dim strDirectory, strFile, strText
strDirectory = "d:\work"
strFile = "\work.csv"
' Create the File System Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check that the strDirectory folder exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
Debug.Print "Just created " & strDirectory
End If
If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory & strFile) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile)
Debug.Print "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile
End If
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
' OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value
' ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDirectory & strFile, ForAppending, True)
'Build the string to write
strText = """" & ActiveDocument.FullName & """" & "," & ActiveDocument.Variables("LastOpen").Value & "," & Now()
' Writes strText every time you run this VBScript
objTextFile.WriteLine (strText)
End Sub
here the macro is running fine, but the problem is when i open and close my word document, though there are no changes done, it asks me if i would like to save the changes like below.
please let me know how can i avoid this save dialogue box, if there are no changes made in document.
here if i open a blank document and close it, even then this is getting triggered.
As mentioned in comments, the creation of the variable in AutoOpen is causing this behavior.
Include a Save statement in AutoOpen:
Sub AutoOpen()
ActiveDocument.Variables("LastOpen").Value = Now()
End Sub
to avoid the Save prompt.

Outlook VBA: Adding browse button to input box to get folder path

I was looking for any options on a browse for folder within Outlook VBA. Currently I have, from a previous search:
Dim save_to_folder As String
save_to_folder = InputBox("Search returned " & objRsts.Count & " messages._
Please input folder location")
olkMsg.SaveAs save_to_folder & "\" & strDateName & " " & strFileName & ".msg"
Where strDateName and strFileName are modified subjects and dates of the emails.
My problem is that I would like a browse option along with manually typing to prevent typos. I'm very new to VBA and need to auto-save emails very often, please let me know what my options are.
You could set up your code so you choose between InputBox and BrowseForFolder.
You could set these up separately.
I suggest you could use BrowseForFolder exclusively.
Dim oShell As Object
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim save_to_folder As Object
Set save_to_folder = _
oShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Please Select a Save Folder:", 1)
If save_to_folder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
' Note: BrowseForFolder doesn't add a trailing slash
Sample code here Macro to move selected outlook emails