Intellij Webstorm - Cant get watch mode to trigger rerunning Jest tests - intellij-idea

In Intellij Ultimate (like webstorm) 2021.2.3 on Mac, I configured my Jest tests with "--watch" in the Jest options, but after running a test then modifying the test code, I don't see a way to trigger Intellij to rerun the test again. I did try cmd-S to "save all"
Is there a configuration change needed to get --watch to work?


How can I make IntelliJ default to a Jest configuration?

I have Create React App applications that I test with Jest. I've been using VSCode, but am now switching to IntelliJ. I'm wanting to duplicate the test run/debug behavior that I get in VSCode.
In VSCode, whenever I run or debug, in VSCode, a prompt comes up in the terminal asking which file, test, etc, that I would like to run. See first photo below. As of right now, I can run the tests in IntelliJ, but it doesn't ask me which tests I want to run.
Also, in IntelliJ, if I run a test file by itself, or a single test by itself, it seems to make a new configuration automatically, which I don't like.
I'd like to have just a single configuration for Jest and have any/all tests default to that configuration if possible.
Behavior in VSCode, that I'd like in inteliiJ

What configuration do I need to run TestCafe in WebStorm

I would like to run/debug TestCafe tests using WebStorm. Does anyone have
a suggested configuration I need to do this?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for TestCafe (if you miss it, please vote for WEB-30315); but you can use VS Code instructions to run/debug in WebStorm. Namely, you need Node.js Run configuration like the following:
where JavaScript file: is set to a path to your locally installed testcafe module, e.g. node_modules\testcafe\bin\testcafe.js, and Application parameters: are testcafe cli args, like chrome myTestFile.js

Eclipse by default run eclipse plugin headless

I have a eclipse plugin project which runs by opening eclipse UI. I have added an extension
to run that plugin headless for some testing purpose. Now if I run that plugin project from context menu run option. It always run project in headless mode until i do not choose UI launch configuration by opening run configuration window.
Any idea how we can set default launch configuration to run it via opening UI? so i do not need to select launch configuration every time through run configuration window. Same problem is there in case of debug.

TestNG tests don't start in IntelliJ 13.1.4

I am unable to run or debug any TestNG tests in IntelliJ 13.1.4 on my Mac. When I try to run the test in debug mode, the IDE is hung starting the test - it never completes.
However, I can work with the same test using an older version of IntelliJ (12.1.7).
So far I've tried changing the JDK, replacing the testng jar in ../IntelliJ13/plugins/testng/lib, reimporting all maven dependencies, rebuilding IntelliJ indices.
Any ideas about how to fix my IntelliJ 13.1.4 environment?
I had similar issue - it turns out that I need to config my JVM options and connection used.
Sadly no, they are internal resources. But the algorithm should be the same (for your case):
goto Run/Debug Configuration
select TestNG
add your Name for the new configuration
select path to your test suite in Suite
in JDK settings tab, find VM options input your connection configs
run/debug for the Run/Debug Configuration - menu arrows
this worked for me.

Debugging Tests - Getting Testem/Qunit from closing test browser window

Ok, I'm using Ember-App-Kit which uses Testem/Qunit, but I can't figure out how to debug tests, especially since either Testem or Qunit close the QUnit tests window so I can't set any breakpoints, and node debug with debugger doesn't work since it's in browser.
I tried to set the debug: true property in grunt-contrib-testem but that didn't do anything..
So if anyone can help, that would be awesome. I'm using the default EAK setup without any changes.
You'll need to do a few things:
Keep the grunt server task running in one window -- this will rebuild your test assets and compile them into the build/test directory.
Run Testem in standalone mode -- you'll first have to install testem via npm (npm install -g testem) then call testem from your app's root directory. Alternatively, you can run grunt test:server, which will let you run testem without installing globally.
Drop a debugger statement in your test body. In an open Chrome window running the Testem harness, open your Developer Tools console window.
Refresh the Chrome window, and you'll now have breakpoint capabilities in your tests.