Expo App with zoomed Icon after installed - react-native

I made a simple app to convert units using Expo.
However, the icon is zoomed in once installed.
It was supposed to be like this
This is a 1024x1024 image.
The source code of my app is here -> https://github.com/Elson0509/peuc
The app in the Google Play Store is here -> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elsonramos.peuc
Someone can help me?
Thank you

The latest Android versions support adaptive icons which scaled well for different icon layouts - Square, Round, Circle, and more.
Expo Team provide a template to design adaptive icon

New link for the Expo Team template: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1155362909441341285


How to show a 360 degree image in react native, in an expo managed workflow

I'm trying to implement a modal in which I show the user a 360 degree image and he can move the image freely, the problem is the only library I found for this, https://github.com/lightbasenl/react-native-panorama-view, can not be used in an expo managed workflow. I also found this old post How to show 360 images in the react native, but the answer is very old and I can't seem to make it work.

Show a button on screen when the app is in background (React Native)

I'm trying to figure out how the apps like facebook messenger shows a circle of user image on screen when a new message comes, and Uber driver app shows the uber icon on screen when the user minimizes it. Is there anyway that I can show a customized component on phone screen even when the app is not open?
This Stackoverflow thread explains how to replicate in react native by changing the java code as its not supported by react native yet.
this feature is not support directly from react native and also this is not supported in ios therefore only you could implement it with java native code in android. to do that you should write a service in android which handle this element life cycle.
Check this below by lord pooria
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts

React native packager: how to have both platform and retina suffix

As explained here the react native packager works well for images with retina suffix (#2x and #3x) and platform specific suffix (.android.png, .ios.png etc.) when used individually but it fails to serve retina images when both are used at once. I tried mixing them both ways both image#2x.android.png and image.android#2x.png but only 1x image is loaded on all devices regardless of device's pixel density. I'm importing image like import image from './images/image.png'. I tried searching for this on Google and in the react-native issues but couldn't find any helpful info.
Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong? If it's a bug then is there a workaround? If I'm doing something wrong then what's is it? I do not want the ios specific images to be bundled in android and vice-versa.

How To add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to react native camera?

I used react-native-camera on my iOS app and now trying to add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to it. So far I was unable to come up with a solution. Any idea how to do this?
I tried to find an option in different react native camera packages. Also posted in their git repos for help. Finally tried this post: https://medium.com/react-native-development/react-native-camera-app-with-live-preview-saturation-and-brightness-filters-d34535cc6d14 Where they take a photo from the camera every 5 milliseconds and adjust its brightness which seems to be very unstable and it makes the app crash.
It is not possible to use the focus and zoom functionalities with react-native-camera.
Unluckily the focus api has many bugs and the zoom functionalities will not render fast enough with javascript.
Maybe a solution is not using react-native-camera and instead just writing an intent to open the default camera application
The following app uses this solution, all the camera functionalities work perfectly.
Could they re-open the issue as it seems to not be solved?
Developers may need to review all the open issues to estimate the project deadlines.

React native Expo: Change application configuration

I'm wondering how to change an expo app's configurations. Examples of what I mean by configurations:
Make the app only available for tablets, require location/wi-fi connection/bluetooth connection, specify multiple icon sizes, etc ...
I'm asking this because I generated an ipa, tried to build it with Application Loader but I got this error:
Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app for
iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for
iOS versions >= 7.0
Does this have anything to do with exp.json ?
Set application icon in this pixel
Most likely your watchKit app icons are not of the correct size. You need follow the instructions in above image
Resizing the Icon to have square values (width = height) did the trick. The icon has to be a square.
See https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/278#issuecomment-309078847