Fixing vulnerabilities reported by npm audit - npm

I'm trying to fix 3 vulnerabilities identified by npm audit, but it seems like these cant be resolved automatically with npm audit fix.
❯ npm audit fix
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#5.0.0 node_modules/npm/node_modules/cli-table3/node_modules/ansi-regex
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#5.0.0 is a bundled dependency of
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#5.0.0 npm#8.5.0 at node_modules/npm
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#5.0.0 It cannot be fixed automatically.
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#5.0.0 Check for updates to the npm package.
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#3.0.0 node_modules/npm/node_modules/string-width/node_modules/ansi-regex
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#3.0.0 is a bundled dependency of
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#3.0.0 npm#8.5.0 at node_modules/npm
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#3.0.0 It cannot be fixed automatically.
npm WARN audit fix ansi-regex#3.0.0 Check for updates to the npm package.
npm WARN audit fix strip-ansi#4.0.0 node_modules/npm/node_modules/string-width/node_modules/strip-ansi
npm WARN audit fix strip-ansi#4.0.0 is a bundled dependency of
npm WARN audit fix strip-ansi#4.0.0 npm#8.5.0 at node_modules/npm
npm WARN audit fix strip-ansi#4.0.0 It cannot be fixed automatically.
npm WARN audit fix strip-ansi#4.0.0 Check for updates to the npm package.
npm WARN audit fix string-width#2.1.1 node_modules/npm/node_modules/string-width
npm WARN audit fix string-width#2.1.1 is a bundled dependency of
npm WARN audit fix string-width#2.1.1 npm#8.5.0 at node_modules/npm
npm WARN audit fix string-width#2.1.1 It cannot be fixed automatically.
npm WARN audit fix string-width#2.1.1 Check for updates to the npm package.
up to date, audited 1898 packages in 3s
185 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
# npm audit report
ansi-regex >2.1.1 <5.0.1
Severity: moderate
Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in chalk/ansi-regex -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
strip-ansi 4.0.0 - 5.2.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of ansi-regex
string-width 2.1.0 - 4.1.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of strip-ansi
3 moderate severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues, run:
npm audit fix
I'm not sure if this is related to this existing bug or not, as the WARN messages specifically state that it cannot be fixed automatically.
How can I fix these?
I've tried the going through the answers in this similar SO post, but that doesnt resolve any of them. I've tried installing the latest ansi-regex, but hat doesnt make any difference.
Is there any way for me to identify which dependency I have explicitly introduced (i.e. is in my dependencies or devDependencies in package.json) that has implicitly pull in this vulnerable dependency? None of the packages mentioned in the message exist in my package.json.
ansi-regex is mentioned 49 times in my package-lock.json - do I need to sift through all these and tweak versions manually (sounds dangerous).
Sorry for such a generic (yet very specific) question. Any help would be appreciated!

I had this issue as well and found this answer very helpful.
Please read the comments though because it can cause issues if you don't have thorough enough test coverage. Also, I am using shrinkwrap in place of package-lock, so I deleted my shrinkwrap file, not package-lock.
I had deleted my lock file, but the key for me was deleting the node_modules directory.
Best of luck!


Vue JS installation WARN deprecated

I have number of warnings while I am trying to do install Vue JS.How can I solve this issue?
npm i -g #vue/cli
npm WARN deprecated source-map-url#0.4.1: See
npm WARN deprecated urix#0.1.0: Please see
npm WARN deprecated source-map-resolve#0.5.3: See
npm WARN deprecated resolve-url#0.2.1:
npm WARN deprecated subscriptions-transport-ws#0.11.0: The subscriptions-transport-ws package is no longer maintained. We recommend you use graphql-ws instead. For help migrating Apollo software to graphql-ws, see For general help using graphql-ws, see
changed 852 packages, and audited 853 packages in 16m
4 vulnerabilities (2 moderate, 2 high)
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run npm audit for details.
Moreover, I already tried with npm audit fix --force.Please help me to solve this issue if anyone got the idea.
Thanks in advance

npm deprecated package problem, npm audit fix --force can not run

$ npm --version
$ npm i uncss -g
npm WARN deprecated request-promise-native#1.0.9: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see
npm WARN deprecated har-validator#5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
npm WARN deprecated uuid#3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
npm WARN deprecated request#2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
changed 115 packages, and audited 116 packages in 2s
4 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
1 moderate severity vulnerability
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
I got the above warnings. But I can not fix it as shown below. How to fix it?
$ npm audit fix --force
npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.
npm ERR! code ENOLOCK
npm ERR! audit This command requires an existing lockfile.
npm ERR! audit Try creating one first with: npm i --package-lock-only
npm ERR! audit Original error: loadVirtual requires existing shrinkwrap file
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/myuser/.npm/_logs/2022-07-23T03_14_54_574Z-debug.log

problems with package install with npm

Goodnight all.
When I try to install a package I get the error you can see below and nothing installs.
up to date, audited 488 packages in 4s
13 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
8 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high)
To address all issues, run:
npm audit fix
Run `npm audit` for details.
So I did npm audit fix but here is what it gets me.
PS C:\Users\Elève\OneDrive - Conseil régional Grand Est - Numérique Educatif\Bureau\wolfyz-bot> npm audit fix
npm WARN audit fix json-schema#0.2.3 node_modules/npm/node_modules/json-schema
npm WARN audit fix json-schema#0.2.3 is a bundled dependency of
npm WARN audit fix json-schema#0.2.3 npm#7.24.2 at node_modules/npm
npm WARN audit fix json-schema#0.2.3 It cannot be fixed automatically.
(I do not put all the Warn because it would be too long. Just below the warm, here is what I have)
Depends on vulnerable versions of strip-ansi
glob-parent <5.1.2
Severity: high
Regular expression denial of service -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
chokidar 1.0.0-rc1 - 2.1.8
Depends on vulnerable versions of glob-parent
live-server >=1.2.0
Depends on vulnerable versions of chokidar
json-schema <0.4.0
Severity: moderate
json-schema is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution -
fix available via `npm audit fix`
jsprim 0.3.0 - 1.4.1 || 2.0.0 - 2.0.1
Depends on vulnerable versions of json-schema
8 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 3 high)
To address all issues, run:
npm audit fix
In summary, when I do npm audit fix, it advises me to do npm audit fix which I did...
Can you help me please?
As the output states, it cannot automatically fix it:
npm WARN audit fix json-schema#0.2.3 It cannot be fixed automatically.
You can either ignore it, or manually update json-schema and look for compatibility issues.

How do I read npm "conflicting peer dependency" error messages?

I'm in the process of trying to upgrade some npm dependencies of a project I own, and I'm getting a "conflicting peer dependency" error.
I see a lot of questions on this site asking for help fixing such errors. However, I've struggled to find information on what these errors actually mean. I feel like if I understood that, I'd have a chance of figuring out how to solve the problem on my own.
Here's the error message I'm trying to interpret:
npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Found: #angular-devkit/build-angular#0.1102.5
npm ERR! node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular
npm ERR! dev #angular-devkit/build-angular#"~0.1102.9" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! dev #angular-devkit/build-angular#"~0.1102.9" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Conflicting peer dependency: #angular/localize#11.2.10
npm ERR! node_modules/#angular/localize
npm ERR! peerOptional #angular/localize#"^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next" from #angular-devkit/build-angular#0.1102.9
npm ERR! node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular
npm ERR! dev #angular-devkit/build-angular#"~0.1102.9" from the root project
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
This can be reproduced by running npm install in the root of this Github branch (I'm using npm 7.10.0.)
My general understanding of a "conflicting peer dependency" error is that some package I depend upon is expressing a peer dependency on a package version spec which does not match the version of that package that I actually have installed.
For example, if my project has direct dependencies on packages A and B, and I have version 12.0.0 of A installed but my version of B has a peer dependency on ^11.0.0 of package A, then I will get a conflicting peer dependency error, because I'm using B with a version of A that it is potentially incompatible with.
Therefore, my best guess as to what this error message could mean is that some package I depend upon has a peer dependency on #angular/localize version spec ^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next, but this spec does not match the version of #angular/localize I have installed.
When I look at my package-lock.json, I do see that the node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular entry has an entry "#angular/localize": "^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next" in its peerDependencies.
However, this is the only mention of #angular/localize anywhere in this file -- or indeed in package.json. I haven't explicitly requested for it to be installed. Furthermore, it is marked as "optional": true in the peerDependenciesMeta of node_modules/#angular-devkit/build-angular. So it's surprising to see an error message related to it.
The error mentions that the specific conflicting peer dependency is #angular/localize#11.2.10. I don't see where that version number is coming from. But regardless, it actually seems to match the dependency specification underneath: if I go to and type in #angular/localize as the package and ^11.0.0 || ^11.2.0-next as the version range, I see version 11.2.10 of the package highlighted in green, indicating that it matches the range.
So I'd really appreciate some help understanding in detail what this error message is telling me. I don't know why npm is trying to install 11.2.10 of #angular/localize, or why it thinks this conflicts with the peer dependency specification of #angular-devkit/build-angular. It feels like I might be misunderstanding this message completely.
I'm guessing this boils down to some kind of incompatibility between the latest published versions of some of the Angular packages. If anyone has any pointers on how this particular error should be fixed, that would be great -- but I'm much more interested in simply understanding what the error message is telling me, so I can work it out for myself.
Check out Yarn.
I was able to circumvent the issue in NPM by using Yarn instead of NPM. Yarn is basically a wrapper utility around NPM that adds extra features, which are super useful. It's especially helpful for managing NPM dependencies better.
For instance, it can check if a package is already installed on your machine for another project, directly or as a sub dependency, and can reuse that installed version rather than re-installing a copy of the same package; saves space and makes for faster installations, especially with some of the most common dependencies.
So, due to the optimized way Yarn handles dependencies, I think it helps avoid this issue faced by the OP.
First, delete the node_modules folder in your project.
Yarn will complain about any package-lock.json files, so delete that too (or back it up, then delete it). Do not delete package.json, yarn will need that.
Simply install yarn: npm i yarn (you could do this globally, too).
Then run yarn install in your project directory.
Reading through this GitHub issue, it appears my interpretation of the error message was correct, and that this is in fact a bug in npm.
This appears to have been reported as npm/cli/issues/3083; a fix has been merged, so I guess we just have to wait until it gets included in some upcoming npm release.

failed installation of linter-eslint in atom

I keep receiving this error in atom when I try to install the linter-eslint package;
npm WARN deprecated core-js#2.6.12: core-js#<3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js#3.
npm WARN deprecated sb-memoize#1.0.2: No longer maintained - Use lodash probably
npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...7.0.0-alpha.16","babe'
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Kanji\.atom\.apm\_logs\2021-01-03T19_21_12_164Z-debug.log